View Full Version : 'Tis the season

10-09-2023, 10:04 PM
Fall is always an insanely busy time around M.T. Acres.

The fall batch of meat chickens came a couple weeks ago. So we had to do some repairs on the meat chicken run so they have a safe place to go in a couple weeks once the rest of their feathers come in.

The summer rains washed out some of the dirt under the gates in the pasture so the small turkeys were able to fit under them. So we had to move and spread a couple yards of dirt under the gates between the pasture and the catch pen.

The steer went off to "cow camp" on Wednesday. So we should have about 800-900 pounds of fresh beef coming in the next few weeks.

After years of using "disposable chainsaws", I finally broke down and bought a proper chainsaw. I was vacillating between a 20" Stihl and a 20" Husqvarna. I ended up going with a Husqvarna 455 Rancher. The deciding factor was that TSC is a Husqvarna dealer and they are closer to M.T. Acres than the nearest Stihl dealer in Tucson.


I am still up in the air on how much I like it. About 10 minutes into using it the chain tensioning nut fell off and the chain was thrown off. Of course that bent the chain and ruined it. I suppose that is my fault for not checking it first, but you would think the damn Swedes would be smart enough to at least tighten all the nuts and bolts when they assembled it! Fortunately, I bought a spare chain when I bought the saw.

Once I got the new chain on and properly adjusted, it works pretty well. It definitely has a lot more power than the crappy throw-away homeowner saws I was using. I am going to have to fiddle around with the grind on the teeth to get the feel that I like. But I expected that. We got through about a third of the firewood that we will need for the winter.

Tomorrow we have to go to the dump to get rid of all the crap that accumulated from our summer projects. Then off to the feed mill to get feed for the egg chickens, meat chickens and turkeys.

Hopefully, we can get most of the rest of the firewood wood cut and split on Wednesday because Thursday, Friday and Saturday are the fall round-up. So I expect by Sunday I won't be walking too well, but I'll be grinning ear-to-ear anyway.

Like I said in my opening, Fall is always crazy-busy but even with all the work, it sure beats living in suburbia!

10-10-2023, 06:33 AM

Prepared One
10-10-2023, 08:51 AM
And finally the weather has eased up. Highs in the Low 70's and lows in the high 40's. No more 105 plus days!

10-10-2023, 10:00 AM
Damn, you made me tired just reading that.

Fall weather finally arriving. I have a bunch of projects to jump on now that we have cooler weather and the burn bans have been lifted. I have a tonaka chain saw that has served me pretty well over the years. I’ll stress it out here soon as I need to cut down, cut up some dead trees and move them to the burn piles.

Painting, fencing, cleaning.. yes better than living in the burbs but sometimes I wonder…

10-10-2023, 05:17 PM
And finally the weather has eased up. Highs in the Low 70's and lows in the high 40's. No more 105 plus days!

Still hot here. But, I'm starting firewood work this weekend.

Mad Trapper
10-10-2023, 07:46 PM
And finally the weather has eased up. Highs in the Low 70's and lows in the high 40's. No more 105 plus days!

We had close to first frost this week.

I'm way behind on yard work and getting firewood in.

This week I got my 52 Ferguson running. I got it last fall and prior owner hadn't started it in a few years. It will take my 9Ns place until I fix the clutch on that. I needed a tractor more than a clean yard........

10-10-2023, 09:39 PM
It's been raining pretty steady here in Coburg for days. Cool in the mornings, but nice towards afternoon. Not cold enough to fire up the pellet stove yet LOL, I've been using a portable heater for an hour in the mornings and then good. The leaves are beginning to turn slowly, and Armitage Park (which is basically my front yard) is getting pretty colorful. This is a beautiful place to live.


10-10-2023, 09:51 PM
We're still building fence. Making some fairly good progress but we don't work on it 8 hours a day or even everyday. I'm making the last of the pepper jelly now. Always lots to do here too in the fall. We missed a frost last night but its in the forecast again for tonight. Still lots of peppers in the garden. So hopefully I can save some by spraying them off in the morning.

10-11-2023, 02:15 AM

10-11-2023, 06:18 AM
Got my chuckwagon built . . . used for the first time at our church fall fest . . .

Neighbor commented on never having seen a chuck wagon pulled down the road by a 700 cc quad . . . and another said he had to look out and see what was coming down the road making such a clatter with steel rimmed wheels (Amish buggy wheels for the build).

Anyway . . . had our first frost . . . ugh and aarrgggghhhhhh . . . got the first part of a bushel or so of apples dried . . . the dehydrator is doing it's thing as we speak.

Have fought with two Amazon suppliers for about a month now . . . trying to get crock weights for making sour kraut.

Got "hopefully" the final mowing done . . . may have to up and make some applesauce . . . don't eat it much . . . but just might have to break down. May son's yellow delicious tree is loaded like no body's business.

May God bless,

Prepared One
10-11-2023, 09:24 AM
Damn, you made me tired just reading that.

Fall weather finally arriving. I have a bunch of projects to jump on now that we have cooler weather and the burn bans have been lifted. I have a tonaka chain saw that has served me pretty well over the years. I’ll stress it out here soon as I need to cut down, cut up some dead trees and move them to the burn piles.

Painting, fencing, cleaning.. yes better than living in the burbs but sometimes I wonder…

I don't miss the burbs or the city at all. I haven't been back in Houston since the last day I walked out of the office door over a year ago. Nothing in Houston I need to go back for really. The owner of the company I worked for has invited me to go to lunch with him and some of the crew but I am not in a hurry to do that really. I like retirement.

That said, it seems there is always something that needs tending to around here. MG and I move at a slower pace these days but we are set for winter. Got the fence fixed, the gate is squared away, the floor joist issue corrected, and the fire wood is stacked and ready. I have some organizing I need to do in the in the tool shed and a few other chores but I can slow walk those. Damn! Now all that's left to do is BBQ, shoot, and drink some beer. :chef::tommygun::beerchug:

10-11-2023, 12:48 PM
I don't miss the burbs or the city at all. I haven't been back in Houston since the last day I walked out of the office door over a year ago. Nothing in Houston I need to go back for really. The owner of the company I worked for has invited me to go to lunch with him and some of the crew but I am not in a hurry to do that really. I like retirement.

That said, it seems there is always something that needs tending to around here. MG and I move at a slower pace these days but we are set for winter. Got the fence fixed, the gate is squared away, the floor joist issue corrected, and the fire wood is stacked and ready. I have some organizing I need to do in the in the tool shed and a few other chores but I can slow walk those. Damn! Now all that's left to do is BBQ, shoot, and drink some beer. :chef::tommygun::beerchug:

Yep. AND every time we kinda get the urge to put in a garden, or get some chickens, we come in here and read the gardening threads and the rest of the 'homesteading' type threads... and it cures that urge right up!!

TenOaks is the best of both worlds: Cushy city life out in the middle of nowhere. :thumb: