View Full Version : Garden 2024

Mad Trapper
02-22-2024, 11:17 AM
Getting the topic started.

I'm starting to inventory my seeds. Not sure how soon my friend's greenhouse will get going?

Have lots to do pruning orchard, berries, grapes while still dormant.

T-Man 1066
02-22-2024, 11:29 AM
Good deal. I am going to try real hard to get one going this year. Business is still going crazy, but I will somehow squeeze in the time.

02-22-2024, 12:26 PM
Ground is thawed, but mostly sand, so I'm digging dirt when I drive the two tracks and filling up planters for the container garden thing

02-22-2024, 05:18 PM
We have 2 batches of Compost ready to add to the raised beds. Both have been cooking for a while now. I might risk adding some chicken manure to one of the batches and hopefully the chicken shit will have some time to "cool" down before we add it to the raised beds.

In the next couple of weeks we will start some seeds inside and plant some sugar snap pea seeds outside.

02-23-2024, 09:49 AM
Already started my indoor planting last week: 3 different kinds of peppers.
Basil has been slowly growing on the south facing window sill along with cilantro - broke out the plant lights this week.
Also have a volunteer tomato plant growing - no idea what type. It's about 6-7" tall :)

I follow the Almanac.com planting guide for my zip code...there will be 4-5 more plantings indoors, then prepping the beds for transplanting and outdoor plantings. That won't be for another month+. Today a new, replacement, dwarf peach tree should arrive. Yes, my last died...oh well.

I have plenty of mulch to add when I prep the beds. Next to do is plan out what goes where - other than crops that don't move as well as the garlic I planted last September.

This morning, frost everywhere :) My reminder it's still winter.

Mad Trapper
02-23-2024, 11:13 AM
I got some news today about the greenhouse. 5-year old outer cover is shot and blew off with high winds last week, needs to be replaced before starting up. Plastic is being ordered and I'm on the work crew.....

Good news. Farm feed store has most of bulk vegetable seeds now in stock. Can't get stuff like peppers and tomatoes but lots of other things sold by the oz or pound.

Weather has been real FKed up here. Last week saw teens lows and 50s highs, rain/snow last night, single digits for Sat night, then 50s maybe 60 next week with rain. Hope this does not kill the buds on crop plants and mast trees in the woods (for deer and kritters). If the kritters get hungry they turn to my garden.........

I might put some taps out in the maples, just enough to boil down some sap on the woodstove.


Since green house may be delayed, I'm getting my grow light setup prepped ( 8 florescent grow lamps X 4' fixture) and seed bed heaters setup. I have plenty of good soil to start flats.

02-23-2024, 09:00 PM
I have spent the last few days burying a new water line out to a pasture behind us for the cattle. It was a bitch of a run but the upside...

When I was digging the trench through our wash, I discovered some great soil. It is in an area that is covered with mesquite trees and hawthorn bushes, so I had never spent much time there. But the soil is GREAT and the mesquites do provide some shade in the summer. So, I think I am going to get rid of the hawthorns and start brush-hogging the area this year and try some raspberries and blueberries there. We have tried raspberries and blueberries in two other spots and they died almost as soon as I planted them. So I have pretty much resigned myself to the fact that we cannot have them. But I am going to try them one last time.

02-24-2024, 07:47 AM
14 degrees this frozen morning

Box of frogs
02-24-2024, 09:40 AM
Going to take the tractor and till up about 300 feet of potato beds.
I think I will make raise rows with the row hipper to plant the spuds in.
The back garden soil is looser and a bit sandy compared with the garden up near the house.
According to the interwebs deer don’t care for potatoes, they eat the hell out of everything thing else I plant back there so maybe this will work out for me.
I have never tried potatoes before. If you have any tips, I’m listening.

Mad Trapper
02-24-2024, 12:43 PM
14 degrees this frozen morning

Thanks for sending it, we get it tonight.

Mad Trapper
02-24-2024, 12:45 PM
Going to take the tractor and till up about 300 feet of potato beds.
I think I will make raise rows with the row hipper to plant the spuds in.
The back garden soil is looser and a bit sandy compared with the garden up near the house.
According to the interwebs deer don’t care for potatoes, they eat the hell out of everything thing else I plant back there so maybe this will work out for me.
I have never tried potatoes before. If you have any tips, I’m listening.

For years the deer never touched my potatoes, now they eat those AND my tomatoes.

