View Full Version : 2023 Gardening Thread
08-09-2023, 12:48 AM
OK, tried something different: OK, it's hard to tell what this is, so, it's honey zucchini bread cooked and sealed in Mason jars. They are supposed to last a long time - years. We'll see. There were 3, however, someone had to test it! Very yummy!!
I've heard of this before but never tried it. I remember as a kid my mom would bake pumpkin bread or banana bread in coffee cans.
08-09-2023, 06:00 AM
OK, tried something different: OK, it's hard to tell what this is, so, it's honey zucchini bread cooked and sealed in Mason jars. They are supposed to last a long time - years. We'll see. There were 3, however, someone had to test it! Very yummy!!
? You store this at room temp? Are the lids supposed to seal as the jars cool?
08-09-2023, 07:00 AM
OK, tried something different: OK, it's hard to tell what this is, so, it's honey zucchini bread cooked and sealed in Mason jars. They are supposed to last a long time - years. We'll see. There were 3, however, someone had to test it! Very yummy!!
Need more explanation on this! Mrs S is a zucchini bread cooking fool!
08-09-2023, 07:47 AM
OK, tried something different: OK, it's hard to tell what this is, so, it's honey zucchini bread cooked and sealed in Mason jars. They are supposed to last a long time - years. We'll see. There were 3, however, someone had to test it! Very yummy!!
How did you seal the jars? Looks like a lot of moisture in there...
08-09-2023, 10:48 AM
? You store this at room temp? Are the lids supposed to seal as the jars cool?
I did store at room temp. You put the lids on as soon as it comes out of the oven and yes, they sealed.
I'll post the 2 recipes...
Thank you
08-09-2023, 10:57 AM
Need more explanation on this! Mrs S is a zucchini bread cooking fool!
Attached are the 2 recipes - the "basic" one for canning, and the zucchini one.
08-09-2023, 10:58 AM
How did you seal the jars? Looks like a lot of moisture in there...
Yes, agreed. Following the directions (already posted) it indicated to top them as soon as they came out of the oven, which I did...
We'll see. I'll keep an eye on them. The bread came out Very tasty!!
08-09-2023, 01:04 PM
Yes, agreed. Following the directions (already posted) it indicated to top them as soon as they came out of the oven, which I did...
We'll see. I'll keep an eye on them. The bread came out Very tasty!!
There is an old school method of "Oven Canning"; likely your breads were on that gist...
If they were hot enough, to emulate that process, they should be okay. Especially if the jars happened to be in the oven with the bread...or at least as hot as you could get them, if not.
Edit: Ok, I just read the .pdf. You're good. :thumb:
And: Thanks for the .pdfs !! I might give this a try :)
08-10-2023, 07:27 PM
Lots of fresh yummies! Just about time to pick the Greensleeve apples and do some dehydrating! Maybe an apple crumb pie? Not good for the waistline, but amazing for the taste buds! The cherry tomatoes are more like plums! 2 kids of cucumbers, straight neck squash, broccoli, 2 kinds of beans, asparagus, onions, basil. Dinner tomorrow? Homemade pizza! Yum!
Mad Trapper
08-13-2023, 11:23 AM
Vegetable garden is still trying to recover from so much rain, june-july. Have lots of cabbage and broccoli transplants in 4" pots I'm going to put in today for fall harvest.
My asparagus from seed is ready to put in the ground. Fronds are still fragile but great root system.
Got a new blueberry patch finished. I started prep on this two years ago. Broke up sod with 2-bottom plow, added sulfur tilled. Next year I added/covered the whole bed with rotted pine needle mulch, added more sulfur, tilled it in. Soil pH was getting close.
I added sulfur again this spring and tilled. This week I finally planted. Each hole got 2-gal of wet peat and water. Plants put in, watered again, then top dressed whole patch with sulfur raked in, and mulched heavy with 3 year old rotted hardwood chips. Then I put the fence up; deer are a problem. 4 varieties put in, patriot, bonus, jersey, elliot, early-late bearing.
08-14-2023, 08:36 PM
The constant bounty is such a blessing! Also a zucchini which hid from the picture! Not sure what type of cabbage that is, so I'll have to look up what I planted!! Napa? Bruschetta this Friday for dinner!!
Edit: OK, found the seeds to the cabbage: Charleston Wakefield. Wasn't even aware when I bought it!! :)
08-15-2023, 07:22 AM
The Romas are starting to ripen, cukes are out of control and peppers only so so. Raining hard today, so the clay won't need water or be walkable until the weekend
08-15-2023, 08:09 PM
Another great haul! Probably enough cucumbers to make a batch of Bread n Butter pickles! Tons of Cherry tomatoes! More of both kinds of beans, asparagus, artichokes (with more a couple days away), onions (which just didn't do well this year), and as always, carrots (I just take what I need for the week as there are dozens!)
08-18-2023, 12:13 AM
The gift that keeps on giving! :) The Black beauty eggplants are starting to fill out. Haven't even started on the Roma tomatoes yet! A ways to go...
