View Full Version : Who Was Semiramis, the Wife of Nimrod?

12-25-2023, 10:37 AM
An Important Reminder about Exploring Names Outside the Biblical Canon

Before we dive into the possible identity of this mysterious woman, it’s important to note that the name Semiramis is not directly mentioned anywhere within the biblical canon of Scripture. Because of this, and the conflicting historical information given about her, Christians must proceed with prayerful caution when trying to piece together the details of Semiramis’s life—especially the details that claim biblical relevance.

Who Is Semiramis?

In the Sumerian language, Semiramis’s name is Sammur-amat. She’s the famous queen regent of the Assyrian Empire, who reigned from 811-806 BCE. According to historical documents she’s known as a legendary warrior who exercised political power like no other—commanding territory that stretched from Asia Minor to modern-day Iran. Historians describe her as a rare beauty, a fine military strategist, a master builder, and some even say she was builder and founder of Babylon.

But Eusebius—a well-respected ancient biblical scholar and historian—identifies Semiramis as the wife of Nimrod. Based on a combination of all these assumptions, countless other historians and scholars have written volumes about Semiramis—transforming the historical Queen Sammu-ramat into the legendary Queen Semiramis.

But Eusebius—a well-respected ancient biblical scholar and historian—identifies Semiramis as the wife of Nimrod. Based on a combination of all these assumptions, countless other historians and scholars have written volumes about Semiramis—transforming the historical Queen Sammu-ramat into the legendary Queen Semiramis.

One of the more recent renditions of the ever-evolving lore of Semiramis was included in the book The Two Babylons, written in 1853 by a Scottish minister, Alexander Hislop. In the book the author affirms Eusebius’s claims that Semiramis was Nimrod’s wife and elaborates on her rise to power, citing Greek historical records as reference and proof. Hislop asserts that Semiramis was instrumental in Nimrod’s plan to rebel against God, and he speaks of the woman’s unusual ability to manipulate the will of men.

Nimrod was Son Of Semiramus also , and was born on 12/24, and she placed gifts under a pine tree, which links will be provided

12-25-2023, 10:42 AM
Nimrod, Semiramus, and the Mystery Religion of Babylon

Nimrod – Part 3

The first book of the Bible introduces this wicked man and his kingdom – centered in Babel. The last book of the Bible, chapters 17 and 18, describes God’s utter destruction of Babylon in the last days. The prophetic destruction includes the wicked city itself, as well as the rebellious religion it generated. This article will focus initially on the Nimrod’s wife, Semiramis, as she was instrumental in the formation of the wicked “mystery religion of Babylon.” It will then explain how Nimrod’s father, Cush and ultimately Nimrod, himself, were incorporated into this system of worship. Euhemerus was an ancient Greek mythographer who lived around 300 BC. He wrote that gods and their associated legends arose from the deification of dead human heroes.[i]

One legend of ancient history regarding Semiramis describes Nimrod meeting Semiramis while she was a brother owner in Uruk.[ii] This probably occurred when Nimrod was consolidating control over that city. The history of queen/goddess as prostitute/brothel owner is not the material of good legends. Therefore, subsequent legends arose which portrayed her as a mythic fertility goddess and mother of the gods. All attempts to trace the origin of goddess worship lead ultimately to one single woman of ancient history – Semiramis.[iii] She promoted deification of Nimrod and herself after his death. God’s judgment and Nimrod’s execution forced the ‘mystery religion’ underground for a while. Its adherents realized the danger of practicing their religion in the public domain. Hence, the name “mystery religion of Babylon” refers to its secretive nature. However, Semiramis commanded total authority over her subjects and clandestinely indoctrinated the priesthood with this mystery religion. Priests and astrologers obeyed her commands and aggressively marketed the mystery religion. Ancient Sumerians knew Semiramis as the goddess Inanna. People adored her, especially in her home city of Uruk. They erected many temples to commemorate her as the goddess of sexual love and fertility. This description of her mythical duties was likely an exaggeration of her true life as a prostitute. Historical truth often grows to superhuman feats in mythology. Ancient mythology depicts Semiramis as ascending to heaven as a dove, where she became the fertility and queen goddess, Inanna.