02-24-2024, 01:19 PM
Going to take the tractor and till up about 300 feet of potato beds.
I think I will make raise rows with the row hipper to plant the spuds in.
The back garden soil is looser and a bit sandy compared with the garden up near the house.
According to the interwebs deer don’t care for potatoes, they eat the hell out of everything thing else I plant back there so maybe this will work out for me.
I have never tried potatoes before. If you have any tips, I’m listening.

We only do sweet potatoes in raised beds. The trick is not to crowd the beds and the sweet potatoes grow more uniformed and larger.

02-24-2024, 01:30 PM
Getting the seed starter shelf ready to go today. Downsized it a bit. Every year I raise too many plants that go to waste. I can only plant so many. Still will have enough to can everything we want to make. Peppers will be started this week. Just letting the starter soil warm up a bit. It snowed some from early to mid morning. Delayed my plans to burn a brush pile. Will take care of that tomorrow becasue we can't burn during the daytime from March through May.

02-24-2024, 02:56 PM
Last year I planted potatoes in a row just inside the garden fence. Deer ate the branches that grew through the fence, right up to the fence. Grasshoppers ate the rest, no potatoes last year.

Mad Trapper
02-24-2024, 02:59 PM
Last year I planted potatoes in a row just inside the garden fence. Deer ate the branches that grew through the fence, right up to the fence. Grasshoppers ate the rest, no potatoes last year.

No grasshoppers here, but Colorado potato beetles can be bad.

02-24-2024, 03:05 PM
Grasshoppers have been really thick here the last couple years. Kill a hundred and a couple hundred take their place.

02-24-2024, 07:29 PM
Everything is still frozen & snow covered here. Expecting +5F tonight. Planning on adding better garden soil & fertilizer this year. Maybe I'll take the time to tend to it this year, what a concept!

Everyone here knows I have a Black thumb, right?

Box of frogs
02-25-2024, 07:03 AM
I have never tried potatoes before. If you have any tips, I’m listening.

Went into town yesterday to the auto parts store. Decided to drop in at the feed and seed since it’s on the same road.
Good thing I did. I was going to just see what they had for seed potatoes and most of his stock was already bought up.
I got 8# of Red Pontiacs and 8# of Kennebecs. I’m still a couple of weeks away from time to plant. Will till rows today.

02-25-2024, 07:20 AM
A random picture of one of our daily harvests from a few years back...


Mad Trapper
02-26-2024, 12:45 PM
I got to the feed store yesterday. They had most of their bulk vegetable seed in stock, $2/ 1/2 oz. Thats 14 GRAMS, not milligrams you get in the seed packets these days. I think I can do a row a mile long, with 14 grams of carrot seeds.........

Also priced some fertilizer, urea is still reasonable ~$22/50 lbs, dried blood shot up again $90/50 lbs!!!! FJB!!!

They also get trout every spring for stocking ponds, 6-8" brookies browns or rainbows, $72/25.

03-30-2024, 03:06 PM
Had frost this morning! 30 degrees! Oh well...planted 50 corn seeds in the greenhouse - have to double that...Also had to fight a large nest of wasps that made a home in there...

The window sill is bursting with tomatoes, peppers, and other things! Did the 4th indoor planting this morning. Need to clean out the garden beds from weeds and get them ready. I have a rogue (volunteer) tomato plant of some variety that is flowering in my windowsill :) Also basil & cilantro I've been using for a few months now.




So much more to go! The garlic is looking good and I won't uncover it until this frost stops! I'll post pictures them.


03-30-2024, 05:04 PM
Awesome Michael_Js!

Had frost this morning! 30 degrees! Oh well...planted 50 corn seeds in the greenhouse - have to double that...Also had to fight a large nest of wasps that made a home in there...

The window sill is bursting with tomatoes, peppers, and other things! Did the 4th indoor planting this morning. Need to clean out the garden beds from weeds and get them ready. I have a rogue (volunteer) tomato plant of some variety that is flowering in my windowsill :) Also basil & cilantro I've been using for a few months now.




So much more to go! The garlic is looking good and I won't uncover it until this frost stops! I'll post pictures them.