08-24-2023, 08:27 PM
Wow! These cherry tomatoes are as large as plums!! I have 2 other containers filled! So, homemade tomato sauce and pasta for dinner tomorrow!! Oh, and I guess I missed that small 2' zucchini! :)
The birds are sure enjoying themselves on my giant sunflowers! They're not technically ready yet, however :)
Starting the process of making Bread 'n Butter pickles! Cucumbers and onions sliced, salted, and draining. Tomorrow, boil the marinade and can them! :) First batch of the season!
Mad Trapper
08-25-2023, 07:35 AM
I missed putting out dried blood after a few rains, dam deer had at the tomatos and winter squash. DFW might give us a few extra weeks of bow season. I need to defrost clean out the freezer.
Put out transplants of broccoli 23, and cabbages 12 they got fenced
08-25-2023, 09:24 AM
I no longer have a garden so to speak. Its now officially called " The Jungle"! I simply cannot keep the weeds under control. Once the canning starts its just impossible for me to keep it up. I actually mowed the paths this week. Still getting lots of stuff. Canned another 10 quarts of green beans yesterday. Along with cutting up several pounds of cherry tomatoes and put them in the dehydrator. Chopped up 11lbs of onions that went in the dehydrator this morning. Its outside under a canopy to help with the smell. Wife doesn't like when I run the dehydrator in the garage. It tends to give her Jeep a new smell that lasts for days. Bagged up the homemade onion rings yesterday. Ended up with 9 gallon size freezer bags. Might try to make another batch this weekend!
08-25-2023, 08:15 PM
And after all the prep and overnight drying, the cucumbers are now canned and becoming pickles!
08-27-2023, 08:29 PM
My garden is coming to an end. I’ve finished canning everything I wanted except carrots and they will get done in a day or two. I still have plenty of tomato’s and sweet peppers growing and I will give the rest away. I’m cleaning out the raised beds and will do some maintenance so the beds will be ready come next spring time. I may try my hand at making apple butter this year. Never did that before.
08-28-2023, 08:26 PM
First 2 Black Beauty eggplants are in! Now to prep, marinate and can them! :) SO many cherry tomatoes! The Roma's are just starting to turn - lots more work there to dry and can. Been eating some Bell peppers, and starting to get Cayenne's!! :)
08-30-2023, 09:01 PM
Those 2 huge Black Beauty eggplants made only 1 qt. and 1 pt. of marinated eggplant slices :( More to come though in the garden!
08-30-2023, 09:17 PM
I am buried in cherry tomatoes LOL. I had no idea three bushes would produce so much. I'm getting a big cauldron of them every 3-4 days.
I already made a buttload of hobo stew. Then I made a giant kettle of tomato soup. Freezer is stuffed.
I hate appearing too friendly, but I may have to start giving some away to the neighbors.
08-30-2023, 09:53 PM
I am buried in cherry tomatoes LOL. I had no idea three bushes would produce so much. I'm getting a big cauldron of them every 3-4 days.
I already made a buttload of hobo stew. Then I made a giant kettle of tomato soup. Freezer is stuffed.
I hate appearing too friendly, but I may have to start giving some away to the neighbors.
If you have a dehydrator they do great. We usually ut them in quarters. After there dried we put them in a jar and vacuum seal them. Lots of used but there great to use on salads in the winter. They last at least 3 years in the jar once vacuum sealed.
08-31-2023, 08:08 AM
So this is what 8lbs of garlic looks like once smoked and dehydrated. I will grind it in a few days when I get the chance. 24677
08-31-2023, 08:20 AM
I picked a 1/4 bushel of cherry and pear tomatoes a few peppers and cukes. She sold off most of the garden and I still was burned out on picking the veggies
09-05-2023, 08:29 PM
Can you guess what's for dinner tomorrow? No? Stuffed peppers! Yum!
09-09-2023, 05:14 PM
A few new items from the harvest! Corn! Yum!! Roma tomatoes! That means drying and canning! And Giant sunflowers seeds! I've been letting the birds eat them in the garden (these things are like trees!). Also been giving the heads to the chickens ;)
No blanching and freezing these first corn! Dinner tomorrow? :)
09-09-2023, 05:36 PM
I want to start a garden so bad. The only place I have living in town is the backyard and it faces the north. Not sure if I'd get enough sunlight to grow stuff.
Why the hell did I let the wife talk me into buying in town instead of the country?
I regret it every single day, folks that just got to see what you're doing every minute.
Prepared One
09-09-2023, 08:00 PM
I want to start a garden so bad. The only place I have living in town is the backyard and it faces the north. Not sure if I'd get enough sunlight to grow stuff.
Why the hell did I let the wife talk me into buying in town instead of the country?
I regret it every single day, folks that just got to see what you're doing every minute.
Hindsight, is always 20/20.
09-09-2023, 08:06 PM
Hindsight, is always 20/20.
You speak gospel my friend, seems as hard as I try, always a day late and a dollar short. Do overs are such a pain in the butt.
The end thing to learn from this, never listen to a woman, OK MG, flame me:)
Prepared One
09-10-2023, 10:19 AM
I am buried in cherry tomatoes LOL. I had no idea three bushes would produce so much. I'm getting a big cauldron of them every 3-4 days.
I already made a buttload of hobo stew. Then I made a giant kettle of tomato soup. Freezer is stuffed.
I hate appearing too friendly, but I may have to start giving some away to the neighbors.