12-25-2023, 10:45 AM
The “Nimrod” Tree – “NIMROD” – The LORD of Christmas

“Nimrod started the great organized worldly apostasy from God that has dominated this world until now. Nimrod married his own mother, whose name was Semiramis. After Nimrod’s death, his so-called mother-wife, Semiramis, propagated the evil doctrine of the survival of Nimrod as a spirit being. She claimed a full-grown evergreen tree sprang overnight from a dead tree stump, which symbolized the springing forth unto new life of the dead Nimrod. On each anniversary of his birth, she claimed, Nimrod would visit the evergreen tree and leave gifts upon it. December 25th, was the birthday of Nimrod. This is the real origin of the Christmas tree.”
-The Plain Truth About Christmas
by David J. Stewart | December 24th, 2005


12-25-2023, 10:56 AM
Semiramis, the Obelisk and the Christmas farce

Many Christians innocently adhere to religious practices without even realizing that they are actually repeating some of the same acts and ‘rituals’ of pagan cultures in the past. The celebration of Christmas and the ‘cult’ of its tree are examples of how many can be misled by religion.

Semiramis, the Christmas farce and it’s tree

In order to speak about CHRISTMAS, we must go back to the time of NOAH, after the flood,

when Ham, one of his sons, saw him sleeping drunk and naked. He laughed at his father and ran to tell his other two brothers, Shem and Japheth.

Instead of laughing, they walked backwards towards their father and covered his naked body. Once he learned about what had happened, NOAH cursed his son HAM, so that he and his descendants would serve his two other children. And every generation after him was cursed.

HAM married SEMIRAMIS (this is the woman on the 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Reais – Brazilian currency, the Statue of Liberty, Lady Justice, the woman from Columbia Pictures, etc.)

and they had a son, NIMROD. He killed his father HAM and married his mother.

He was the founder of Babylon, Nineveh and other pagan cities. He tried to build the tower of BABEL, and GOD stopped him.

His uncle SHEM killed him because he was opposing GOD too much. SEMIRAMIS, his wife and mother, spread a lie and said that he had not died, but had in fact gone to heaven, since he called himself the sun-god.

SEMIRAMIS got pregnant and claimed it to be a gift from the gods, the reincarnation of Nimrod, when, in fact, it was the result of a betrayal, since her husband and son was already dead. And TAMMUZ was born on Dec. 25, the sun-god of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Persians, Romans, and today, from the SS (secret societies).

I got kicked out of Catholic Catchekisism? because of this alblumI brought in


12-25-2023, 10:58 AM


Boat company and Forum handles have and are AquaHull, Sitting on a park bench, eyeing.....

Oh my Father's 88th Birthday would have been Christmas Eve, aka " Little Jesus" was his nickname at times

12-25-2023, 11:09 AM
JewishRoots.Net_new_logo Prophecy end times john 3-16 jewish holidays whats new read more about jesus
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Was the birth our Messiah during the Feast Of Tabernacles

Many scholars believe Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles. Matthew Henry states:

"It is supposed by many that our blessed Saviour was born much about the time of this holiday; then He left his mansions of light above to tabernacle among us (John 1:14), and he dwelt in booths. And the worship of God under the New Testament is prophesied of under the notion of keeping the Feast of Tabernacles (Zec.14: 16)."

For the gospel of Christ teaches us to dwell in tabernacles, to sit loose to this world, as those that have here no continuing city, but by faith, and hope and holy contempt of present things, to go out to Christ without the camp (Heb. 13:13, 14).

It teaches us to rejoice before the Lord our God. Those are the circumcision, Israelites indeed, that always rejoice in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:3). And the more we are taken off from this world the less liable we are to the interruption of our joys.

The Bible does not specifically say the date of Jesus' birth. We know it was not during the winter months because the sheep were in the pasture (Luke 2:8). A study of the time of the conception of John the Baptist reveals he was conceived about Sivan 30, the eleventh week.

When Zechariah was ministering in the temple, he received an announcement from God of a coming son. The eighth course of Abia, when Zechariah was ministering, was the week of Sivan 12 to 18 (Killian n.d.). Adding forty weeks for a normal pregnancy reveals that John the Baptist was born on or about Passover (Nisan 14). We know six months after John's conception, Mary conceived Jesus (Luke 1:26-33). Therefore, Jesus would have been conceived six months later in the month of Kislev. Kislev 25 is Hanukkah. Was the “light of the world” conceived on the festival of lights?

