View Full Version : Lists

10-30-2023, 03:57 PM
For some time now I have kept running lists of prepper related things. One list is jobs requiring priority and important items needed. For obvious reasons this list is kept pretty short, especially since Biden came into office. I will readily spend $ to keep this list short or empty.

Another list is items and jobs that would be nice to have but are not an absolute necessity. Spare parts are on this list. This list has also become short, basically empty.

Finally I have the “red alert” list. This is mostly a bunch of food items that I would gather if shit hit the fan and I had the opportunity for a final run to Walmart or similar. I haven’t done this super stock-up since it’s only the wife and me and a lot of stuff gets old and pitched out here. But world events have me very concerned and I'm nervous enough that maybe I should make this run now. I’ve basically developed my own red line triggering this last shopping run. Full scale war between Israel and the Arabs would be my trigger. What say you all?

10-30-2023, 04:40 PM
Mrs Inor is the List Queen! We have lists of EVERYTHING (prepper related and not). She goes as far as keep separate list of medical vs food vs tools vs animal stuff, etc. etc. etc. We even have a list of all the lists. They are all in a notebook that is kept in her kitchen next to all the cookbooks.

I have to admit, it is a great way to keep organized and I do use them FAR more than I will ever admit to her!

Prepared One
10-30-2023, 06:11 PM
MG and I have pretty much the same list. We have enough supplies in house and if things go sideways tomorrow we are in good enough shape. I am comfortable if forced to go forward. Can we be more confident in all our preparations? No, no one can be. But, her and I are comfortable where we are and now we keep adding to our readiness at our pace, but we live our life. If the world goes to hell tomorrow, which it looks like it might be, Her and I are good.

10-30-2023, 07:15 PM
For some time now I have kept running lists of prepper related things. One list is jobs requiring priority and important items needed. For obvious reasons this list is kept pretty short, especially since Biden came into office. I will readily spend $ to keep this list short or empty.

Another list is items and jobs that would be nice to have but are not an absolute necessity. Spare parts are on this list. This list has also become short, basically empty.

Finally I have the “red alert” list. This is mostly a bunch of food items that I would gather if shit hit the fan and I had the opportunity for a final run to Walmart or similar. I haven’t done this super stock-up since it’s only the wife and me and a lot of stuff gets old and pitched out here. But world events have me very concerned and I'm nervous enough that maybe I should make this run now. I’ve basically developed my own red line triggering this last shopping run. Full scale war between Israel and the Arabs would be my trigger. What say you all?

I pretty much keep running lists in my head of all kinds of stuff; household, prepare related, firearms, work related, personal family stuff etc etc...I always have operated with lists in my head, pretty much to "test" myself!

No shit, the truth.

Sadly, it has come back to bite me in the ass a time or 3! :biglaugh: I can be such a dang idiot!

10-30-2023, 08:35 PM
I am amazed at how many "things" I needed when first started prepping that make me chuckle know... We have a priority list, occasionally things are moved up the list to BOLO for items.. start of the kung-flu canning lids moved up the ranks, for a time it was ammo, or garden seeds, as time passes and my hoarding increases, the only thing I would try to scramble and get last minute would be potatoes.... to use for seeds... can never have too many in the ground when planning long-term survival.

10-30-2023, 08:38 PM
I am amazed at how many "things" I needed when first started prepping that make me chuckle know... We have a priority list, occasionally things are moved up the list to BOLO for items.. start of the kung-flu canning lids moved up the ranks, for a time it was ammo, or garden seeds, as time passes and my hoarding increases, the only thing I would try to scramble and get last minute would be potatoes.... to use for seeds... can never have too many in the ground when planning long-term survival.

I literally have several big moving boxes FULL of stuff I bought in my first 4 or 5 years, stuff I thought would be handy and needed. Now I see it as boxes of circus slum sold to newbies. I gotta have a garage sale.

Mad Trapper
10-30-2023, 09:36 PM
Been using lists just to: organize/prioritize things needing to get done, things I need minor and major, lists for shopping. Saves me the "Oh shit I forgot that" happening.

