View Full Version : Laughing at the unprepared
Montana Rancher
03-06-2015, 02:07 AM
So as most of you know I work at Cabelas, part time for the fun, and trust met there a are a LOT of perks
But this last week has been a real wake up call, In .223 we had a lot of "bulk" ammo that was not a really good deal, but when the news hit and the zombies hit, our entire stock was cleaned out.
Seriously the people with the calculators figuring $.35 cents a round was gouging came in in droves and purchased ammo at +.40 cents a round until we were flat out of ammo
Currently at Cabela's you can get .223 for $.45 cents per round but you better hurry if you are not prepared.
The funny or not so funny part of this is the current rules being proposed are only for the M885 partial steel projectile. It is funny that the majority of people didn't realize that the "banned" ammo was a really small subset of the actual market.
I have heard that 885 ammo is going for around $500 per 120 round (5 boxes), if you need it that badly let me know as (although I don't actually own any) I could find a friend that does.
03-06-2015, 07:14 AM
So as most of you know I work at Cabelas, part time for the fun, and trust met there a are a LOT of perks
But this last week has been a real wake up call, In .223 we had a lot of "bulk" ammo that was not a really good deal, but when the news hit and the zombies hit, our entire stock was cleaned out.
Seriously the people with the calculators figuring $.35 cents a round was gouging came in in droves and purchased ammo at +.40 cents a round until we were flat out of ammo
Currently at Cabela's you can get .223 for $.45 cents per round but you better hurry if you are not prepared.
The funny or not so funny part of this is the current rules being proposed are only for the M885 partial steel projectile. It is funny that the majority of people didn't realize that the "banned" ammo was a really small subset of the actual market.
I have heard that 885 ammo is going for around $500 per 120 round (5 boxes), if you need it that badly let me know as (although I don't actually own any) I could find a friend that does.
Same thing is happening where I work also.
You can't tell those people the ammo they are buying isn't in the proposal to be banned
The SS109 is included in the ban though
03-06-2015, 08:57 AM
Dang $500 for 120 rounds!?! I have never flipped ammo but that is very tempting. I could let go of a few rounds to fund a new rifle.
03-06-2015, 10:46 AM
Same thing is happening where I work also.
You can't tell those people the ammo they are buying isn't in the proposal to be banned
The SS109 is included in the ban though
I think most of the folks that are clearing the shelves realize that the "banned" ammo is only the catalyst driving the frenzy. They perceive a ban on all .223/5.56 ammo coming soon, thanks to the Commie bastard -- who is trying anything he can to shut down the AR-15.
03-06-2015, 02:43 PM
He is not trying to ban anything he is just trying to give our economy a jump start by getting people out there to buy things.
03-06-2015, 11:10 PM
He is not trying to ban anything he is just trying to give our economy a jump start by getting people out there to buy things.
03-07-2015, 09:36 AM
It is only one step to any ammo that will punch thru a level III or IV vest . At that point it's all but .22 and pistol rounds that will be banned.
But this is just one small part of the current occupant of 1600 PA Ave's march to a dictator ship. It's sad that you're not allowed to call someone a name - cause it's hate speech; you can't shoot someone that's trying to take your gun from you - cause he's unarmed (only cause he hasn't grabbed yours yet); You can't stand up against this clown without his minions trying to take you down while those that support his ideas get a free pass; and let's not forget that he takes your hard earned money and gives it to criminals just for being here.
Great man that we've put in that address.
Montana Rancher
03-07-2015, 11:02 PM
Same thing is happening where I work also.
You can't tell those people the ammo they are buying isn't in the proposal to be banned
The SS109 is included in the ban though
He is not trying to ban anything he is just trying to give our economy a jump start by getting people out there to buy things.
It is only one step to any ammo that will punch thru a level III or IV vest . At that point it's all but .22 and pistol rounds that will be banned.
But this is just one small part of the current occupant of 1600 PA Ave's march to a dictator ship. It's sad that you're not allowed to call someone a name - cause it's hate speech; you can't shoot someone that's trying to take your gun from you - cause he's unarmed (only cause he hasn't grabbed yours yet); You can't stand up against this clown without his minions trying to take you down while those that support his ideas get a free pass; and let's not forget that he takes your hard earned money and gives it to criminals just for being here.
Great man that we've put in that address.
I like your post, but let us not forget to use paragraphs to make our point,
03-08-2015, 12:45 PM
Excellent point MR
As I've said before, our approach to ammo (and other things) is to buy regularly.
Mrs Slippy buys boxes of certain calibers of ammo on a weekly or twice monthly basis on her regular shopping trips. I handle bulk purchases generally of 1000 rounds or more a few times a year. Overall this method results in cost averaging but also ensures that we have an adequate supply on hand and can "weather" the storms of panic that we've seen in the last 20 years or so.
Thanks, gotta go now...its 60 degrees and the sun is out. My range is calling me and I've got a few weapons that are ''HUNGRY"!