04-01-2024, 04:32 PM
Late start this year. Last years garden was a major fail. Mainly drought related and bad soil. This year the greenhouse is up and the rained beds will be ready by next week. We’ll see how it pans out

04-01-2024, 04:39 PM
Checking in late. I brought the wheelbarrow in and some pans to transplant the house plants. Time for the seeds

04-05-2024, 04:25 AM
Well snow and rain are here all day so the transplanting and seed starting are on the menu, after I move the boxes of canned goods out of it to the barn storage. I'd just move them in the wheelbarrow, but it's warm and dry and the floors are still clean......

04-05-2024, 04:58 PM
Garden will be going soon

Mad Trapper
04-05-2024, 06:16 PM

04-05-2024, 07:08 PM
I'm waiting for a weekend it's not raining so I can clear out the winter overgrowth in my garden area and get the beds ready. This year I've already bought a blueberry and elderberry plant to add. While in Hawaii I bought some Hawaiian chili peppers. I'm hoping they do well because I'm curious as to how they taste. Other than that we'll just do the standard stuff.

04-06-2024, 05:31 AM
Garden will be going soon

Pirate! What brand are the raised beds? Where did you get them? And what is your opinion on their quality? My friend bought a bunch of galvanized raised beds from Amazon last year. They are very flimsy and rusting already after only one winter in use. I have several wood raised beds that are close to their end and will need replacing after this summer. I would like to go with a quality galvanized bed I’d I can find one. Otherwise, I will just rebuild with wood and deal with a shorter lifespan.

04-06-2024, 07:03 AM
Garden will be going soon

Very nice setup Piratesailor! Slippy approved!


04-06-2024, 07:09 AM
Pirate! What brand are the raised beds? Where did you get them? And what is your opinion on their quality? My friend bought a bunch of galvanized raised beds from Amazon last year. They are very flimsy and rusting already after only one winter in use. I have several wood raised beds that are close to their end and will need replacing after this summer. I would like to go with a quality galvanized bed I’d I can find one. Otherwise, I will just rebuild with wood and deal with a shorter lifespan.

Tractor Supply galvanized stock tanks have held up for 12+ years for us. They have more than doubled in price in the past decade if memory serves. FJB and FBHO



04-07-2024, 01:05 PM
Pirate! What brand are the raised beds? Where did you get them? And what is your opinion on their quality? My friend bought a bunch of galvanized raised beds from Amazon last year. They are very flimsy and rusting already after only one winter in use. I have several wood raised beds that are close to their end and will need replacing after this summer. I would like to go with a quality galvanized bed I’d I can find one. Otherwise, I will just rebuild with wood and deal with a shorter lifespan.

She bought them from vegogarden.com. They weren’t cheap and I thought that buying water troughs would be better, less expensive and last longer. I was, cough cough… wrong. They were about the same price and from what I can tell, will last longer and better fitting for gardening.

She’s progressed lately. The area of dirt (the old garden) is now covered with Dewitt landscape cloth to stop weeds. The garden beds have been lined with cardboard and partially filled with tree debris (compositing). I think we’re close to adding soil.

A late start but that’s ok.

04-08-2024, 11:21 AM
Weeded, fertilized, and turned all 12 beds this weekend. Still have to weed and turn the 4 corn rows, and plant more corn in the greenhouse - as starts...

Just about out of room on the window sill for start! Still separating the tomato & pepper starts. Planted pickling cucumber starts also this weekend...

All but the usual growing great! Eggplants (Black Beauty) just don't start for me and not enough jalapeño pepper plants either - I make a mean jalapeño relish (not my recipe) and need more plants! So, I buy those...

More to go...

Box of frogs
04-08-2024, 02:26 PM
Went into town yesterday to the auto parts store. Decided to drop in at the feed and seed since it’s on the same road.
Good thing I did. I was going to just see what they had for seed potatoes and most of his stock was already bought up.
I got 8# of Red Pontiacs and 8# of Kennebecs. I’m still a couple of weeks away from time to plant. Will till rows today.

Most all the red potatoes are up.
Not looking to good for the row of whites and the mixed row of garlic and onions.

Mad Trapper
04-09-2024, 01:59 PM
I'm off to a late start. I was AWOL ~2 weeks in March, almost poked my eye out pruning apples, so stayed drunk ~ 1 week with scratched cornea. Then almost cut tip of middle finger off cooking dinner (sober both times of carnage). Also couldn't help out at friends greenhouse..........he's off to late start....and I'm way behind on spring clean up, several huge pines came down in the fields and front yard.