I've been slowly accumulating stable/storable foods ever since the Kung Flu. Whenever stuff is on sale I grab a bunch. Canned soups, canned meat/fish, rice beans pasta, olive oil, vinegar for pickling, sugar , honey, maple syurp, spices I don't grow, coffee/teas, canned beans vegetables, powdered milk, meats on sale for freezer, zip lock bags, vac sealer rolls, iodized salt, pure/canning salt, lite salt (KCl), baking soda/powder, flours, ..........I date stuff with a sharpie when I get home. Stock of seeds for 2-3 years worth of vegetable gardens

Need to get more bulk rice dry peas/beans. Found a good way to store those. I can get empty 1-gallon glass wine jugs free. Using a funnel you can fill them ,and capped they are moisture and rodent/insect proof. Easy to take cap off and pour out what you need. Can store those in the cellar without concern and take a jug unstairs when you need it.

I've been keeping spares for equipment forever. I need to stock up on oils, mix-oil, greases, sealers. Usually buy 3-4 filters at a time, plugs/points engine consumables. Keep propane and welding tanks filled, solder/welding rods. Spares for chainsaws and power equipment. Assortment of fasteners in all sizes:nuts, bolts, washers, screws, cotter pins, nails, wood screws, lag bolts. Sheet plastic, roofing paper/shingles/tar. I just got big rolls of greenhouse plastic free, that is thick and durable, can be cut to size for small stuff. Plumbing supplies/spares, same for household electrical wire switches outlets. Stranded wire of various sizes and terminals for wiring vehicles/equipment. Matches/lighters, lamps/lamp oil, refined kerosene. Spares for stoves, lanterns, flashlights.

Need to get going on putting up a few years worth of firewood.

Have tools to fix most stuff and old hand tools if there is no power.

Then there is personable protection and those consumables. If you wait on those it will be too late.

10-30-2023, 10:02 PM
Been using lists just to: organize/prioritize things needing to get done, things I need minor and major, lists for shopping. Saves me the "Oh shit I forgot that" happening.

I do that too. Unfortunately, I have now progressed to forgetting I brought a list once I get there...

Prepared One
10-31-2023, 09:46 AM
MG and I have plans to make a last run for medical, perishable foods and such if we think it's safe to do so when all hell breaks loose. (it sure looks like it's gonna break loose)

I make a run south to buy what ammo, booze, and food I can at this little convenient store just over the county line. Pretty cool place. I can buy gas, food, eggs, milk etc and beer. He also sells guns and ammo. Nothing big or crazy, a few AR's, shotguns, Hunting rifles and pistols. And right next door he owns the liquor store. Sorta a one stop shop. Where else can you get gas, food, beer, guns, ammo, and liquor all in the same building?
MG will drive to the dollar store in our little town and go for whatever food, TP, and drugs she can get.

This is all predicated on what the situation is. If we deem it too risky we are closing the gates. With all that's going on we had better be on heightened alert. With the ragheads protesting in cities and war fixing to break out it could get messy in a hurry.

Mad Trapper
10-31-2023, 10:24 AM
MG and I have plans to make a last run for medical, perishable foods and such if we think it's safe to do so when all hell breaks loose. (it sure looks like it's gonna break loose)

I make a run south to buy what ammo, booze, and food I can at this little convenient store just over the county line. Pretty cool place. I can buy gas, food, eggs, milk etc and beer. He also sells guns and ammo. Nothing big or crazy, a few AR's, shotguns, Hunting rifles and pistols. And right next door he owns the liquor store. Sorta a one stop shop. Where else can you get gas, food, beer, guns, ammo, and liquor all in the same building?
MG will drive to the dollar store in our little town and go for whatever food, TP, and drugs she can get.

This is all predicated on what the situation is. If we deem it too risky we are closing the gates. With all that's going on we had better be on heightened alert. With the ragheads protesting in cities and war fixing to break out it could get messy in a hurry.

In Vt there was a gas station called "Gunz and Mobil". Gas station,Store with beer, and gun shop . It think Mobil got woke, it's closed now.

10-31-2023, 02:07 PM
All things considered . . . I'll be out of a bunch of things . . . just because I don't do good on lists.

I can make em . . . but I misplace em . . . lose em . . . forget to look at em . . . wonder if I made em in the first place . . . etc.

I try to be observant . . . if I see something I think would be on one of those lists . . . it goes on my next shopping list day . . . and usually since that one is on a 3 x 5 library card . . . I do OK with getting that stuff.