Then throw them at your neighbors instead. :bigthumbup:
Mad Trapper
09-10-2023, 11:16 AM
Then throw them at your neighbors instead. :bigthumbup:
As kids, instead of staring mindlessly staring into tablets/phones, we'd have fun tossing rotten produce at cars.
Almost got caught a few times. I could run like a deer then.........
09-10-2023, 12:59 PM
Another batch of Bread 'n Butter pickles canned! Now to start on drying the tomatoes! Yum!!
09-10-2023, 08:01 PM
How do you water your garden? Here in OK watering is a must, 100+ degree temps and no rain for weeks or months. I've been using soaker hoses but they continually burst and need repaired. I have tried using a timer but if the hose bursts the whole garden doesn't get watered and I still have to go check to see if all is well. Checking the watering is not a big deal during harvest time, got to check daily anyway but the pre harvest time it's a pain in the butt. Could be I'm a lazy old man. Might be no problem next season, I'll be retired and may not have much anything else to do. Repairing broken hoses when it's 100+ will still suck though.
09-10-2023, 08:10 PM
Watering for me: I have a full sprinkler system (drip lines) set up for my 12 beds and the 4 corn rows. All on a Sprinkler controller. Took me some time to get them all 24" down in the ground and run the water from the main house line. I rented a trencher and got it all done. A lot of work!! No issues in 6 years with winters - it doesn't get that cold in western WA.
Last of the giant sunflower heads. I've let the wild birds eat most of them, and gave a few to the chickens. This last one (Which is 17" across!!) I am drying, then roasting for myself.
09-10-2023, 09:13 PM
I've been looking at drippers. Orbit is the brand I've been looking at. I bought 50' of their perforated 1/4" drip line but am wondering if well water will clog it. I'm thinking about using drippers for plants like tomatoes, peppers and squash but would prefer some sort of drip line for beans, peas, and climbing stuff.
The 1/4" perforated stuff I got sends out streams and I think it would need to be buried or covered with mulch.
I've been looking at drippers. Orbit is the brand I've been looking at. I bought 50' of their perforated 1/4" drip line but am wondering if well water will clog it. I'm thinking about using drippers for plants like tomatoes, peppers and squash but would prefer some sort of drip line for beans, peas, and climbing stuff.
The 1/4" perforated stuff I got sends out streams and I think it would need to be buried or covered with mulch.
When I did our irrigation for the trees and gardens, I ran 3/4" PVC, buried about 2 feet deep. Then for each tree (or garden bed), I ran flexible 5/8 tubing and just punched in the "emitters" with 1/4" lines.
Except for the PVC pipe and fittings, I bought everything from these guys:
So far it has all worked pretty well. It seems every spring I do have to replace 1 or 2 small sections of PVC where it comes out of the ground and gets brittle from the sunlight. But that is a quick fix. Also, we probably have to replace 10-15 of the emitters through the course of the year because I drive over them with the tractor or a dog chews on them or whatever. Again that is less than 5 minutes to fix and I just keep a supply of the emitters and 1/4" hose on hand. (I spend far more time bitching about it than it actually takes to fix it.)
09-11-2023, 12:34 AM
I do have to replace the dripper hoes now and then (every other year?) since they do get clogged. I also ran 3/4" PVC Sch 40 all throughout the property. I ran the pipes straight up through the bed so they are not exposed to the sun. In each bed is a small 3/4" to threaded adapter I hook the lines to.
Example: 24856
Inside the bed:
09-11-2023, 08:05 AM
Depending on the rain, we water the vegetable garden at least every other day using either a sprinkler (old fashioned hose connected with no timer) or Mrs Slippy waters using a hand-held shower style hose connected sprinkler.
If we are out of town, Son1 or Daughter in Law help out with the watering and harvesting.
Adding compost, wood chips or mulch to our raised beds helps keep in moisture. Our yields have been fairly steady over the past 10 years or so.
Other than some peppers, our vegetable garden is pretty much done for the season.
How do you water your garden? Here in OK watering is a must, 100+ degree temps and no rain for weeks or months. I've been using soaker hoses but they continually burst and need repaired. I have tried using a timer but if the hose bursts the whole garden doesn't get watered and I still have to go check to see if all is well. Checking the watering is not a big deal during harvest time, got to check daily anyway but the pre harvest time it's a pain in the butt. Could be I'm a lazy old man. Might be no problem next season, I'll be retired and may not have much anything else to do. Repairing broken hoses when it's 100+ will still suck though.
09-11-2023, 08:14 AM
We watered the hell outta my 6 blackberry bushes planted in the spring - but they just couldn't take 3 months straight of no rain, full sun 100F+, cooling only to 95F overnights, and they may or may not live. Might replace them, or, might not. I'm so over this and re-thinking everything. At least the temps are cooling now.
Prepared One
09-11-2023, 09:57 AM
As kids, instead of staring mindlessly staring into tablets/phones, we'd have fun tossing rotten produce at cars.
Almost got caught a few times. I could run like a deer then.........
In Chicago we threw ice balls and snow balls. Some would stop and come out after us. Like you, I could run like the wind back then.
