View Full Version : Cigarettes: Deadly Habit or Survival Tool? With a bonus Hawg story lol

02-26-2015, 10:06 AM
So I bumped into this article and it reminded me of a trick a old Biker taught me. The back story is I used to go to this 5 day pig roast beer bash years and years ago. Quite the party definitely not for weak or squeamish. So this old Biker named (Moose) who was retired he couldn't ride anymore he took a liking to me for some reason keep in mind he didn't like to many people. Anyway we were on our 11th or 12th 1/2 barrel although at that stage who the hell is counting but anyway we were almost out of beer So Moose decided I was going to drive him to the party store where we had several more kegs on reserve to get another keg. Well at that time I had a 1947 Chevy Pickup mostly all original except the 6 volt system was converted to 12 volt and I used it as a daily driver for a few years. So off we go he loved that truck and wouldn't shut about it. So we are cruising down the gravel road and I hear him yelp! I look over at him and he is jumping around in the cab like a crazy man. I yell at him WTF are you doing you ok? He said damn I just got stung by a bee gimme a cigarette...... I said for what you don't smoke hes says shut the eff up and gimme a cigarette. Well I wasn't gonna argue so I pull one out of my pack and hand it to him he takes it and starts grinding it into the bee sting on his arm. And I'm looking at him like ah ya you are a crazy ol coot! So he grinds the whole thing slowly down to the filter into his sting spot as the tobacco was all over the inside of my spotless 47 chev pickup. I wasn't real happy about that but as he chucked the filter out the window he says... "looky there .... gone !" And I'll be the welt was pretty much all gone I could hardly see where he got stung So Ive been using that trick ever since and this article reminded me of this long story.

Yeah so the moral to the story he claimed the dry tobacco drew the venom from the bee sting out.

Contrary to popular belief, smoking does have benefits. Well, at least cigarettes do. In fact, you may be surprised at the many survival uses for cigarettes.

Insect Bites and Stings

Chew or wet the tobacco and then apply it to your bites or stings. The pain should go away and your wound will heal shortly after.


02-26-2015, 10:31 AM
Never heard of that. Good to know. Thanks!

02-26-2015, 10:33 AM
Never heard of that. Good to know. Thanks!Well I could have been drunk? But I swear I saw it with my own eyes.... I think LOL

02-26-2015, 10:39 AM
Well I could have been drunk? But I swear I saw it with my own eyes.... I think LOL

Tobacco may be bad for your health, but it has a lot of benefits as well. As soon as you get Honey-bee-sting, get a pack of tobacco or cigarette to apply to the sting. Break the cigarette into half and take out the tobacco content from it. Take loose tobacco and apply it all over the bite area. Press it against the sting until the swelling and pain ward off.

Source: http://www.hiveandhoneyapiary.com/Remedies-For-Bee-Sting.html

Note that this is from a beekeeping website. Good enough for me and proves that you're right.

02-26-2015, 11:29 AM
Good to know.

02-26-2015, 11:43 AM

Tobacco may be bad for your health, but it has a lot of benefits as well. As soon as you get Honey-bee-sting, get a pack of tobacco or cigarette to apply to the sting. Break the cigarette into half and take out the tobacco content from it. Take loose tobacco and apply it all over the bite area. Press it against the sting until the swelling and pain ward off.

Source: http://www.hiveandhoneyapiary.com/Remedies-For-Bee-Sting.html

Note that this is from a beekeeping website. Good enough for me and proves that you're right.Thats great! Maybe I wasn't as drunk as I thought. They say after 2/3 days of heavy drinking you drink yourself sober ??? Well.... maybe not :beerchug:

02-26-2015, 12:30 PM
I was about 8 or 9 years old and got bee stung about 10 times on my back and Mom called a neighbor who was a Nurse and she ground up some tobacco and rubbed it on the bee stings. Mom swears it worked and she still tells that story today...and it happened about 45 years ago.

02-27-2015, 12:51 AM
YEP. Seen it. Done it. Been a victim. It does work.

02-27-2015, 12:18 PM
Just thought of another use for tobacco. It gets rid of worms in animals. From cats to cattle.

A quick Internet search will give basic instructions.

02-27-2015, 12:33 PM
Just thought of another use for tobacco. It gets rid of worms in animals. From cats to cattle.

A quick Internet search will give basic instructions.Cool.... didn't know that.

02-27-2015, 07:52 PM
Have myself seem my Uncle give a new kitten a bowl of milk with a cig torn up in it.
And, have also used wet cigarette tobacco on a wasp sting. Didn't know about rubbing dry baccy on it, awesome.
Two hundred years and we think we know everything, but there's cultures that have often laughed at medicines and practices that have been around for centuries.