View Full Version : Global CBDC
07-01-2023, 11:11 AM
The BIS - Bank for International Settlements - has just announced their plan for a Global Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
There may be other links to this, they'd be welcome in this thread.
07-01-2023, 02:28 PM
I'm being taking for " Grant" ed still. I was supposed to be where new 'net is, but longnecks are being downed.
Fuk, this is an update from my previous thread with the same guy. It was better then, maybe.
07-01-2023, 08:44 PM
BB - I dont know wtf you're talking about, but this thread aint that.
Ok guys. I'm asking a really big favor from you.
It's unfortunate that the pic in the vid ^^ is about "Social Credit" because that garbage is only about 30 seconds worth towards the end.
PO found/watched the vid and sent it to me and told me to watch it. He doesn't do that, ever. So I watched it.
What the vid is about - is the change that's coming; a change that can not be stopped. It shows how all current privately owned assets (accounts, investments, houses, cars, etc) will be "token-ized" (converted into digital values), and it talks about cash, and bitcoin, gold & silver - and how those three can/could/will function in this circus, and how to bring them in to play, especially when making large purchases. And it suggests things we average folks could be doing now to get ready for the implementation.
You might think: "If the people don't stand against it, it's only a matter of time."
One of the main points in the vid was...who you gonna stand against? With the mask/vax mandates - we could push back against the gov etc. With this, who you gonna push against? Your local bank? They have no say in the matter. The global elites? Good luck with that. It will be in place before any of us know it's there, and it will come because the benefits of it will appeal to most of the US population because of it's speed, ease and convenience of making purchases, etc. Those of us who recognize the inherent dangers - are few, with no way to stop it.
The favor? Please watch it. It's just under 40min.
PO & I spent today discussing things to do, now, before the implementation that is coming. Our thinking at the moment is to set up to function in two systems - the one we have no choice about because our SocSec will come in that system - and pay bills with it like normal, and maybe some shopping but nothing of note. The other thing will be to have a substantial amount of cash on hand. We think for the next 5 years cash will still be acceptable to trade/barter with small vendors (other than licensed retail, which will either be regulated against accepting it, or require ID for cash purchases). There's a good segment on bitcoins & PMs also; but we're not doing that.
I know you all are incredibly busy. If you can find the time that would be really great because if you have other creative ideas we could all benefit from hearing them - because we all are caught in this... along with everything you and we already own that requires legal title/ownership of: including TenOaks, and M.T.Acres, and Slippy's Lodge, and SOCOM's Compound, and... yeah.
All thoughts very much appreciated. Thanks.
07-01-2023, 09:01 PM
None of us peasants really own anything already. We never did.
Example- Your home and land is not yours even when its paid off.
They can put a pipine right thru your backyard by eminent domain.
They can harvest the minerals from right beneath your home and barn by drilling your way from another parcel if you don't have mineral rights.
They can take your land if your behind on 2 years taxes and so on. You never did really own anything its just smoke and mirrors.
No I didn't watch the vid I'm already depressed enough as it is I still can't find a house that Ill never own anyway.
07-01-2023, 09:08 PM
None of us peasants really own anything already. We never did.
Example- Your home and land is not yours even when its paid off.
They can put a pipine right thru your backyard by eminent domain.
They can harvest the minerals from right beneath your home and barn by drilling your way from another parcel if you don't have mineral rights.
They can take your land if your behind on 2 years taxes and so on. You never did really own anything its just smoke and mirrors.
No I didn't watch the vid I'm already depressed enough as it is I still can't find a house that Ill never own anyway.
I understand, and thanks for your honesty.
07-01-2023, 09:12 PM
I understand, and thanks for your honesty.
I'll read y'alls footnotes as you guys dicuss this. In the mean time I'll go look for a bottle of fuckitol pills.
T-Man 1066
07-01-2023, 09:32 PM
BB - I dont know wtf you're talking about, but this thread aint that.
Ok guys. I'm asking a really big favor from you.
It's unfortunate that the pic in the vid ^^ is about "Social Credit" because that garbage is only about 30 seconds worth towards the end.