Prepared One
09-11-2023, 10:20 AM
We watered the hell outta my 6 blackberry bushes planted in the spring - but they just couldn't take 3 months straight of no rain, full sun 100F+, cooling only to 95F overnights, and they may or may not live. Might replace them, or, might not. I'm so over this and re-thinking everything. At least the temps are cooling now.
We did get some peppers, although they were a bit stunted after the coons dug them up. I may expand the pepper crop next year and rig a hose on a timer. Might look at doing a raised bed for them and maybe try some tomatoes. Other then that I am not much for the gardening thing.
We can cut the blackberry bushes back and see if they come back next year. I can run a hose on a timer over there on that side of the house as well, which should make keeping them up a bit easier.
09-11-2023, 11:45 AM
First time I've ever used cherry tomatoes for the "undried" tomato canning. The small jar on the right are the Roma's as there aren't many yet. They're coming though!
09-11-2023, 07:12 PM
09-11-2023, 09:00 PM
Thanks for the site Inor! Lots of useful stuff there.
Good tips Michael_Js.
I've got a 3/4" PVC line run from a water faucet to the garden. It's not buried deep but it drains when the hose is disconnected and I don't need it in the winter. In the garden it has 5 taps that with hoses I can run to wherever I need.
09-13-2023, 01:42 PM
The basil is really starting to come in now! Time for some drying...
09-13-2023, 09:55 PM
The basil is really starting to come in now! Time for some drying...
Basil is the bomb! Sprinkle dried basil on fried eggs oh man :chef:
09-13-2023, 10:10 PM
'Maters and basil.
09-13-2023, 10:16 PM
We did get some peppers, although they were a bit stunted after the coons dug them up. I may expand the pepper crop next year and rig a hose on a timer. Might look at doing a raised bed for them and maybe try some tomatoes. Other then that I am not much for the gardening thing.
We can cut the blackberry bushes back and see if they come back next year. I can run a hose on a timer over there on that side of the house as well, which should make keeping them up a bit easier.
Don't feel bad: I had 8 pepper plants, and got a total of 3 peppers LOL. But the cherry tomatoes, basil, and beans did great.
We had the absolute worst year we have ever had for the garden - EVER. The 'mater plants grew huge (about 4 feet tall) and not a single 'mater - not even a single flower! The hot peppers did well, but we did not need any more hot peppers. We planted a bunch of sweet peppers but they actually grew to be hot peppers. I told ya'll that story. All of our watermelons, muskmelons and cantaloupes got sunburned, so the donkey and chickens did well on those. The strawberries did well in the spring but nothing since about June. So much for "ever bearing"...
On the fruit trees... We did not get a single almond from 2 trees. We have always gotten something from the almonds. We got a single apple and a single pomegranate. Absolutely NOTHING from the pears, apricots or cherries!
Thank God our meat animals did well this year or we would be "Starvin' Marvin"!
09-13-2023, 11:40 PM
I feel your pain, Inor.
My two mature plum trees produced eight plums and my two pear trees gave me one pear and are about to be removed due to fire blight.
09-14-2023, 07:12 AM
I had the same results with two plum trees, one pear tree, and strawberry plants. 4 plums total. 4 pears total. And a few early strawberries and zero later in the season. Very poor germination rates with beets and carrots. Everything else did OK.
09-14-2023, 07:49 AM
I have about 25 Everbearing Strawberry and 5 unknown Strawberry plants to get in the ground before winter. Also I need to fix a bullet hole in the barn roof.
It's been leaking a bit when it rains the last few years......
Probably came from New Years or Hunting season
09-14-2023, 08:04 AM
We had the absolute worst year we have ever had for the garden - EVER. The 'mater plants grew huge (about 4 feet tall) and not a single 'mater - not even a single flower! The hot peppers did well, but we did not need any more hot peppers. We planted a bunch of sweet peppers but they actually grew to be hot peppers. I told ya'll that story. All of our watermelons, muskmelons and cantaloupes got sunburned, so the donkey and chickens did well on those. The strawberries did well in the spring but nothing since about June. So much for "ever bearing"...
On the fruit trees... We did not get a single almond from 2 trees. We have always gotten something from the almonds. We got a single apple and a single pomegranate. Absolutely NOTHING from the pears, apricots or cherries!
Thank God our meat animals did well this year or we would be "Starvin' Marvin"! Lack of bee's possibly?
Lack of bee's possibly?
We had a hard freeze in early May that I think destroyed everything. Everything was budding by then and we had two nights where it got down to the low 20's.
I heard about some kind of garden heater called "Dragon". I do not know anything about it, but I may check into it more over the winter for next year because this year was frustrating as hell.
Prepared One
09-14-2023, 09:59 AM
Don't feel bad: I had 8 pepper plants, and got a total of 3 peppers LOL. But the cherry tomatoes, basil, and beans did great.
I usually do well with the peppers, but I may have started a little late and the coons getting at em didn't help. I may try some cherry tomatoes next year as well, they should do OK here in Texas
Box of frogs
09-14-2023, 12:00 PM
I usually do well with the peppers, but I may have started a little late and the coons getting at em didn't help. I may try some cherry tomatoes next year as well, they should do OK here in Texas
If you’re having coon problems then do this.
Far away from your garden plant a row of malt liquor and a row of fat trashy white bitches.
The coons will go after those rows first and leave your garden alone.