Key to it is though . . . put "rack of baby back ribs" . . . on the bottom of the list . . . that way you have to look at the other stuff and think about it . . . before you get to the ribs.

Works for me anyway . . .

May God bless,

T-Man 1066
10-31-2023, 05:03 PM
I have a list that I put people on, usually after pissin me off...

Seriously, I do try to maintain some list, but there is usually more list than money, so it goes kittywampus.

10-31-2023, 06:49 PM
I use shopping lists - has all kinds of stuff needed now and later.

I currently still use google drive for the shopping list only because they are currently shared with the ex. I already moved over to https://www.anylist.com/ I paid for the Web access since I'm not one to do everything on my phone. I di have the App on my phone also as well as all the Proton mail / calendar apps! :)

I also use Proton's VPN on my laptop and my cell phone.


Also moved over my calendar from google to Proton's mail calendar. Just put the shared events into google's, for now.

I enjoy making bulleted lists of everything - including goals/notes - in OneNote. I do that for home as well as work.

It does help me keep track and organized. I have an 11" x 17" graph paper layout of all the water & electrical lines I've added to the property. Should digitize it, but, I'm lazy...

So far, so good. Now, if I can only remember to add the reminder/item to the list, that would be great! :)

Prepared One
11-01-2023, 08:00 AM
I have a list that I put people on, usually after pissin me off...

Seriously, I do try to maintain some list, but there is usually more list than money, so it goes kittywampus.

I gave up adding people to my list of people who pissed me off. There were just too many. I got tired of writing and carrying all those notebooks around.

Mad Trapper
11-01-2023, 11:38 AM
I gave up adding people to my list of people who pissed me off. There were just too many. I got tired of writing and carrying all those notebooks around.

It's better to be pissed off, than pissed on...

11-01-2023, 08:30 PM
Same here Pastor. Lists and them who keep em..such as my wife..drive me crazy. lol. I remembers things in my head.

11-01-2023, 09:14 PM
I remembers things in my head.

I try and stay out of there if I can manage it. :crazy:

11-02-2023, 06:19 PM
I gave up adding people to my list of people who pissed me off. There were just too many. I got tired of writing and carrying all those notebooks around.

I gave up putting people on the list..

It would be too long

11-02-2023, 06:21 PM
I have or had a complete list of everything we have. I need to update it and I need to look at some of the 5g bucket stuff that were sealed 10 years ago now.

My wife is clueless on this and to keep a list would be alien to her.

She did notice that I’ve been stocking up a bit though.

I think, SHTF and we are able to make a store run, I have a pretty good idea of what to get.

11-02-2023, 08:50 PM
Some of us old guys aint worried enough about dying to get overly dedicated to prepping most likely.

11-02-2023, 11:41 PM
Some of us old guys aint worried enough about dying to get overly dedicated to prepping most likely.

Yep. I don't mind going down in the first wave... as long as I take a good handful with me. But some of us old guys have a few youngsters under our wing. I prep for them mostly. Myself, I wouldn't live long enough to use them up even under the most generous of circumstances.

11-03-2023, 04:32 AM
I just wanna live long enough to see some of these smug assholes suffer under the same circumstances that they themselves promoted and caused.

11-03-2023, 10:17 AM
I gave up putting people on the list..

It would be too long

With me, I did have quite a few people on my list.

Today, I have just two, the rest are already dead.

As far as prep material is concerned, almost all are listed on clipboards in each storage location.

Prepared One
11-03-2023, 10:31 AM
With me, I did have quite a few people on my list.

Today, I have just two, the rest are already dead.

As far as prep material is concerned, almost all are listed on clipboards in each storage location.

I assume people should be on my list until they prove otherwise. That's by far, easier and shorter of the two lists to maintain.

11-03-2023, 07:43 PM
Good point. We is currently empty nesters. The dependents are somebody elses problemo..lol. Trusting the bad actors will find my muskets hot and empty.

11-03-2023, 09:55 PM
Good point. We is currently empty nesters. The dependents are somebody elses problemo..lol. Trusting the bad actors will find my muskets hot and empty.