PO found/watched the vid and sent it to me and told me to watch it. He doesn't do that, ever. So I watched it.
What the vid is about - is the change that's coming; a change that can not be stopped. It shows how all current privately owned assets (accounts, investments, houses, cars, etc) will be "token-ized" (converted into digital values), and it talks about cash, and bitcoin, gold & silver - and how those three can/could/will function in this circus, and how to bring them in to play, especially when making large purchases. And it suggests things we average folks could be doing now to get ready for the implementation.
You might think: "If the people don't stand against it, it's only a matter of time."
One of the main points in the vid was...who you gonna stand against? With the mask/vax mandates - we could push back against the gov etc. With this, who you gonna push against? Your local bank? They have no say in the matter. The global elites? Good luck with that. It will be in place before any of us know it's there, and it will come because the benefits of it will appeal to most of the US population because of it's speed, ease and convenience of making purchases, etc. Those of us who recognize the inherent dangers - are few, with no way to stop it.
The favor? Please watch it. It's just under 40min.
PO & I spent today discussing things to do, now, before the implementation that is coming. Our thinking at the moment is to set up to function in two systems - the one we have no choice about because our SocSec will come in that system - and pay bills with it like normal, and maybe some shopping but nothing of note. The other thing will be to have a substantial amount of cash on hand. We think for the next 5 years cash will still be acceptable to trade/barter with small vendors (other than licensed retail, which will either be regulated against accepting it, or require ID for cash purchases). There's a good segment on bitcoins & PMs also; but we're not doing that.
I know you all are incredibly busy. If you can find the time that would be really great because if you have other creative ideas we could all benefit from hearing them - because we all are caught in this... along with everything you and we already own that requires legal title/ownership of: including TenOaks, and M.T.Acres, and Slippy's Lodge, and SOCOM's Compound, and... yeah.
All thoughts very much appreciated. Thanks.
I will watch it in the morning... right now I am hanging out with Sam Adams... and I want to make sure I view it with a clear mind. :)
Just a few thoughts in no particular order:
1 - The Bank of International Settlement is not on my list to worry about right now. They can want whatever they want, but getting most developed countries to agree to it is another matter. Getting any national politician to give up power over their people to an international body simply isn't going to happen. Pols are too greedy and power mad for that. The best they might be able to do is come up with some way to be able to transfer funds back and forth between currencies quickly. But giving them the power to enforce contracts? Nope, not gonna happen...
2 - As soon as Russia invaded Ukraine and the U.S. and Europe stole all the Russian assets denominated in dollars and Euros (part of the "sanctions"), the world was set on an irreversible course of "de-dollarization" and "de-globalization". It actually started back in 2008-09, but it went into hyperdrive last year. So for all intents and purposes, the World Economic Forum is dead as far as a "global" power. They still have the power to completely fuck up western Europe and the U.S, but as far as the whole world, fuggitaboutit.
3 - There is no doubt the Federal Reserve has BIG plans for a U.S. CBDC and will probably try to roll something out (beyond the current "testing phase") in the near future. But the if/when and how that occurs is largely up in the air right now. A lot of it is going to depend on what happens with the U.S. economy over the next 6-12 months and what comes out of the big BRICS meeting next month.
I am taking the attitude that there are way too many unknowns right now to try and understand it all or make plans. Let's revisit this conversation in about 60-90 days. By then, we should have a much better idea of where this is all going.
07-02-2023, 07:10 AM
Just a few thoughts in no particular order:
1 - The Bank of International Settlement is not on my list to worry about right now. They can want whatever they want, but getting most developed countries to agree to it is another matter. Getting any national politician to give up power over their people to an international body simply isn't going to happen. Pols are too greedy and power mad for that. The best they might be able to do is come up with some way to be able to transfer funds back and forth between currencies quickly. But giving them the power to enforce contracts? Nope, not gonna happen...
2 - As soon as Russia invaded Ukraine and the U.S. and Europe stole all the Russian assets denominated in dollars and Euros (part of the "sanctions"), the world was set on an irreversible course of "de-dollarization" and "de-globalization". It actually started back in 2008-09, but it went into hyperdrive last year. So for all intents and purposes, the World Economic Forum is dead as far as a "global" power. They still have the power to completely fuck up western Europe and the U.S, but as far as the whole world, fuggitaboutit.