If you’re having coon problems then do this.
Far away from your garden plant a row of malt liquor and a row of fat trashy white bitches.
The coons will go after those rows first and leave your garden alone.
I have also found a couple old pairs of work boots in the garden help as well. Just put some old work boots around the outside of your garden. Coons avoid work boots like the plague!
09-14-2023, 05:30 PM
If you’re having coon problems then do this.
Far away from your garden plant a row of malt liquor and a row of fat trashy white bitches.
The coons will go after those rows first and leave your garden alone.
I have also found a couple old pairs of work boots in the garden help as well. Just put some old work boots around the outside of your garden. Coons avoid work boots like the plague!
Ok funny shit right there it is! ^^^^^^^^^
T-Man 1066
09-14-2023, 06:39 PM
If you’re having coon problems then do this.
Far away from your garden plant a row of malt liquor and a row of fat trashy white bitches.
The coons will go after those rows first and leave your garden alone.
I have also found a couple old pairs of work boots in the garden help as well. Just put some old work boots around the outside of your garden. Coons avoid work boots like the plague!
Three things you CAN'T give a niggr.
A black eye.
A fat lip.
A job!
09-14-2023, 07:22 PM
Prepared One
09-15-2023, 11:04 AM
09-16-2023, 01:41 PM
Here is what happens when you miss a zucchini during harvest time!
Will it taste good or suck?
What say you garden experts?
09-16-2023, 02:18 PM
Go for it!! We've forgotten bigger ones and they're not bad...
Will be working on canning sun-dried Roma's and yes, More Bread /n Butter pickles to be started today!
09-16-2023, 02:19 PM
Too bad out chestnut trees don't have a pollinator :( These will become nutless nuts! ��
09-16-2023, 05:04 PM
Not that great of a corn haul. More on the stalks...we'll see...blanched and frozen...This is only 1 of 2 batches.
Plus some pieces for the chickens.
09-16-2023, 06:08 PM
Here is what happens when you miss a zucchini during harvest time!
Will it taste good or suck?
What say you garden experts?
LOL - when I first saw the pic I thought you were going to shoot it - and looked for the 'after' pic!!
09-16-2023, 06:11 PM
Here is what happens when you miss a zucchini during harvest time!
Will it taste good or suck?
What say you garden experts? Good candidate for zucchini bread.
Mad Trapper
09-16-2023, 06:36 PM
Here is what happens when you miss a zucchini during harvest time!
Will it taste good or suck?
What say you garden experts?
Hollow it out,stuff it, and bake it. I use sausage or burger, tomato/spagettii sauce, onions, garlic, peppers, cheese, spices.........makes a meal out of it.
Skin might be though, scoop the insides out and toss the skin.
Are 45s good for hunting squash?
09-16-2023, 08:21 PM
Here is what happens when you miss a zucchini during harvest time!
Will it taste good or suck?
What say you garden experts?
Here's two I found today while cleaning up the garden.
These two will go into the shredder then to the compost pile.
For ones that are too big I usually cut in half, scrape out the seeds and pithy part. Then I shred and freeze for zucchini bread, or cut into pieces and dehydrate or freeze for use in soups, stews, or casseroles.
You can also make zucchini boats, cut in half, scrape out seeds and pith, fill with cooked meat of your choice, top with cheese and bake. The big ones taste fine if you get rid of the seeds and pith.
There is a tool that is kinda like a peeler but creates spaghetti-like strips to make zusketti to use like pasta.
09-16-2023, 11:22 PM
Touche' good sir, touche'!
Here's two I found today while cleaning up the garden.
These two will go into the shredder then to the compost pile.
For ones that are too big I usually cut in half, scrape out the seeds and pithy part. Then I shred and freeze for zucchini bread, or cut into pieces and dehydrate or freeze for use in soups, stews, or casseroles.
You can also make zucchini boats, cut in half, scrape out seeds and pith, fill with cooked meat of your choice, top with cheese and bake. The big ones taste fine if you get rid of the seeds and pith.
There is a tool that is kinda like a peeler but creates spaghetti-like strips to make zusketti to use like pasta.
09-21-2023, 08:51 PM
Another amazing harvest! Still going strong! Another batch of pickles this weekend! Soon another batch of "sun"-dried tomatoes too! Still waiting on more jalapeņos for my relish!
Mad Trapper
09-21-2023, 09:30 PM
Another amazing harvest! Still going strong! Another batch of pickles this weekend! Soon another batch of "sun"-dried tomatoes too! Still waiting on more jalapeņos for my relish!
We need a gardener of the year award......the above gets my vote
I've still got some stuff coming in. Wet summer screwed a lot, as did deer.
09-21-2023, 10:02 PM
I'm picking apples as I have the time. Picked 4 5 gallon buckets Wednesday evening. Still lots to pick. I started cooking a batch down for apple butter in the crock pot. One day I would really like to make it the old fashion way in a copper kettle. I just don't have the time to spend stirring apple butter for a day. lol
09-21-2023, 11:23 PM
Harvested a big box of cherry tomatoes and green beans today. Oh, and my three measly peppers LOL. This was not their year for some reason. Oh well, they were three really BIG peppers. I have a lot of basil to dry out and grind up yet. Why didn't I plant some garlic? Next year (a bit optimistic for 65 years of age, but what the hell).
