View Full Version : Obamanet? Are Obama’s new internet rules the end of the Free and Open Internet?

02-25-2015, 05:51 AM
This week the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is scheduled to vote on the most significant Internet regulations ever. In spite of the wide-reaching effects of these new regulations, the American public has no say in what happens; instead, a bunch of government bureaucrats at the FCC will decide the future of the internet.
What’s in these new Internet Regulations?

We have to pass it before we can know whats in it :banghead:

Well, nobody actually knows; the FCC is refusing to release the 332-page Internet regulation plan to the public, and the Obama administration is refusing to tell the public why they were so instrumental in crafting these new regulations. Apparently they don’t believe we have the right to see what’s in the plan before its passes.