3 - There is no doubt the Federal Reserve has BIG plans for a U.S. CBDC and will probably try to roll something out (beyond the current "testing phase") in the near future. But the if/when and how that occurs is largely up in the air right now. A lot of it is going to depend on what happens with the U.S. economy over the next 6-12 months and what comes out of the big BRICS meeting next month.
I am taking the attitude that there are way too many unknowns right now to try and understand it all or make plans. Let's revisit this conversation in about 60-90 days. By then, we should have a much better idea of where this is all going.
Hi Inor - thanks.
Well, color me stupid right now, because in my plea I didn't even say what it is that has us tossed. I am sorry.
What ever happens globally (your thoughts 1 & 2) is far beyond our ken; as are the histories as to the 'whys' of things, and the 'whats' of possibilities. Those are still good things to stay aware of, but like you said, too many unknowns to make long range plans.
There are a lot of fear-porn vids out there (run for your lives!!) trying to convince us of this scenario or that... but they never explain how, exactly how, the 'aggressors' would or could pull it off.
This particular video is the first we've seen to plainly detail out the "How" <--which is the information needed to figure out specific ways to minimize the impact. And yes, it will be a US CBDC, and yes it will be very soon, and like the 'global plan' there is nothing and no-one to push against. Our local bank, and the local credit union, are not immune to the Feds.
There will be some resistance here in Texas, maybe more so than other areas, but the time when the employees of our local Dollar Store are required to obtain (even nominal) ID for cash purchases is in view.
And that's why I wanted you guys to watch it. Not only for our collective benefit to any ideas you might have - but so that y'all, too, would have the knowledge of the workings of their 'framework' - which frankly is brilliant and I can see where the US would adopt the same structure for it's implementation. They'd be stupid to not.
07-02-2023, 07:36 AM
The BIS - Bank for International Settlements - has just announced their plan for a Global Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
There may be other links to this, they'd be welcome in this thread.
Nothing surprises me anymore. Orwell's 1984 is happening in real time. There are so many rules/laws/regulations that are already infringing on our freedoms that going into hyper-mode as the video suggests, does not surprise me.
I'm not smart enough to stay 1 or 3 steps ahead of things anymore. I used to think I was but I'm not. The global marxists have won and my wager is that I fly under the radar until I die.
07-02-2023, 07:52 AM
Nothing surprises me anymore. Orwell's 1984 is happening in real time. There are so many rules/laws/regulations that are already infringing on our freedoms that going into hyper-mode as the video suggests, does not surprise me.
I'm not smart enough to stay 1 or 3 steps ahead of things anymore. I used to think I was but I'm not. The global marxists have won and my wager is that I fly under the radar until I die.
Thanks, Slippy. That's all we're trying to do now...and frankly, we no longer care about globalization or marxists or any of it. Hawg's fuckitol pills rule. It's what happens in this little corner of Texas, right here, right now, that concerns us. As long as we have to use the US banking system in any manner we're in view of the radar...and it doesn't matter if it's globalists or the fkn feds watching the screen. AND, damn them, they can watch all they want. What we're doing now is for when they start to control what we can buy (too much fuel, too much meat, or in your case too many trucks LOL) that this is about.
T-Man 1066
07-02-2023, 08:51 AM
Ok just watched the video in the link.
It is about what I expected, been the whole global plan for some time. Katherine Albrecht's book, Spychips, written in '06 IIRC, made references to how this would go, especially with regards of tracking everything you do, limiting your purchase and travel ability, or pricing things such as health ins premiums based on how many cold tools I drink per month.
I think the main plan is 3 steps:
1. F'em all!
2. Operate as much as you can outside of the system.
3. Most anything those like us need to have that they dont want us to have, we already have them. Think hammer and nails...
07-02-2023, 09:14 AM
Ok just watched the video in the link.
It is about what I expected, been the whole global plan for some time. Katherine Albrecht's book, Spychips, written in '06 IIRC, made references to how this would go, especially with regards of tracking everything you do, limiting your purchase and travel ability, or pricing things such as health ins premiums based on how many cold tools I drink per month.
