View Full Version : Denton and Sasquatch Show #377

11-10-2023, 12:39 AM
Bend Over and Lube Up

This week Denton keeps the audience on the edge of their seat with a story about some guy at work. Republicans continue to vote with Democrats and screw us over. We The People have become Charlie Brown and Lucy with the football. As Gavin Newsom prances around hoping he'll be tapped to run for President his own state is falling apart. And people are starting to notice. Wyoming is getting bent over by their Republican governor and will be paying 29% more for power this winter thanks to Green Energy. Also we warned you, but you blew it off. A last ditch effort to get rid of the new mandate to install kill switches in all new cars starting in 2026 has failed. Why do we keep letting government invade our privacy!?! Do you still trust AP, Reuters, CNN and The NY Times? They're part of Hamas. Or, at least, the Neo-Marxists that support Hamas. Finally we'll finish things up with Weird News.