Starting at Hanukkah, which begins on Kislev 25 and continues for eight days, and counting through the nine months of Mary’s pregnancy, one arrives at the approximate time of the birth of Jesus at the Festival of Tabernacles (the early fall of the year).


12-25-2023, 11:45 AM
History is cool, BucketBack . . . and of course we must learn from it if we don't want to inadvertently repeat the mistakes others have made.

But when we begin to look at dates upon a calendar . . . and what "TODAY'S" reference . . . meaning . . . purpose . . . we have to remember that there are only 365 1/4 of those days in any one given year.

Unfortunately . . . all those other years before us . . . 6000 of them of which we have at least "some" history . . . including the Bible . . . gives each day of the year about 6000 reasons to celebrate it or to ignore it.

Should we shun April 14th because it is the day Abraham Lincoln was assassinated . . . or should we enjoy it as Easter Sunday??

Should we rejoice on July 4th as the founding of our nation . . . or should we be saddened that our forefathers chose to cut ties with our parent countries of Europe?

And with only a relatively few God given materials on this earth . . . should we forgo using one because it is attached to some other day in historical past?

Should we disdain the dule tree of England because in the past it was favored for the gallows use and for displaying corpses for several weeks after hanging?

OR . . . should we ask "what is the purpose of . . . and reason for . . . this celebration . . . and why was this date and these materials chosen?"

I choose Dec 25 to worship Jesus Christ . . . to tell the story of His birth . . . to rejoice that He came . . . and am thoroughly convinced He was born at least "around" that date. Not knowing for sure which one . . . I use the 25th as an anchor for my yearly observation.

I choose a tree . . . and decorate it . . . in the name of Jesus . . . and make it beautiful thru ornaments and decorations . . . as a symbol of the beauty He has brought to my life.

I give gifts to my family and friends . . . in His name . . . as a reminder of the great gift God gave us when He gave "His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish . . . but have everlasting life".

And I don't give a rat's patoot what ever in the devil that Nimrod . . . his mother . . . his wife . . . his dog . . . his cat . . . or all the rest around him . . . did . . . said . . . or whatever else.

Again . . . history is cool . . . but we need to just be able to clearly identify what is important to us . . . what isn't . . . and let it lay there.

May God bless,

12-08-2024, 06:57 AM
Jonathan Cahn again, from 4:17 to 6 minute mark talks about nukes may be fireworks/nukes as Chernobyl poisoned everything , Chernobyl has a angel Wormwood angel blowing a Trumpet ?


12-08-2024, 10:32 AM
Nimrod, huh?

12-15-2024, 08:52 AM

12-15-2024, 09:11 AM
Nimrod, huh? The First Mighty Man


eta. - Ouch, ,y Great Aunt, Sister May Ellen just broke another ruler on the back of my hand as my other Great Aunt Sister, Theresa Kevin approved.

They both served with 'da Queen,

12-15-2024, 07:23 PM
The First Mighty Man


eta. - Ouch, ,y Great Aunt, Sister May Ellen just broke another ruler on the back of my hand as my other Great Aunt Sister, Theresa Kevin approved.

They both served with 'da Queen,

Not really too sure who this jerk is you got up there Bucketback . . . but he needs a good thrashing or head whacking.

Yes . . . some of the stuff he is spouting is the "truth" . . . bare knuckled and ugly "truth" . . . which follows in the same line of many other things we hold near and dear. Sometimes the truth is something that hurts almost as much as it helps.

Should we all make fun of George Washington because he wore hand carved wooden false teeth? I don't think so.

Should we make fun of JFK because he was dumb enough to run his PT boat in front of a Jap destroyer so it got cut in half? I don't think so.

Should we post the names of all the prostitutes who came thru the white house when FDR was president? Wouldn't solve any problems . . .

This knuckle headed jerk is trying to prove to his congregation that he is "THE" man with the truth . . . only he is the truthful one . . .

Jesus Christ was born . . . the date is insignificant . . . the place is as well . . . the important thing is HE WAS BORN . . . the son of almighty God . . . to save us from our sins.

Should we celebrate it? Only two options . . . celebrate or ignore . . . I'll choose celebrate . . . and I'll ignore those who don't. They are even less significant in the sight of God than they are in my sight.