Still can't stick my finger in the dirt yet, but I screened off some soil mix through 1/4" poultry netting and got started on peppers (3 types), tomatoes (6 types) and broccoli/cabbages (3 types each). I mark off varieties in the flats using yarn scraps. Didn't have the nice labels so cut up a milk jug and made those, labeled with sharpie. They are geminating next to the woodstove.



Also made up a watering can from another gallon milk jug, drilled holes from inside cap. Going to make another cap with smaller holes but this one works OK, it and the labels were "free"


04-13-2024, 02:51 PM
Planted more corn in the greenhouse. Cleaned/weeded and turned the 4 corn rows outside - ready for planting.

Still haven't uncovered the garlic as I'm still getting frost in the mornings - 33 this morning! Geeze...

Looking good though! Now I'm mad at myself for not planting an entire bed. I gave up on the garden, house, etc. when I was being forced out of my home. At least I planted 1/2 a bed!

04-13-2024, 04:28 PM
I'm off to a late start. I was AWOL ~2 weeks in March, almost poked my eye out pruning apples, so stayed drunk ~ 1 week with scratched cornea. Then almost cut tip of middle finger off cooking dinner (sober both times of carnage). Also couldn't help out at friends greenhouse..........he's off to late start....and I'm way behind on spring clean up, several huge pines came down in the fields and front yard.

Still can't stick my finger in the dirt yet, but I screened off some soil mix through 1/4" poultry netting and got started on peppers (3 types), tomatoes (6 types) and broccoli/cabbages (3 types each). I mark off varieties in the flats using yarn scraps. Didn't have the nice labels so cut up a milk jug and made those, labeled with sharpie. They are geminating next to the woodstove.



Also made up a watering can from another gallon milk jug, drilled holes from inside cap. Going to make another cap with smaller holes but this one works OK, it and the labels were "free"


Good to hear all is well Mad T!

Me and Mrs S are a bit lazy this year for whatever reason. Plants that we normally start from seed, we haven't yet. So we'll probably buy some seedlings if we find a good deal.

04-13-2024, 06:04 PM
We cut back a bit on starting plants. Always start way too many. Starts are a bit late but look to be ready late May. Planted over 200 onion plants in one bed. Some garlic coming up on its own in a couple of beds. Should have cleaned up the garden last fall but I was busy with other tasks. So we will get it as we go. Would like to burn it off but cannot burn to after 6pm and the weather hasn't cooperated. Rain last weekend and its nice this weekend but too windy.

04-14-2024, 06:59 AM
Started some yellow pear tomato, cukes, bell pepper and Roma on Friday

I don't have enough time for all my chores, glad I loaded enough ammo to last a couple weeks for a group

Mad Trapper
04-16-2024, 12:41 PM
I just dumped the first 2024 garden varmint!!! :biggun:

I'll update post later.......

Some perennial stuff coming back out here now and some buds beginning to swell on trees and bushes, so the varmints are back at it......just got a glimpse of this one when I jumped it, but snuck up after letting find a hide.


04-17-2024, 10:48 PM
Due to all the rodents and creatures, I start my corn in my greenhouse, then transfer it to the corn rows and surround it with 4" drainage PVC. It doesn't eliminate the problem, but it helps with the yield. I then run large soaker hoses on top of the tubes all the way through. So far, it's not bad...I have over 100 seeds planted and keep adding more if they don't sprout.



Box of frogs
04-21-2024, 07:43 AM
Taters are kicking butt. Reds and whites have been hilled once and covered with straw.
Planted the small garden yesterday, silver queen, butter peas, squash, and cucumbers.

Box of frogs
04-21-2024, 07:49 AM
I just dumped the first 2024 garden varmint!!! :biggun:

I'll update post later.......

Some perennial stuff coming back out here now and some buds beginning to swell on trees and bushes, so the varmints are back at it......just got a glimpse of this one when I jumped it, but snuck up after letting find a hide.


Looks like the makings for a nice stew …….

04-21-2024, 09:07 AM
Due to all the rodents and creatures, I start my corn in my greenhouse, then transfer it to the corn rows and surround it with 4" drainage PVC. It doesn't eliminate the problem, but it helps with the yield. I then run large soaker hoses on top of the tubes all the way through. So far, it's not bad...I have over 100 seeds planted and keep adding more if they don't sprout.




