View Full Version : Bugging Out Boomer

02-06-2024, 08:25 AM
Well getting old sucks. I remember being where the RV cords were residing at. I had a plate carrier with hard and soft armor, with mags hanging off of it.

The truck driver said it was too heavy to bugout with along with the XD45

Fast forward to yesterday, when I relocated it in a marked bin. The carrier is too freaking heavy to even pick up now easily.

Oh well, I'm too old to run and fight, so I'll just stay here and drink like Merle, with my PC and Helmet, and wait for them to come to me.

Oh , the Messicans 2 doors down WERE respectable, but are now trying to kick an old timer off his land. They were suprised when they met him a midnite with a 20" HBAR and $3K thermal optic hunting song dogs

The "Boy's" are in their mid 20's

I'm waiting for the daytime shooting to start, and I'll drop by "The Range" where the hippies hang out, and converse with the old timer

eta - There has been 4 suicides on my street in 2 years, 2 OD's and 1of old age.

A total of 7, All within 200 yards

3 folks died from fentanyl laced dabs , bought at Magna Donnely Parking Lot

I see Texas plates across the street from Catholic Hispanic family, and at the Messicans 2 doors down, probably bring up the fentanyl

02-06-2024, 08:53 AM
This WW2 war baby sometimes puts on the soft armor . . . will begin to do it more often if things keep getting worse . . . greaseballs and other thugs around here went crazy over the 9mm things . . . so the soft stuff is enough protection.

At 79 . . . I still go where I want . . . when I want . . . I'm just smart enough to know that certain places require backup . . . and when I have to go there . . . my AR pistol goes with me. It's all close urban . . . so I'm better armed than a whole pack of em . . . and besides most of them are rag heads . . . haven't been to a range in their lifetimes . . . I have my own range.

May God bless,

02-06-2024, 09:00 AM
I forgot about my A2 10.5" Pistol......, I can put the brace back on now

It's time to go organize more stuff, which means more lifting. All the 12 gauge hulls, wads, shot are in a 7 cubic foot chest freezer.

2250- 45 acp - 200 LSWC's gets heavy quick 65 lbs with the Bucket

02-06-2024, 10:47 AM
No bugging out. No wearing armor. Busted up too many joints and age is bringing the injuries to the forefront.
.300 Blackout is now my preferred rifle over the 7.62 ones.
It’ll be alright.

02-06-2024, 11:47 AM
We can't stop what's coming...

Hopefully, I'll have what I need when I need it...

02-06-2024, 12:30 PM
I just moved 500lbs + of lead without going to the gym

02-06-2024, 12:44 PM
I just moved 500lbs + of lead without going to the gym

Gym? What is this gym, to which you refer?

02-06-2024, 02:05 PM

02-06-2024, 02:13 PM
Oh. Torture chamber. I got it, now.

02-06-2024, 02:57 PM
I was paying $45 / month and wasn't going since June, then silver sneakers in September, used it once to see if my card worked and weighed myself
Scale was way wrong. Haven't been back since.

Member since March 2020 / then COVID shut them down before I could even visit my first time. I'm pumping brass and lead, and some steel machines. I'll hit the gym again someday, they have a killer shower and sauna

02-06-2024, 03:53 PM
Bugging out is a last resort, as it always should be. I will defend this acreage down to my last bullet, and only then, escape to TN, (Where I have more bullets waiting for me)

Box of frogs
02-06-2024, 04:58 PM
Too much useful stuff here that I will need after SHTH and I can’t carry it all. So no bugging out unless the house burns down.
I’ll defend the castle till they quit trying to kill me or they succeed in their efforts.

02-06-2024, 05:30 PM
No bugging out.

And yes.

It’s coming.

T-Man 1066
02-06-2024, 05:42 PM
No bugging out.

And yes.

It’s coming.

100% agree!!!

I will provide the "HELL" of Hellinois!

02-06-2024, 06:10 PM
Bugging out as a last resort, not to be confused with bugging out at the last minute.

02-06-2024, 06:48 PM
I damn near killed myself building this place. I'm not leaving now, under any circumstance. If M.T. Acres burns, I burn.

02-06-2024, 07:07 PM
This sorta started because one of the few PC things I do, is too heavy.

I have 2 much stuff to move, and I just moved the heavy stuff again today.:thinking:

02-06-2024, 08:53 PM
No bugging out for me either.

Carrying what I would need plus needing to move fast? PFFFFFFFFFFFT!!! I do a 2-3 mile walk through the county park forest daily, and it's exercise just hauling my old carcass.

Plus nowhere better than where I am to go to.

I cannot even contemplate bearing the knowledge that I had to leave, and some other assh0les are enjoying my preps... while I'm out in the weeds freezing in a little bivy tent and 3 days of food. F4ck that noise.

Maybe I need to wire this place up to take it with me when I go down LOL.

Coastie dad
02-07-2024, 06:13 AM
People of all ages who are overweight, highly medicated, don't get enough aerobic exercise, don't have adequate upper body strength, are crippled or physically hindered in any way are fooling themselves if they think they're going to successfully bugout on foot carrying all those toys they bought.

I check enough of those boxes now to know that I may as well stay at home and make the fuckers work for it.
And I've never had the delusion of being impervious to bullets, so I agree there needs to be an "I have the last laugh" plan.

Prepared One
02-07-2024, 09:22 AM
Should the proverbial shit hit the fan there is no bugging out for me and MG. I am no Rambo in the woods and ain't 21 no more. Besides, why leave our provisions and means of survival just to become a glorified refugee? I had provisions to get out of Houston as a last resort, but now that I am here at Ten Oaks and finally out of that snake pit city, this is now my Alamo. I will leave this place one of two ways. I will die peacefully and happy or I will, should trouble visit my doorstep, go down with piles of brass around me, making sure I take as many with me as I can. I would rather do the former, that's easier and more peaceful, but in the end, I am 64 and had a good life, don't test me on the latter.

02-07-2024, 09:52 AM

02-07-2024, 12:22 PM
I too will remain here until the end whatever it may be.

I will not walk away from everything I have worked for decades and paid for.

Sitting in that pile of brass, I will squeeze the clacker.

The only thing I lack is parachute flares, but I don't think I will need them with my NVG's.

I am not overweight, just old, have walked away from many things that should have killed me.

02-08-2024, 06:25 AM
I put my usual 10 or so holiday lbs on, working outside, weight goes up, clothes get looser. I just have to move the lawn chair cushion box, and a 55 gal glue drum filled with sunflower seed to use the carport for the boat, or shocker, a car so the snow plow can actually plow the next snow storm. Found 32.48 # of 44- 240LSWC for the Redhawk/Golden Boy:getdown:

02-08-2024, 09:28 AM
My “neighborhood “ is two streets in the county. Everyone has acreage. I know everyone on the two streets. No one would be leaving and I pity the poor bastards that tried to get into the area. Did I ever mention one of my neighbors was a guy that jumped out of planes.. with a dog strapped to them? LOL.

02-13-2024, 11:35 AM
It's been noisy lately, between the Sniper Range Brian has, and the kids with new toys in the back, then the guy harvesting Song Dogs, he doesn't like the treble hook .

All within a 20 minute walk, some closer, maybe some a little further. I'm looking for stuff that's shiny on the ground. :chopper: