View Full Version : Some disassembly required

11-18-2023, 08:06 PM
Tomorrow morning is Disassembly Day for 4 of our Tom turkeys.


We are keeping 2 Jennys and 1 Tom around for next year. The others are going in the freezer.

Given this is our first attempt at raising turkeys, here are a few thoughts on the process so far...

We raised two breeds: Bronze Heritage (the darker colored ones in the photo) and Narragansett (the gray ones in the photo). The Narragansetts are a little smaller and they are complete assholes! They went after the dogs, they went after us, they try to kill each other constantly. We will NOT be doing Narragansetts ever again! The Bronze turkeys are by FAR less hassle were pretty easy overall.

Raising them was easy once they got big enough to go into the pasture. Check their feed a couple times per week and their water daily and that was about it. Once they were in the pasture, they mostly ate bugs and whatever was growing, so even the feeding was not a big deal. They can reach the water in the stock tanks for the steer and donkey, so even if their water got low, it was not really a big deal.

Catching them to get them into cages today (so they do not eat for a day before butchering) was not fun at all. Herding turkeys is a hell of a lot harder than herding cattle! We finally worked out a system of herding them into the chicken yard (without the chickens of course). Then we could corner them and catch them. But even once you catch them the battle is only half done! The chicken yard is a couple hundred yards from the butchering area we set up and carrying them that far, they beat the shit out of both of us! Mrs Inor figured out the best way to carry them is to hug them close to your chest to keep their wings under control and cover their heads with your free hand. The other one of us grabbed their legs and kept them under control. If you leave their legs, they will completely shred you with their claws! In the middle of all this, they are shitting all over themselves (and you) constantly, so wearing old clothes is a MUST.

The Bronze turkeys could be put 2 in a cage and they were fine. We initially put the two Narragansett birds in the same cage and that proved to be a really bad idea! Mrs Inor went out a couple hours later and they were fighting to the death! One got pretty bloodied up but I think (hope) he will live until morning. We had to separate them into cages by themselves.

So unless the butchering turns out to be a real nightmare, we will raise them again. But definitely NOT the Narragansetts! Did I mention the Narragansetts are real assholes?

Prepared One
11-19-2023, 08:54 AM
I have never been a big Turkey fan. Once year on Thanksgiving and maybe as sandwich meat a couple times a year that I will pick up at the deli. That's about it for me. MG likes Turkey way more then I do. Raising them sounds like a lot of work so I think I will stick to the once a year Turkey breast and be done with it.

11-19-2023, 09:12 AM
Why not have a Turkey Hunt in the pasture and haul em dead to the butcher area?

Mad Trapper
11-19-2023, 10:02 AM
Why not have a Turkey Hunt in the pasture and haul em dead to the butcher area?

This one tasted funny and smelled bad........


11-19-2023, 01:08 PM
Why not have a Turkey Hunt in the pasture and haul em dead to the butcher area?

This ^^ easy peasy

12 ga with #4 to #6 shot to the head. Moving targets are fun fun fun!

11-19-2023, 01:24 PM
Put them turkeys in a big pressure cooker . . . when they are done right . . . the meat just falls off the bones . . . toss the bones

Run the rest thru a grinder . . . add a little sage . . . black pepper . . . salt . . . garlic . . . onion powder . . . make into 1/4 lb patties . . . put 4 to a freezer bag.

You're good for a long time looking for "something different to fix for dinner"

May God bless,

11-19-2023, 03:20 PM
Elusive little birds aint they -- L

https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/v667/RICEKILA/turk.gif?width=180&height=180&fit=bounds (https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/v667/RICEKILA/turk.gif?width=180&height=180&fit=bounds)

11-19-2023, 05:41 PM
We don't care for turkey, can't stand the white meat. Now if they bred a turkey for all dark meat, we'd be all over that like a pitbull on a poodle. I buy turkey legs when the local Safeway has them for their messican customers. I stock up on them when available. Throw a couple in the slow cooker with a bit of seasoning for 3-4 hours and they're a meal fit for a king IMO. Anybody eat Guinea fowl? They're all dark meat, right?

11-19-2023, 05:57 PM
We don't care for turkey, can't stand the white meat. Now if they bred a turkey for all dark meat, we'd be all over that like a pitbull on a poodle. I buy turkey legs when the local Safeway has them for their messican customers. I stock up on them when available. Throw a couple in the slow cooker with a bit of seasoning for 3-4 hours and they're a meal fit for a king IMO. Anybody eat Guinea fowl? They're all dark meat, right?

They are all dark meat. I do not care for the taste. I would eat them if I were hungry but I would not raise them specifically for meat. Truth be told, I would not raise Guineas for any reason; they are loud, ugly, stupid and basically a big pain in the neck, not unlike my sister-in-law. That said, we have about 15 of them (Guineas, not sister-in-laws - One of those is more than either of us needs) because Mrs Inor likes them to keep the bugs under control. They really do not do a very good job of that either. But, happy-wife, happy-life, blah blah blah...

11-20-2023, 06:40 AM
Those Guineas sound like Sage hens. They're dark meat too, and I haven't eaten one in over 30 years. They come pre seasoned with a strong sage flavor. I leave them be.

Prepared One
11-20-2023, 08:25 AM
They are all dark meat. I do not care for the taste. I would eat them if I were hungry but I would not raise them specifically for meat. Truth be told, I would not raise Guineas for any reason; they are loud, ugly, stupid and basically a big pain in the neck, not unlike my sister-in-law. That said, we have about 15 of them (Guineas, not sister-in-laws - One of those is more than either of us needs) because Mrs Inor likes them to keep the bugs under control. They really do not do a very good job of that either. But, happy-wife, happy-life, blah blah blah...

Why was I thinking Democrats? :biglaugh:

11-20-2023, 09:18 AM
Why was I thinking Democrats? :biglaugh:

Just like my sister-in-law...

11-20-2023, 11:59 AM
Thomas Sowell's 3 Questions to every commie-democrat's stupid ideas;

1.) Compared to what?
2.) At what cost?
3.) Where is the proof/evidence?

For example; The argument that .gov mandated electric vehicles is necessary...