View Full Version : Drones Now Collecting Your Mobile Data to Create Targeted Ads: “With Drones,

02-25-2015, 08:25 AM
Oh brother!:boggled:

It seems that the NSA, the feds and law enforcement aren’t the only ones monitoring cell phone data and mobile devices.

The Ad companies are in on it, too – and are now using drones to spy, err.. track, err… keep pace with consumers.

“Let’s say someone is walking near a coffee shop,” Kataria said by way of example.

The coffee shop may want to offer in-app ads or discount coupons to people who often walk by but don’t enter, as well as to frequent patrons when they are elsewhere. Adnear’s client would be the coffee shop or other retailers who want to entice passersby.


02-25-2015, 09:08 AM
Big brother isn't just for government I guess. Reminds me of the book 1984