I'm an empty nester as well... but I do have a couple of Goddaughters close by in town. They are young adults, 18 and 21, and I do the usual Godfather stuff like I have since they were born: helping with tuition for college, books, making sure they don't have to struggle too much. See to it that they get off the runway properly. Neither of them had a father worth a tinker's damn, so there's just me. They absolutely know where to come when things go to shit.


Box of frogs
11-04-2023, 06:28 AM
I'm an empty nester as well... but I do have a couple of Goddaughters close by in town. They are young adults, 18 and 21, and I do the usual Godfather stuff like I have since they were born: helping with tuition for college, books, making sure they don't have to struggle too much. See to it that they get off the runway properly. Neither of them had a father worth a tinker's damn, so there's just me. They absolutely know where to come when things go to shit.


Your a good man brother Strat

p.s. The Godfather is possibly the finest movie ever made.

11-04-2023, 07:01 AM

11-04-2023, 05:14 PM
Dear old Creepy Joe is busy trying to solve all the problems he has created. lol

Illini Warrior
09-15-2024, 03:35 PM
as far as the "Last Minute" shopping list >>> needs to more than just one list - and each list needs to be the order of priority

the type of SHTF changes the "Last Minute" shopping list - also influences what will be most important items : IE - shooting war in Ukraine between NATO & Russia totally obtuse compared to anything of natural disaster scenario .....

along with each various list - I also would have a plotted plan of WHERE and WHEN to shop for those items >>>>

good chance any international involved SHTF will occur in the early morning hours for most of the Continental USA >> 6 - 8 - 10 hours of time zone difference - Do you know what retail stores are open overnite in your area??? - Open early early Sunday morning?? - Open national holidays?

you should have store locations plotted that are remote away from any large retail location of store chains - if Wally World isn't under siege - possibly being looted - it could fire up while you're shopping >>> plot the small town(s) with a nucleus of independent stores that will handle your Top Priority Items - grocery, hardware, drug, gas station, auto supply, sporting goods, convenience, farm supply, garden supply, etc etc

once prospective SHTFtime shopping stores are location plotted with the operational day/hours >>> KNOW THE STORE - the department layouts - entrance/exit - parking - employees/owners - etc etc

for any Last Minute shopping - not the worst idea to do it as a 3 man team - a shopper - an armed bodyguard for the shopper - 3rd person to guard the vehicle/contents and provide any necessary back up to the shopper/bodyguard exiting the store .....

thing to remember - "Last Minute" period of time could be days - even weeks - perhaps months >>> slow roll SHTF gathering tangent more serious SHTFs as it progresses

09-15-2024, 03:51 PM
>>> plot the small town(s) with a nucleus of independent stores that will handle your Top Priority Items - grocery, hardware, drug, gas station, auto supply, sporting goods, convenience, farm supply, garden supply, etc etc

You might want to reconsider that idea if you do not already shop there frequently enough for the staff to know you. I learned that during the 'rona. I had never lived outside suburbia until we moved to M.T. Acres. During the 'rona, a lot of Tucson people would scour the small towns outside the city looking for toilet paper etc. At first, our local "general store" just kept the high demand items in the back and would ask the locals what they were trying to buy. They just told the city people to pound sand. After a couple weeks of that nonsense, the locals started to run off the city people that would come out here. In some of those cases, those were not pleasant meetings. In short, by the time the need arises, it is probably too late to be shopping outside of an area where anonymity is the norm.

Illini Warrior
09-16-2024, 08:09 AM
You might want to reconsider that idea if you do not already shop there frequently enough for the staff to know you. I learned that during the 'rona. I had never lived outside suburbia until we moved to M.T. Acres. During the 'rona, a lot of Tucson people would scour the small towns outside the city looking for toilet paper etc. At first, our local "general store" just kept the high demand items in the back and would ask the locals what they were trying to buy. They just told the city people to pound sand. After a couple weeks of that nonsense, the locals started to run off the city people that would come out here. In some of those cases, those were not pleasant meetings. In short, by the time the need arises, it is probably too late to be shopping outside of an area where anonymity is the norm.

might want to keep that in mind - adjust your strategy accordingly >>> go hit the stores in another town that you don't normally shop - get the items that will be restricted to their regulars - save your regular stores until later ....

and - there's always differences in store stocking & services - maybe the hardware store a couple towns over refills propane tanks and there's a scrapyard or something that makes it worth it