04-22-2024, 07:26 AM
The Golden Pear Tomatoes and Romas have popped up indoors, moisture on the bird seed barrel has ice on it, so yeah, another frost here

04-22-2024, 07:44 AM
The Golden Pear Tomatoes and Romas have popped up indoors, moisture on the bird seed barrel has ice on it, so yeah, another frost here

Yup frost here this morning also.

04-22-2024, 09:51 AM
Here too! And I planted carrots, oregano, spinach, arugula, and potatoes this weekend. My starts are not fitting on the window any longer! :) Just got a 5th grow light yesterday!

I have also started harvesting asparagus and had a big bunch for dinner last night :)
Been eating kale, spinach, and cilantro (which is growing like crazy!) from the garden.

My volunteer tomato plant has many cherry tomatoes on it - in the window sill! :)

It's going to be a tomato bonanza this year! I'll dedicate at least 1.5 beds for them. I went overboard planting 3 new varieties to try out. Oh well...more to can!

Mad Trapper
04-23-2024, 10:57 AM
A friend asked me about seed saving and I sent her this for a reference. Might be of use here?

The seed saving book is a Garden Way Publication, Charlotte VT 05445: "Growing and Saving Vegetable Seeds", Marc Rogers 1978.

ISBN # 0-88266-132-9

1st section is saving and storing seeds in general: some Botany, annuals/biennials/perennials, Pollination, selection/collection/drying/storing/testing seeds.

2nd section is vegetables listed by family. I attached 2 pictures, of one of the seed saving tables.



04-28-2024, 10:35 AM
Finally got my seeds started last weekend. I also picked up a couple of the galvanized water troughs for raised beds from TSC. Raking out the original garden area, I found a couple of potatoes that I missed last year, replanted them. They will be joined by some new potato seedlings soon. I will use the raised beds for tomatoes, corn, and beans. With it being just me, I'm keeping the garden small.

04-28-2024, 11:43 AM
Finally got my seeds started last weekend. I also picked up a couple of the galvanized water troughs for raised beds from TSC. Raking out the original garden area, I found a couple of potatoes that I missed last year, replanted them. They will be joined by some new potato seedlings soon. I will use the raised beds for tomatoes, corn, and beans. With it being just me, I'm keeping the garden small.

Small and manageable gardens are much better than large and unmanageable gardens. Our yields on our raised beds are way more than we would have imagined and getting better every year as we learn different things.

Good job TJC!

04-28-2024, 12:29 PM
A friend asked me about seed saving and I sent her this for a reference. Might be of use here?

The seed saving book is a Garden Way Publication, Charlotte VT 05445: "Growing and Saving Vegetable Seeds", Marc Rogers 1978.

ISBN # 0-88266-132-9

1st section is saving and storing seeds in general: some Botany, annuals/biennials/perennials, Pollination, selection/collection/drying/storing/testing seeds.

2nd section is vegetables listed by family. I attached 2 pictures, of one of the seed saving tables.



Very helpful! We have a nice bit of seed storage but Mrs S prefers not to use that many every year. Some, but not a full rotation.

04-28-2024, 06:28 PM
We decided to not do seeds this year as there was just too much happening in our lives to worry too much about gardens from seeds this year. We bought a bunch of tomato and pepper plants at TSC about 3 weeks ago. Then my mom got sick before we had a chance to get them in the ground. So they are still sitting in the trays they came in. I am hoping I can get a few hours this week to get the gardens turned and get the plants in the ground before they die.

We did get some raspberries and blueberries planted about a month ago. Some of the raspberries even appear to be growing. I'm not sure about the blueberries but I think they might be a lost cause. The strawberries are going nuts. The fruit trees seem to be doing well although we did have a hard freeze a few weeks ago (after the trees flowered). But I think we might have gotten to them in time to save at least some of the fruit.

The olive trees I planted last summer made it through the winter and are growing like crazy. It will still be quite a few years before they start to produce anything but I am hopeful they will be big enough by the end of the summer that we will not need to worry about them making it through next winter. I still have to dig the trenches and run more permanent irrigation to them. I think I will also plant a couple more apples at the same time as long as I am digging trenches.

I don't know if Mrs Inor is still planning on doing corn, melons and potatoes this year or not. It is getting a bit late for them but we may still try...