Mad Trapper
09-22-2023, 07:55 AM
Harvested a big box of cherry tomatoes and green beans today. Oh, and my three measly peppers LOL. This was not their year for some reason. Oh well, they were three really BIG peppers. I have a lot of basil to dry out and grind up yet. Why didn't I plant some garlic? Next year (a bit optimistic for 65 years of age, but what the hell).
Plant your garlic now. Will poke up first thing next spring.
Mad Trapper
09-22-2023, 08:14 AM
I'm picking apples as I have the time. Picked 4 5 gallon buckets Wednesday evening. Still lots to pick. I started cooking a batch down for apple butter in the crock pot. One day I would really like to make it the old fashion way in a copper kettle. I just don't have the time to spend stirring apple butter for a day. lol
09-22-2023, 09:19 PM
No I never got into making cider. I usually make lots of applesauce.
Mad Trapper
09-23-2023, 09:04 AM
No I never got into making cider. I usually make lots of applesauce.
If you've got lots of apples it's a good way to not let them go to waste. Just need a grinder/press, basic brewing equipment (carboy/airlock), and bottles.
09-23-2023, 02:39 PM
More Bread 'n Butter pickles! Now, need to can more jars of Roma tomatoes and the Black Beauty eggplants! Just need more jars! Wow!!
Gathered all the rest of the apples yesterday and juiced them. We'll see what happens to that! :)
09-24-2023, 10:34 AM
Picked an insane amount of peppers yesterday. Hatch, hot banana and jalapeno. I weighted the jalapeno just to see how much we had 18 lbs. So we made Cowboy candy yesterday. Made 18 with jalapenos and 7 with a mix of banana and hatch. Still have a couple of a grocery bags of hatch left and couple of pounds of jalapenos. I would guess there is another 50lbs of jalapenos in the garden yet and lots of hot banana and hatch. I doubt I can use all of them most will end up smoked and made into spices.
09-28-2023, 12:24 AM
The last of the Black Beauty eggplants - all ready for a long sleep...These take a Long time to process from start to finish! But the end results are worth it! :)
Lots of peppers left and Roma's. The cherry's are getting rained out and all splitting - nothing but rain for the last week and into the weekend. Still have to harvest Delicata, Butternut, and Spaghetti squash. Most the rest is almost done.
09-30-2023, 05:23 PM
And then there is my garden(?)
I managed to get 2, yes two, potatoes from the mess. The full size tomatoes looked like cherry tomatoes, corn looked like one of those miniature ears.
I nominate me for the Black Thumb award.
10-01-2023, 07:17 AM
My gardens are all done now with the exception of 3 sweet pepper plants still going strong. But my harvesting is done so I will be pulling those out. Going to clean up everything and do repairs to the raised beds so that everything is ready to go next spring.
10-09-2023, 05:07 PM
Sad - the last of the tomatoes! The cooler & very wet weather have destroyed all that was left of them...Still have Delicata, Butternut, & Spaghetti squashes. Lots of kale and cucumbers are still hanging in. Some new crops of spinach, cilantro, and arugula are coming up, but not sure how long they'll last...
10-10-2023, 06:49 AM
We started 'winterizing" the gardens this week at Slippy Lodge;
Cleared most of the dead/dying plants and started a new compost pile. Only a couple of Jalapeņo Pepper Plants still producing.
Added a mixture of wood chips/compost/wheat straw/chicken & cow manure to the raised beds (except the one with the Jalapeņos).
Will give the manure a week or so to cool and then plant a cover crop of seed clover and pansies. Clover adds nutrients and pansies look pretty.
Added some worm castings to the compost bins.
10-12-2023, 10:34 PM
10-18-2023, 03:30 PM
The one, and only, walnut from my walnut tree! Maybe 2 next year? :) And I didn't have to go through the mess of breaking the husk. It was open, and the walnut was lying on the ground :)
The tree is only about 4 years old, so, still not matured yet.
10-18-2023, 04:24 PM
The one, and only, walnut from my walnut tree! Maybe 2 next year? :) And I didn't have to go through the mess of breaking the husk. It was open, and the walnut was lying on the ground :)
The tree is only about 4 years old, so, still not matured yet.
"Bet you can't eat just one"
The one, and only, walnut from my walnut tree! Maybe 2 next year? :) And I didn't have to go through the mess of breaking the husk. It was open, and the walnut was lying on the ground :)
The tree is only about 4 years old, so, still not matured yet.
That is one more than I got from my 2 almond trees... (Depressing)
10-18-2023, 07:06 PM
I planted 3 hazelnut trees a few years ago. They bore fruit this year for the first time. But all the nuts were very small. Most smaller than a marble. I’m hoping that as the trees get older the nuts will get bigger.
All my raised beds are stripped and cleaned out now. Repairs are finished. If it ever stops raining I will top up the beds with mushroom compose so I’ll be 100% ready for next spring.
10-18-2023, 07:50 PM
My almond tree - about 5 years old, has produced nothing!!
I have 2 large hazelnut trees in the backyard that I have to fight the squirrels and the stellar jays for the nuts! Pollination must not be the best as there's less than a 50% chance the nuts I collect and roast (in the shell) have an actual nut in them!!
This year I didn't bother and let the birds have them all! For months those damn birds take the nuts and bag the crap out of them on my roof! Drives me crazy!! :)
Oh, there are plenty of bird planted hazelnut trees all over the place!
10-18-2023, 07:55 PM
I have two key lime trees that are just now growing some limes. It’s been 2 years. I also have a texas cherry tree that is starting to produce.
My two pear trees.. one died and it seems the other is trying to make a comeback. Both orange trees are way way too small. It will be years before they bare fruit .. unless another freeze does them in.
The garden itself was a disaster and I plowed it under recently.
My almond tree - about 5 years old, has produced nothing!!
I have 2 large hazelnut trees in the backyard that I have to fight the squirrels and the stellar jays for the nuts! Pollination must not be the best as there's less than a 50% chance the nuts I collect and roast (in the shell) have an actual nut in them!!
This year I didn't bother and let the birds have them all! For months those damn birds take the nuts and bag the crap out of them on my roof! Drives me crazy!! :)
Oh, there are plenty of bird planted hazelnut trees all over the place!
One almond is 4 years old, the other 3. We have gotten a few nuts off both of them every year, until this year. They were always the saving grace of all of our fruit and nut trees. - Not this year...
None of our fruit trees have done squat this year. 1 apple from 14 other trees. But they are all pretty young yet, the oldest are about 4 years old now. We just planted the olives this spring so I doubt I will live long enough to actually see them produce.
Mad Trapper
10-18-2023, 10:56 PM
Not my garden but local farm let me scavenge field "left overs" before they rotted or 1st frost (next week).
I got bushels of tomatoes and a few of peppers. Two hauls with My cart, it was so heavy it was hard to pull, bushels/hundreds of pounds of tomatoes.
Made a deal with a friend that he'd process and boil things down then we'd split the sauce. He has a machine that skins and separates the tomato seeds.
We made 10 gallons of sauce so far, canned 6 today.
Still have a few bushels of tomatoes for spaghetti sauce. Most of the peppers got vacuum sealed and froze but saved some for spaghetti sauce.
Also started the 1st batch of cider. Should be ready for Thanksgiving.
10-19-2023, 07:02 AM
Not my garden but local farm let me scavenge field "left overs" before they rotted or 1st frost (next week).
I got bushels of tomatoes and a few of peppers. Two hauls with My cart, it was so heavy it was hard to pull, bushels/hundreds of pounds of tomatoes.
Made a deal with a friend that he'd process and boil things down then we'd split the sauce. He has a machine that skins and separates the tomato seeds.
We made 10 gallons of sauce so far, canned 6 today.
Still have a few bushels of tomatoes for spaghetti sauce. Most of the peppers got vacuum sealed and froze but saved some for spaghetti sauce.
Also started the 1st batch of cider. Should be ready for Thanksgiving.
In that second pic - what are the green things up by the wagon handle?
10-19-2023, 07:16 AM
Not my garden but local farm let me scavenge field "left overs" before they rotted or 1st frost (next week).
I got bushels of tomatoes and a few of peppers. Two hauls with My cart, it was so heavy it was hard to pull, bushels/hundreds of pounds of tomatoes.
Made a deal with a friend that he'd process and boil things down then we'd split the sauce. He has a machine that skins and separates the tomato seeds.
We made 10 gallons of sauce so far, canned 6 today.
Still have a few bushels of tomatoes for spaghetti sauce. Most of the peppers got vacuum sealed and froze but saved some for spaghetti sauce.
Also started the 1st batch of cider. Should be ready for Thanksgiving.
If I had a neighbor like that, I wouldn’t even bother with my own garden!
Mad Trapper
10-19-2023, 09:31 AM
In that second pic - what are the green things up by the wagon handle?
That is a whole cayenne pepper plant that was loaded with big cayenne, if I'd had a shovel I would have dug it up and potted it inside. Most were still green but plenty hot, hanging that to ripen on the vine and use in upcoming spaghetti sauce.
Deer ate most of my tomato plants this year then started in on the peppers too. I't bow season now.........I fed them they will feed me....
Mad Trapper
10-19-2023, 09:46 AM
If I had a neighbor like that, I wouldn’t even bother with my own garden!
Nice small local organic (not certified they just don't spray shit) farm. They also do eggs/chickens and sell local beef/pork. Indoor/outdoor farm stand/store. I'm happy to buy stuff there.
Nice family runs the place. A few kids growing up right, driving tractors, never saw the kids glued to a cell phone. Kids being kids and helping on the farm........
I asked owner last year about the bounty still left in the fields, she said have at it. I missed a lot last year as waited until 1st frost. I'm going back again as there is other stuff like winter squashes. And I think maybe bushels of eggplant?
Anybody put up eggplant? Can or freeze? Squash I have a root cellar.
10-21-2023, 02:11 PM
Tried something new. Takes longer to make, sit, and can, far, tasted good before canning! Pumpkin Pickles! Quite a few more Sugar Pie pumpkins to try this with!
10-21-2023, 02:41 PM
Tried something new. Takes longer to make, sit, and can, far, tasted good before canning! Pumpkin Pickles! Quite a few more Sugar Pie pumpkins to try this with!
