View Full Version : Thought this was cool. Flow Hive honey on tap directly from your beehive.

02-23-2015, 08:37 PM
It’s the beekeepers dream…

Turn the tap and watch as pure, fresh, clean honey flows right out of the hive and into your jar. No mess, no fuss, no expensive processing equipment without disturbing the bees.

We are excited to introduce our new invention that allows you to enjoy fresh honey straight out of your beehive without opening it. It’s far less stress for the bees and much, much easier for the beekeeper.

“This really is a revolution. You can see into the hive, see when the honey is ready and take it away in such a gentle way”.

It will help the bees and it will help beekeepers. They both help our world. Please join us in this beekeeping evolution.


02-24-2015, 05:10 AM
Genius! Thanks for sharing.