Mrs Inor found another fence builder that can fence off part of the steer pasture for a pig pen and make a gate for us. But that also got put on the back burner with my mom's situation. I am hopeful we can get that back moving forward again now as well. We did find some folks that will sell us some young piglets. So now it is just a matter of getting a place to keep them.

All in all, this spring has been really messed up. But I am hoping things will settle back to normal again now.

04-29-2024, 05:04 PM
Next set of garden starts being hardened off to plant this weekend. A bounty of 4-5 varieties of tomatoes - bounty to say the least!! Peppers and eggplants as well


An older living Christmas tree, planted outside, with beautiful pine cones

05-04-2024, 06:35 AM
I’ve planted potatoes, onions, 4 cauliflower, and 2 lemon boy tomato plants so far. Out average last frost date in May 15 so I’m ahead of the curve.
My seed starting sucess this year is dismal. I’m using fresh seeds but my germination rate is running around 50%. I’m using all the same process I use every year but the results are down considerably. Even after sprouting, the starts are not doing well. I’m thinking the peat plugs I start in (from Walmart) might have changed in some way. Probably changed to some cheaper materials and made in China! So I guess I will investigate how to make my own starting mix for next year cause this is putting me behind schedule. I planned for 6 Toro sweet peppers and only one came up.

05-04-2024, 08:05 AM
Most of the "Pickle's" / Cukes and peppers haven't come up, so I replanted with seeds I dried and saved that came up last year. She planted low acid ones on Wednesday

Mad Trapper
05-04-2024, 10:46 AM
My late start veggies in flats are coming around. Transplanted into 4" pots: 42 pots 6 varieties of tomatoes 2 sauce and 4 slicers, 18 each of broccoli and cabbages 3 varieties each. Still have of each in flats. Peppers just coming around in flats.

Have lettuce (6), broccoli (10), and cabbages (10) in 4" pots ready for garden. Garden needs plow/harrowing, tractor work/repairs next week, check out the tiller too.

Asparagus, rhubarb , horseraddish up. Asparagus started from seed last year coming up too.

No pictures, forgot and left the dumb phone on the charger.

05-04-2024, 10:53 AM
Harvesting Sugar Snap Peas that we planted from seed a couple of months ago. Also a good "dog treat" for our puppy!

05-04-2024, 01:19 PM
Those would work good in the stir fry. need sugar snap peas .

05-04-2024, 05:43 PM
Planted all my tomato, pepper, and eggplant starts. Went WAY overboard on the tomato starts as every seed sprouted and well, I planted them! About 40 plants!

1 Full bed and 2 partial beds of tomatoes! Oh my!

My peppers: Bought 4 jalapeno starts to add to my own - I want to make more quarts of relish! Yum!

Corn starts in the greenhouse are doing very well!

Finished the blueberry hoop house structure. Came very crooked, but, who cares! Still need to cover it with bird netting:

Also mowed the lawns in the garden area and weed whacked! A Very busy day...started raining, but I kept going...


05-05-2024, 07:04 AM
I’ve planted potatoes, onions, 4 cauliflower, and 2 lemon boy tomato plants so far. Out average last frost date in May 15 so I’m ahead of the curve.
My seed starting sucess this year is dismal. I’m using fresh seeds but my germination rate is running around 50%. I’m using all the same process I use every year but the results are down considerably. Even after sprouting, the starts are not doing well. I’m thinking the peat plugs I start in (from Walmart) might have changed in some way. Probably changed to some cheaper materials and made in China! So I guess I will investigate how to make my own starting mix for next year cause this is putting me behind schedule. I planned for 6 Toro sweet peppers and only one came up.

Yesterday I spoke with a good friend that is an excellent gardener. Some backround. For years both he and I used Jung seeds with good results. But Jung and Burpees have gotten a little crazy with their prices. Actually, a lot crazy. So I switched to seeds sourced from local stores off the shelf, Walmart, agway, local hardware store, etc. All cheaper and no shipping. But I’m getting crappy germination and Mark is still using Jung seeds with good results. DUH! It’s the seed quality, stupid! So next year bite the bullet and back to Jung seeds and hopefully better results.

Mad Trapper
05-05-2024, 09:22 AM
Yesterday I spoke with a good friend that is an excellent gardener. Some backround. For years both he and I used Jung seeds with good results. But Jung and Burpees have gotten a little crazy with their prices. Actually, a lot crazy. So I switched to seeds sourced from local stores off the shelf, Walmart, agway, local hardware store, etc. All cheaper and no shipping. But I’m getting crappy germination and Mark is still using Jung seeds with good results. DUH! It’s the seed quality, stupid! So next year bite the bullet and back to Jung seeds and hopefully better results.

