View Full Version : You heard it here first...

02-12-2024, 05:42 PM
About a year and a half ago I remember making a post here about how expensive weener calfs had gotten. (The last one we bought in the fall of 2022 was around $1200 when they had historically been in the $700-$800 range. Lately, they are going for over $1500 at our local sale barn). I noticed this weekend the MSM is finally getting around to reporting on it.


If you did not take my advice then and find an alternate source for beef outside the grocery store channels, you might want to rethink that strategy now. The latest is the USDA is going to enact a new "regulation" requiring all cattle to be RFID chipped. This "regulation" does not require any type of action from Congress. It is simply a directive from our betters on-high. They are claiming it is for traceability. I.E. If there were some kind of disease outbreak, they want to be able to track the animal to the exact ranch it came from. But they can already do that now, without a chip.

It seems to me, the two REAL reasons they want it are:

1 - To be able to electronically track vaccination records. Think shooting the animal full of mRNA dope.

2 - To gain a more accurate count of exactly how many animals each ranch is producing so they can begin forcing ranchers to reduce their herd sizes for global warming.

So... If you have not done it already, now is definitely the time to start forming a relationship with your local cattle rancher so you can buy un-vaxed and un-chipped steers for cash. Every rancher I know always has 20-30 cows they keep aside and do not sell the offspring through the sale barn. These calfs are "off the books" and do not get shot full of the normal dope the USDA requires to be sold to feedlots.

Also, it will be helpful to find a local butcher who will process the animal without requiring the normal paperwork from a Brand Inspector. They will usually require some kind of document to cover their ass so they know you are not rustling the animal. But at least around here, a hand-written bill of sale is good enough.

Just a suggestion...

02-12-2024, 06:02 PM
Agree 1000% Inor

I'm heavily invested in beef/meat based way of eating/living and do not want to back to a "highly processed fake genetically modified plant food" based diet. That shit'll kill you.

02-12-2024, 06:05 PM
This shit is definitely getting more and more out of control.

02-12-2024, 06:06 PM
This shit is definitely getting more and more out of control.

Seems no end to it either!

02-12-2024, 07:33 PM
Our local paper, 6 pages big , comes free in the mail each Tuesday, full page list of farmers, willing to sell home grown beef. Might have to get back into the on the farm slaughter thing again. Hey, the temp is perfect here. it can hang in my garage and age till ready to cut and wrap.

T-Man 1066
02-12-2024, 08:40 PM
The farmer I buy my sides from, sometimes I end up trading machine work for beef. Making replacement piston rods for hydraulic cylinders, replacement parts for who knows what, etc.

Mad Trapper
02-12-2024, 09:18 PM
My cousin raises breeder beef cattle. They started calving last month.

I can trade work for beef. Spent yesterday working with him rebuilding the engine on one of his old tractors. I got a nice free dinner, but they had the superbowl on.........




Prepared One
02-13-2024, 10:21 AM
Another example of an ABC agency bureaucrat fuck making up rules as he goes along. No voter accountability, no oversight whatsoever.

02-13-2024, 11:18 AM
The farmer I buy my sides from, sometimes I end up trading machine work for beef. Making replacement piston rods for hydraulic cylinders, replacement parts for who knows what, etc.

YES, screw cash transactions, I'll fix your car, paint your house etc. Let's make a trade! We might want to think more on barter.

02-13-2024, 04:34 PM
I only buy from a local breeder who I have known since we were kids together. I never pay for than $600 a calf.

02-15-2024, 12:09 PM
I’m guess we have about 200-250 head of cattle around me. It’s all my neighbors. Needless to say, we’ve already talked about SHTF scenarios. We don’t usually eat a lot of beef but we’ll never go without.

02-15-2024, 12:51 PM
I know a guy with some barns and grass, with a wood shop. For $200 I can get some molding knives made, or make them myself.

He was going to do the gas conversion, but I'm keeping propane for heat and stove. We have some young guns that could help make moldings if they knew how. One of them should put the trim up around the window he put in here.

That's they did at GM Wood Products, but they never asked me if I knew how, and I wasn't telling for the pay? They had me stacking boards

So running a woodshop for beef it's looking something like that

02-15-2024, 03:12 PM
I’m guess we have about 200-250 head of cattle around me. It’s all my neighbors. Needless to say, we’ve already talked about SHTF scenarios. We don’t usually eat a lot of beef but we’ll never go without.

Push comes to shove. SHTF those that have will need to post folks on watch.

02-15-2024, 04:07 PM
I’m guess we have about 200-250 head of cattle around me. It’s all my neighbors. Needless to say, we’ve already talked about SHTF scenarios. We don’t usually eat a lot of beef but we’ll never go without.

Around here we call them "slow elk"... pretty easy to bag one.

02-15-2024, 04:28 PM
Around here we call them "slow elk"... pretty easy to bag one.

Slow Elk, never heard that phrase before. Does that equate to Cheers Norm giving his thoughts on thining the herd?!:)

Maybe it wasn't Norm, but you get the picture. The dumbest die first.

No, think it was Clayton.

02-15-2024, 05:05 PM
Push comes to shove. SHTF those that have will need to post folks on watch.

I get up @ 3 2 Pea

02-15-2024, 05:41 PM
I'm thinking maybe I should cut power to the motion activated night lite on the garage. Stupid cat walks by in the middle of the nite triggers the lite. I'm up.. Not sure why but any light at niight and I'm awake in a heartbeat. The wifey gets up to take a pee, hits the light I wake up from a dead sleep. Maybe not be a bad thing to wake up and be ready to be called to arms at the drop of a hat.

02-15-2024, 10:26 PM

Prepared One
02-16-2024, 07:50 AM
As you can imagine we have lots of beef critters around here. We have one dedicated freezer and fridges with freezers that are full but I am going to start looking into buying local. Maybe half a cow at a time. May have to get another freezer and do some management. Haven't put a pencil to it yet.

Of course you all know as well as I do this is all NWO bull shit. It's about power and control.

02-16-2024, 10:00 AM
I feel and look so much better when I eat predominantly beef.

I like feeling and looking good.

I'm very very close to the age of giving zero fucks.

I pity those who try and take my beef.

02-16-2024, 04:19 PM
As I age year by year, I come to notice it takes less and less to really effing tick me off!