View Full Version : Denton and Sasquatch Show #331

04-04-2023, 01:02 AM
This May Be The Nail In The Coffin For The US

Right now, as you read this summary, there are things going on around this world that will change the way we live forever. Things you are not hearing about because the idiot box doesn't want you to hear about them. In the US government keeps getting bigger and you can't have BIG government and BIG Freedom. The two CAN NOT exist together. You know the saying, "anyone willing to give up Liberty for safety doesn't deserve either." We seem to be at that point. Countries are saying goodbye to the dollar and where does that leave the US? Not in a very good place. The RISTRICT Act, have you heard of it? Probably not but it's not what it seems. It is simply more chains of government oppression. A lot to go over in this one and we move pretty fast. You going to keep up or be the lame gazelle the lions take down? It's really up to you.


04-04-2023, 06:46 AM
"Can't stop what's coming. They ain't all waitin' on you. That's vanity."


Prepared One
04-04-2023, 09:56 AM
The MSM would have you believe it's all about this Trump nonsense, it ain't and they know it. They want the sheep to look at the center ring at the circus so you ain't paying attention to the big government overreach, the failing dollar and economy, chaos at the border, rampant crime, and war. The MSM are the circus barkers taking orders from their leftist controllers. Looky here, looky here, the center ring for your entertainment and amusement! Meanwhile, Big Brother is expanding his power and control while the country and the world go to hell in a hand basket.

I fear the time has past for rough and ready men to make hard choices,

04-04-2023, 02:05 PM
The MSM would have you believe it's all about this Trump nonsense, it ain't and they know it. They want the sheep to look at the center ring at the circus so you ain't paying attention to the big government overreach, the failing dollar and economy, chaos at the border, rampant crime, and war. The MSM are the circus barkers taking orders from their leftist controllers. Looky here, looky here, the center ring for your entertainment and amusement! Meanwhile, Big Brother is expanding his power and control while the country and the world go to hell in a hand basket.

I fear the time has past for rough and ready men to make hard choices,

^^^. That ^^^

04-04-2023, 02:50 PM
I think the country is too far gone. And frankly, more and more I’m thinkin that it really isn’t worth saving anymore. Too many people are too soft, too addicted to the narrative, and frankly, too many don’t much give a shit about America’s founding principles. So why should a very few patriots stick their necks out for a bunch of spoiled ungrateful sheep? I’m old. Let me alone to live out my time with my memories and delusions.

04-04-2023, 05:48 PM
50 rounds of 115gr 9mm downrange on chest/torso sized metal target helped me forget about some of this nonsense.

The satisfying BOOM & PING of the bullet on target was the perfect sound to ease my troubled mind...