Some seeds are WAY EASY to save!!!

05-11-2024, 01:02 PM
Secured the 25' x 100' x 3/4" bird netting over the blueberry hoop house! Had it all planned out and it went as planned :)

Laid it all out on the mowed side, and from the inside, clipped all the bottoms to the structure:

Then, I tied a rope to 3 sections, threw it over the top, and secured it to the ground on the other side:

I pulled it all over, piece by piece, and secured it, then added the green, heavy duty clips after stretching it a little tighter:

It's not easy to see, is it! 3/4" mesh - it had to be small enough to keep the birds out, but large enough to allow the bees in! Most of the flowers are already pollinated and is smells delicious in there!
This is the entrance side and I left the bulk on the other side:

05-11-2024, 07:15 PM
I have 3 very mature blueberry bushes that give tons of excellent berries. But the birds nail em hard. I’ve tried various schemes netting them with good results but temporary netting is hard for me to install. Last fall I had the chain link fence guys install an 8 by 25 foot galvanized framework 7 feet tall. I permanently installed chicken wire covering the whole top. It’s designed for me to temporarily hang 7 foot tall bird netting around all 4 sides. EZ peasy! This year I plan on canning blueberry pie filling and freezing some fresh berries. The boss makes blueberry zucchini bread, too. The frame was a little pricy, but it will outlast me and make the netting job painless. I’m taking this “produce your own food” thing very seriously.

05-12-2024, 08:43 PM
Damn, forget for just 1 extra day! :)


Peace out

05-19-2024, 06:00 AM
Front yard raised bed veggie garden really taking off. Sugar Snap Peas producing big yields, squash coming in as are peppers. Herb garden (containers) survived the winter and are doing well.

Big backyard raised beds are coming along nicely, but I'm too lazy this am to walk around and take a pic!


Compost Tumbler that I bought last year produced some pretty rich compost. (In background behind Kubota)

Much better compost than my old system which was a home-made wooden bin that was exposed to the weather.

For the size of our small stock tank garden, I'm pleased with the outcome of the compost.

Pro-tip; Chicken manure helps in a big way!

Mad Trapper
05-19-2024, 08:42 AM
I got the clutch unstuck on the 1940 9N Ford last week, running great Garden is plowed and harrowed. Had that near 40 years now.....Archive pic


Getting shit, literally, this week from my cousins farm. I helped him tagging new Angus calves last week, and making some of the boys unhappy becoming/"transitioning" to steers....that's real good rotted shit!!! Need that for transplants and new seeding.

Lots of potted starts ready to go in. Late getting direct seeded in. Have broccoli (28), cabbages (24), tomato (too fkin many, >60 giving away), peppers still need some time in the pots (no pics).


Asparagus transplanted last fall, grown from my seed, is all up. The "mother patch" has spears much fatter than my thumb.


Might be losing a peach tree? Lots of blossoms, few new leaves, looks like may be fkn peach tree borers......planted a new apple nearby and looking for peach nursery stock.

Rhubarb needs picking/starting to bolt. Hope to can a bit.

Mad Trapper
05-29-2024, 05:03 PM
I've got some new edible garden picture stuff later.....

but I thought I'd share some of what my mother left me around the the house....it's a PITA to keep it all going but worth it.

I need to take more pictures....there is a lot in bloom now some a bit later, missed the orchard and lilacs of many colors a few weeks ago....




Mad Trapper
05-30-2024, 02:09 AM
I'm late getting transplants into the garden this year, but have too many started to take care of and giving them away to friends and family.

I only got the garden plowed and harrowed a little while ago. Going to hit it tomorrow with a springer harrow and start planting and putting seeds in. I'm a little too late for early stuff like peas and spinach, but will try fall crops of those.




05-30-2024, 07:01 AM
I still don’t have carrots or beets in. It rains everyday!

05-30-2024, 07:26 AM
I'm late getting transplants into the garden this year, but have too many started to take care of and giving them away to friends and family.

I only got the garden plowed and harrowed a little while ago. Going to hit it tomorrow with a springer harrow and start planting and putting seeds in. I'm a little too late for early stuff like peas and spinach, but will try fall crops of those.