I bet that is some good stuff!
Kinda like Pickled Watermelon Rind that Mrs Slippy makes every summer.
Mad Trapper
10-24-2023, 09:17 AM
First frost this morning. Didn't look frosty on the ground much, but dew was frozen on the PU truck windows.
Most frost sensitive stuff was done, but covered 2 bell and 2 cayenne peppers to pot and bring inside. Will see if the others are toast?
Still have lots of other stuff: chard, broccoli, cabbages, parsley........supposed to be 70 oF later in week
EDIT: Basil was toast, already been picked over. Only some of the pepper showed damage, the ones I covered were fine.
Have any of you guys used "frost blankets" on your fruit trees?
I am trying to come up with a solution to prevent the situation I had last spring where we got a late freeze (after the trees had started flowering) and it killed all the fruit production. I thought about putting a bunch of incandescent lights on them, and I am pretty sure that would work, but then I open a whole can of worms on how to power them.
10-24-2023, 12:19 PM
Have any of you guys used "frost blankets" on your fruit trees?
I am trying to come up with a solution to prevent the situation I had last spring where we got a late freeze (after the trees had started flowering) and it killed all the fruit production. I thought about putting a bunch of incandescent lights on them, and I am pretty sure that would work, but then I open a whole can of worms on how to power them. The berry/apple/peach farmer next door had to build small fires in between the tree rows for 2 years in a row to keep the frost from killing the crop. This past season we had no early frost.
So some small fires some lawn chairs and a cooler full of beer up all nite tending the small fires does the trick. Then just sleep after the sun comes up.
10-24-2023, 07:12 PM
Have any of you guys used "frost blankets" on your fruit trees?
I am trying to come up with a solution to prevent the situation I had last spring where we got a late freeze (after the trees had started flowering) and it killed all the fruit production. I thought about putting a bunch of incandescent lights on them, and I am pretty sure that would work, but then I open a whole can of worms on how to power them.
Never used frost blankets and we only have 1 lemon tree which we move inside in the winter. Damn thing been alive and producing for about 14 or 15 years years or so! We get 6 or 7 lemons every other year...HA!
I believe the citrus or orange growers use something called Smudge Pots.
Mad Trapper
10-24-2023, 08:09 PM
I'm boiling down the rest of last weeks haul of tomatoes, this will be spaghetti sauce with : onions, peppers, hot peppers, wild mushrooms, garlic, basil, oregano.
Made a plenum for the grill burner works 100% better and wind don't screw up the flame. Have a HD stainless griddle that works great to keep the bottom of the pot from scalding the sauce. 1 more bushel to boil down after this. Then add the spices and other stuff.....
Saved 4 nice ones for BLTs, little fruit is a cherry pepper
10-24-2023, 08:24 PM
I finishing up the canning tonight! Another dozen jars of Cowboy Candy. I had a bumper crop of peppers this year. Honestly I'm glad I'm done with it for the year. Made a lot of good stuff. Always wish I could do more but just not enough time to do all of it.
10-28-2023, 03:54 PM
It's beginning to look a lot like...winter! 28 degrees this morning and the couple nights before! Ripped all the peppers & squash out of the garden. It's over...This is just frost, not snow...
Last canning of the season - delicious jalapeņo relish! Last time, I was able to wait until all the peppers were red. Not this time, so it won't be as hot :( Oh well!
10-28-2023, 06:02 PM
It's beginning to look a lot like...winter! 28 degrees this morning and the couple nights before! Ripped all the peppers & squash out of the garden. It's over...This is just frost, not snow...
Last canning of the season - delicious jalapeņo relish! Last time, I was able to wait until all the peppers were red. Not this time, so it won't be as hot :( Oh well!
Mouth-Watering Gootness!
Mad Trapper
11-01-2023, 02:15 PM
Good thing I cleaned up yesterday.
Late crop, I picked the cabbages that were big/ready and any broccoli crowns too. Put two lumber covers over the patch. Two more cold nights, worse so far tonight/tomorrow ~mid 20s. We'll see if anythings is still O.K, Friday. Picked a bunch of thyme for drying. Some parsley is still out buts it's OK with snow, for turkey stuffing..
Potted cayenne and bell pepper plants I'd kept covered, to bring inside for winter. Transplanted asparagus plants to temporary spot in the garden, they developed nice crowns I'll move to permanent spot early next spring.
Going to save more asparagus seeds (the red "berries") from heirloom patch. The other shaggy stuff is mint plants.
11-01-2023, 07:43 PM
Good thing I cleaned up yesterday.
Late crop, I picked the cabbages that were big/ready and any broccoli crowns too. Put two lumber covers over the patch. Two more cold nights, worse so far tonight/tomorrow ~mid 20s. We'll see if anythings is still O.K, Friday. Picked a bunch of thyme for drying. Some parsley is still out buts it's OK with snow, for turkey stuffing..
Potted cayenne and bell pepper plants I'd kept covered, to bring inside for winter. Transplanted asparagus plants to temporary spot in the garden, they developed nice crowns I'll move to permanent spot early next spring.
Going to save more asparagus seeds (the red "berries") from heirloom patch. The other shaggy stuff is mint plants.
Your soil looks nice and rich! That is a blessing! :beerchug:
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