So as most of you know I work at Cabelas, part time for the fun, and trust met there a are a LOT of perks
But this last week has been a real wake up call, In .223 we had a lot of "bulk" ammo that was not a really good deal, but when the news hit and the zombies hit, our entire stock was cleaned out.
Seriously the people with the calculators figuring $.35 cents a round was gouging came in in droves and purchased ammo at +.40 cents a round until we were flat out of ammo
Currently at Cabela's you can get .223 for $.45 cents per round but you better hurry if you are not prepared.
The funny or not so funny part of this is the current rules being proposed are only for the M885 partial steel projectile. It is funny that the majority of people didn't realize that the "banned" ammo was a really small subset of the actual market.
I have heard that 885 ammo is going for around $500 per 120 round (5 boxes), if you need it that badly let me know as (although I don't actually own any) I could find a friend that does.
03-08-2015, 05:16 PM
Sounds like the 800 buck price tag on the dies to turn 22lr brass into 223 projectiles is a great bargain. Lol
03-08-2015, 07:49 PM
I am considering making a copper bullet with a steel penetrator and a brass jacket. The problem I am running into is forming the copper evenly around the steel. I will continue to work on it and may invest in a 20 ton press to make it work.
Montana Rancher
03-12-2015, 04:13 AM
He is not trying to ban anything he is just trying to give our economy a jump start by getting people out there to buy things.
I'm sorry...
No I am not..
If you really think that is the point, you are ****ing stupid.
Montana Rancher
03-12-2015, 04:17 AM
I'm sorry...
No I am not..
If you really think that is the point, you are ****ing stupid.
The web site censored me, I really did say F**king stupid, and it was censored.
03-12-2015, 06:15 AM
I'm sorry...
No I am not..
If you really think that is the point, you are ****ing stupid.Oh I see..... Your woman said she had a headache and you didn't get laid so your just going to attack everyone here. Your a arrogant Jackwagon!
03-12-2015, 07:42 AM
I was at wally land the other day and saw a guy buying all the XM193 saying it would be banned soon. Who knows, he is probably right..
03-12-2015, 09:08 AM
I'm sorry...
No I am not..
If you really think that is the point, you are ****ing stupid.
Don't you know sarcasm when you see it
03-12-2015, 11:08 AM
I was at academy 2 days ago and they were stocking the shelf with the 420 round cans of 855 on clips. Normal price too. Strange.
03-19-2015, 10:34 AM
I'm sorry...
No I am not..
If you really think that is the point, you are ****ing stupid.
Sorry has been a busy week have not been on, I would explain sarcasm , but it appears others have pointed out. I know it is hard to hear the tone of something in written word, but it is there.
03-19-2015, 12:34 PM
I was at wally land the other day and saw a guy buying all the XM193 saying it would be banned soon. Who knows, he is probably right..
well, it's armor piercing.. so that would go just like the green tip. the only difference in the two is the tip of the bullet. the green tip comes to more of a point, and the xm193 is more round with no paint. both have the same out come. trust. i have ammo cans piled up of each. Bought way before all this craziness started. thankfully.
Montana Rancher
03-21-2015, 12:24 AM
Oh I see..... Your woman said she had a headache and you didn't get laid so your just going to attack everyone here. Your a arrogant Jackwagon!
I'm actually a very quite person, I guess the internet makes it easy to say what you think and not really what you cannot back up.
Or I can say what will piss people off and see what the baser instincts are.
I haven't liked you from about day 1 Hawg as you basically whore other peoples posts and ask for opinions. I guess if you are trying to get hits on posts it is a good business plan, but the down side is I really don't know what you think as you really never state it.
As a person that post out of hand, and I've said things form time to time that after further thought I wouldn't have said, I'll give you the chance to take that back.
I expect an apology for bringing my faithful wife into this, and once it is given I of course will give it.
I just think the conversation should be intellectual or even subjective (which a bit of fervor) but not an attack against people we don't even know.
Rancher & Hawg -
It is time to sow the seeds of peace between you. You are both my good friends and are FAR more alike than you are different. I will address each individually.
Rancher -
Hawgrider does write posts including pictures of the prepper skills he is learning or has learned. Look up his chicken posts, making butter from raw milk and his posts on water kefir ginger ale for examples, but there are many more. He is the real deal. I do appreciate the posts he makes referencing other sites. As you know, a lot of the stuff we learn, requires time to see if it works out. For example, presently I am learning how to brew beer. If I were only to post when I took the next step in brewing, I would make one post every two weeks. It is important that guys like Hawg post stuff they find on intertubes to keep this site interesting even if they do not have direct experience with it. After all that is what many of us come here for, to gather ideas for further research.
Hawg -
Rancher does live this lifestyle every day. He knows a lot of stuff and puts a LOT of it out on internet here and on other sites. His YouTubes on tool sharpening are very excellent. I consider myself a pretty advanced woodworker and I even learned a bunch from his knife and tool sharpening videos. He also runs an online internet store and both here and back on PF, he has never hawked his store without being explicitly asked. (Actually, I would like to buy something from him, but it has been so long since he posted the URL that I do not remember what it is.)