How we celebrate it is up to us . . . is it a lie to talk about Santa Claus? Yes . . . no red suited dude comes from the north pole on Dec 25 bringing presents. Was there a real Saint Nicolas . . . history says there was . . . and many miracles have been attributed to his intercessional prayer for the sick and lame . . . and he has been "stretched" into Santa Claus . . .

His history is worth repeating as a mighty man of God . . . and a tongue in cheek reference to his miracles being "gifts" no one else could bestow.

Is Dec 25 . . . THE DAY Jesus was born . . . probably not . . . but to tie it to some insignificant but coincidental other date in history is about one short step away from blasphemy.

Is decorating a tree wrong . . . some folks find it is thru a couple of oblique verses in the Bible . . . but when it is decorated . . . a star put on top . . . and done in the name of Jesus to mark His birth . . . I look at it as a positive thing.

But I better get off my soap box . . .

May God bless,

12-16-2024, 08:25 AM
I put my thoughts in "Tin Foil Hat " for this reason. I may have tinfoil in my hat, but lots of churches, aka corporations pray at the altar of the 501C, and follow pagan customs.

Hence why the Old Testament was supposedly fulfilled on Easter.

Per my Christian name, I am a " Doubting Thomas "

12-16-2024, 09:12 AM
On Dec. 25, 1789, the U.S Congress met in session. The nation was without a president — the country’s first national election, which began earlier that month, would not conclude until January. While some residents in the nascent United States marked the day as Christmas, for most Americans it was just a Friday in December.

That changed almost 150 years ago when President Ulysses S. Grant signed legislation making Christmas a federal holiday in the District of Columbia. That gave federal workers Christmas Day off. The legislation, signed into law on June 28, 1870, also made New Year’s Day and July 4 federal holidays as well as Thanksgiving, although the date of that holiday had yet to be determined.

Christmas had been celebrated in some states — especially those in the South where it was part of the social calendar. Alabama declared Christmas a legal holiday in 1836 and Louisiana and Arkansas followed in 1838.

In 1997, the world mourned Princess Diana after car crash in Paris [historic front page]

But in northern states there was considerable pushback about a Christmas celebration. The Pilgrims who arrived in New England did not celebrate Christmas. They saw the holiday as a decadent man-made invention. They were not alone. Anabaptists, Quakers and Puritans also believed celebrating Christmas was sinful.


T-Man 1066
12-16-2024, 11:05 AM
This thread might get interesting real quick... :twopopcorn:

12-21-2024, 08:39 AM
Tuesday my Father would have been 89 yo. We would go to Midnight mass at Grandma's, where there were 2 1/2 Nuns ( grandma popped out 10 kids with Grandpa which made it a no go for the 3rd Nun, and a Priest since Gramps took the Nun in training as he was in training ), after we showered him with gifts on the anniversary of his birth on this winter solstice.

Then there is the mixup of the Orange and the Green.

Now, maybe thy can see the turmoil of this time of year, as I have studied. I'm using " the cover of the book " Jesus and Dead Sea Scrolls, edited by James N. Charlesworth as a mouse pad. That way I have quick reference.

Now I have some ole friends coming over that dunk folks in 'da river at Bridgeton, who will talk in depth about the Lord to a 13 yo that don't believe in God, but wants Christmas presents, after writing the "N" word on paper items in a 50 w/ 50 b school.

We donate time and dollars to a food pantry (s) that prays at the altar of the 501c, and give $$$ and food to the poor directly per scripture.

Dad can't make it for his party, as he is residing at Fort Custer National Cemetery

12-25-2024, 12:29 PM
The measure of time, I asked my mother about God resting after creating the world on the 7th day, I was maybe 8 or 9 at the time, she said, days were measured different back then. Always stuck with me.

Its only in the time line of life recently, that we define a day as 24 hours.

12-25-2024, 06:18 PM
Highly interesting discussion. Thanks. One of our favorite TV preachers says the Christmas Tree symbolizes the Tree of Life. Eusubius isnt all that well trusted by Fundy Baptists and most likely some other denominations.

12-25-2024, 08:32 PM
I was asked why I donated to the ... was it IFCJI? I said I've always wanted to walk where Jesus walked.