I think the main plan is 3 steps:
1. F'em all!
2. Operate as much as you can outside of the system.
3. Most anything those like us need to have that they dont want us to have, we already have them. Think hammer and nails...
Yes, and thanks!
Your #1 is covered, in spades, LOL; #2 - is what we're trying to do; #3 Yes. Lots of hammers and nails. And some food, too, and other preps...
Sigh. Might be I'm freakin out too much over this...cause I know most of us here are as prepped as can be for whatever shows up at our gates.
It was just the brilliance of their framework that set me on my heels - cause it moved everything from 'hopefully tinfoil' into the 'yeah it's real and here it comes' category...and our gates wont keep this out.
T-Man 1066
07-02-2023, 09:24 AM
I completely understand, I am not thrilled with it either, but this whole nwo bullshet is death of a thousand cuts. I woke up to this in the early 90's, so 30+ years of watching it coming our way. Biggest problem is that there won't be a way to work outside of the system when it comes to healthcare or perscriptions.
07-02-2023, 09:25 AM
I watched the video. Interesting stuff. But I don’t give a shit. I’m old and will be dead, hopefully before it all goes to shit. I have almost no family left so no worries there. I don’t much give a shit about todays youth as they have mostly been brainwashed, indoctrinated , and more worried about pronouns and equity than freedom. So fuk it all and let it burn down. Food and fuel I can cover locally mostly outside the system. I don’t anticipate needing to future purchase anything that would throw a red flag on my social credit score. I can easily reregister as a demo-rat. And I can always take down my American flag and run up a BLM or rainbow color flag if necessary. Fuck em!
07-02-2023, 09:25 AM
Double post!
07-02-2023, 10:01 AM
I watched the video. Interesting stuff. But I don’t give a shit. I’m old and will be dead, hopefully before it all goes to shit. I have almost no family left so no worries there. I don’t much give a shit about todays youth as they have mostly been brainwashed, indoctrinated , and more worried about pronouns and equity than freedom. So fuk it all and let it burn down. Food and fuel I can cover locally mostly outside the system. I don’t anticipate needing to future purchase anything that would throw a red flag on my social credit score. I can easily reregister as a demo-rat. And I can always take down my American flag and run up a BLM or rainbow color flag if necessary. Fuck em!
Not only was that worth posting twice, it's post of the year as far as I'm concerned.
Actually, I'm going to take a page out of red442joe's book and maraud your words.
My official mindset now is "I don’t give a shit. I’m old and will be dead, hopefully before it all goes to shit. I have almost no family left so no worries there. I don’t much give a shit about todays youth as they have mostly been brainwashed, indoctrinated , and more worried about pronouns and equity than freedom. So fuk it all and let it burn down. Food and fuel I can cover locally mostly outside the system. I don’t anticipate needing to future purchase anything that would throw a red flag on my social credit score. I can easily reregister as a demo-rat. And I can always take down my American flag and run up a BLM or rainbow color flag if necessary. Fuck em!"
You're da man, Chiefster. Thank you. :blow:
Prepared One
07-02-2023, 10:34 AM
This is straight out of 1984 and it makes sense. They don't have to control you all they need to do is control your money. And let's face it, it's all about control. Need more ammo? Sorry, you bought your allotment for the year. Another bottle of booze? Sorry your only allowed 2 per year. Nice juicy steak? That could cause obesity, heart disease, and a cow farts causing global warming, so we will restrict your meat purchases.
As MG and I discussed, we have prepared for many different scenarios, this is just one of the many balls of shit in the air that could hit the ground. Likely one hits all will hit. Like most of you here we have prepared as much as possible and mitigated as much NWO interference as we can. We are in our 60's, we own everything and have ample supplies. We have no kids or grand kids to worry about. (They will be forced to live under what's coming more then we would.) So now it's a matter of staying as far off the radar as is possible. We stay aware of what's going on but until the enemy is at the gate we enjoy each other and our life. We drink, shoot, BBQ and stock plenty of Hawg's fuckitol pills.
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