Both -
You are both valuable members here. I would hate to see either of you get all butt hurt and go away or post less because of some feud. Plus you both are basically the same personality with different skills. Please dial back the quills and I think you will both find a valuable resource in the other.
03-21-2015, 09:32 AM
He doesn't like me and I cant stand him. I owe him nothing. He started the conflicts, I usually finish them. His whining drivel is annoying. His beef with me is kindergarten shit he can kiss my ass. He is the type to hold a grudge over chicken shit. He threw the poo first. He wont change he is that type. Inor I respect you and your opinion. But I don't believe the ranch hand will play nice ever. I like the new feature rwalls put up it works fine for people like the ranch hand. Any other time I would comply to your requests Inor but this time I ask you to trust my judgment. I will simply use the feature provided and keep him from replying to my threads. He is dead to me.
Edited: Removed the won't keep things stirred up with him comment. It won't happen since he cant leave shit alone.
Montana Rancher
03-24-2015, 01:52 AM
He doesn't like me and I cant stand him. I owe him nothing. He started the conflicts, I usually finish them. His whining drivel is annoying. His beef with me is kindergarten shit he can kiss my ass. He is the type to hold a grudge over chicken shit. He threw the poo first. He wont change he is that type. Inor I respect you and your opinion. But I don't believe the ranch hand will play nice ever. I like the new feature rwalls put up it works fine for people like the ranch hand. Any other time I would comply to your requests Inor but this time I ask you to trust my judgment. I'm not going to keep things stirred up with him I will simply use the feature provided and keep him from replying to my threads. He is dead to me.
Ok, you dis my wife who you do not know and you have no reason to drag into the post, ok fine I am a big boy and I'll deal with it.
So I would ask that since I cannot respond to your posts, (as when I try to reply to yours I get blocked) ....
Then I ask you not to respond to mine.
I would guess the self restraint should be easy, as I don't post anything worthwhile anyway.
03-24-2015, 05:21 AM
Ok, you dis my wife who you do not know and you have no reason to drag into the post, ok fine I am a big boy and I'll deal with it.
So I would ask that since I cannot respond to your posts, (as when I try to reply to yours I get blocked) ....
Then I ask you not to respond to mine.
I would guess the self restraint should be easy, as I don't post anything worthwhile anyway.Take the extra step and use the tool if you don't want me to reply. The tool is wonderful. The boss is genius.
Montana Rancher
04-01-2015, 03:48 AM
Actually I've been enjoying Outdoor Trader a lot more as when you put up a post I don't read it as I can't respond.
I feel.... free!
In fact I think I will sing!
The Hills Are Alive With the sound of MUSIC!
04-01-2015, 06:37 AM
Actually I've been enjoying Outdoor Trader a lot more as when you put up a post I don't read it as I can't respond.
I feel.... free!
In fact I think I will sing!
The Hills Are Alive With the sound of MUSIC!That's just Gay!
Montana Rancher
04-15-2015, 01:27 AM
Actually it is one of my favorite movies, come to think of it is my FAVORITE movie.
Kind of makes me think of the Postman movie with Kevin Costner which is also a reasonable view (but only real fans of the movie will understand the reference)
So bravo to you, not only can you dis my wife with impunity, but you also call me gay. I guess I'll call the VFW and turn in my E7 stripes in the process.
As you cannot help but have the last word, I'll check back in a couple weeks and see what lame response you can bring.
04-15-2015, 06:27 AM
Happy to oblige you my friend. Yes if your one of those Musical movie people and your not a woman then for sure you are gay and your mama is fat from eating to many ho ho's ....
Your welcome!
See you in 2 weeks
04-15-2015, 10:31 AM
Please continue.
04-15-2015, 11:14 AM
You said-
So bravo to you, not only can you dis my wife with impunity, but you also call me gay. I guess I'll call the VFW and turn in my E7 stripes in the process.
As you cannot help but have the last word, I'll check back in a couple weeks and see what lame response you can bring.
Here is what I said-
Oh I see..... Your woman said she had a headache and you didn't get laid so your just going to attack everyone here. Your a arrogant Jackwagon!
You said-
Actually I've been enjoying Outdoor Trader a lot more as when you put up a post I don't read it as I can't respond.
I feel.... free!
In fact I think I will sing!
The Hills Are Alive With the sound of MUSIC!
And I said-
That's just Gay!
No your a whacked out delusional spend way to much time in the barn tending the sheep with the bell around its neck. Your just a lying word injecting no good trouble maker.
Never dissed your wife ....don't freaking know her and don't want to I simply said she must have had a headache because your out in the barn to much ****ing the sheep instead of her.
Didn't call you gay you **** tard. I called your post gay! Are you a edumacated idiot or what? Injecting words seems to be your game but your not very good at it.
Balls in your court Dipshit!
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