Very nice! Puts our little "garden" to shame!

Mad Trapper
05-30-2024, 09:04 AM
Very nice! Puts our little "garden" to shame!

Slippy, your garden might be little but very nicely kept, and likely more critter proof. Same can be said of Michael J's immaculate work. Mine looks more like Beverly Hillbillies are growing it.

I was getting coffee this morning and saw a dam woodchuck going under one of my water tanks, He came out the other side and I lost sight of him. Got the rifle quick but he hid someplace, rifle is always handy, but will be locked/loaded/nearby when I'm working next few days. First one seen this spring. Good thing my potted transplants are out of reach up on the trailer.

Maybe good I didn't harrow and start transplanting yesterday, if I had put the broccoli and cabbages in, might have woke up to chewed off stubs. I have to have the fence ready to go same day as transplanting. Deer rabbits woodchucks...........

Got 1/2" rain last night so putting off harrowing and transplanting a couple days. The rain nearly topped off one of my 275-gal tanks I collect rainwater in.

After it dries out, going to concentrate on cutting back the lawn and fields near the house/garden so I have a good open shooting range to see chucky and his rabbit friends. String trim everything too so no place for the little basturds to hide in.

I'll also check across the street as that is the source of the woodchucks. There is an acre or so of overgrown tangled jungle, of brush and bittersweet vines, so thick you need to bring in loppers to traverse it. They cross the road to my place using a culvert, come across the front yard then around back to get to my garden. Once I see one I have to deal with them ASAP or they become "migrant"/criminal alien woodchucks at my place.

First time I cleaned them out of there there were so many holes, it looked like a prairie dog community. My neighbor said have at em, he gave up on his garden due to the problem. I use the gas bombs over there. That's were I got the chucky game cam pictures a couple years back. I like to check the holes so I'm not gassing other animals by mistake.

Archive photo from 2022: 30294

06-07-2024, 05:22 PM
I am Really NOT trying to set any asparagus records! I pass by it twice a day while doing a perimeter walk with my dog, however, brain is not engaged :)


06-10-2024, 06:40 PM
2 huge cups of asparagus in the fridge! Strawberries are doing great! Corn is starting to pick up. Some other items, well...not doing as well...

Working up to make a batch of strawberry jam soon! :)

Rinses, de-stemmed, and into the freezer with the rest of the little buggers...

06-21-2024, 04:56 AM
I aim to expand my vegetable patch. Last year's harvest was decent, but I'm eager to experiment with some new varieties this time around. I've been eyeing a few heirloom tomato varieties that look promising, and I'm also considering trying my hand at growing some exotic herbs like mint and lemongrass.

Aside from planting, I want to add to my garden new furniture. We have some plastic chairs and an old wood table, and that's it. I want something that blends with the surroundings but also offers comfort for those lazy afternoons spent lounging in the garden. Rattan furniture seems like a good choice, but I'm not sure. Something like this: https://www.gardencentreshopping.co.uk/sapcote-sofa-lounge-natural-rattan. I'm still weighing other possibilities, as well. Like wood. Any tips from you guys?

06-21-2024, 07:04 AM
I aim to expand my vegetable patch. Last year's harvest was decent, but I'm eager to experiment with some new varieties this time around. I've been eyeing a few heirloom tomato varieties that look promising, and I'm also considering trying my hand at growing some exotic herbs like mint and lemongrass.

Male or female?

I would assume you are not a male. No male I know grows mint and lemon grass.

Men grow hoppes and jalapeños.

06-21-2024, 11:39 AM
I'm growing seaweed this year. I figure, if I can grow seaweed, I can grow anything.... :biglaugh:

06-21-2024, 12:09 PM
The deer are dropping lots of seeds this year. Is it best to plant them in the fall or spring?

Mad Trapper
06-21-2024, 01:23 PM
Male or female?

I would assume you are not a male. No male I know grows mint and lemon grass.

Men grow hoppes and jalapeños.

I have mint I let grow wild instead of cutting/mowing it.

You can make those fancy Kentucky drinks with it, if you have good whiskey. :drinkmore::drinkmore:

P.S. try maple syrup or honey instead of sugar

06-21-2024, 02:42 PM
I'm growing seaweed this year. I figure, if I can grow seaweed, I can grow anything.... :biglaugh:

Wait a minute you live in the fricken desert!:biglaugh:

06-21-2024, 02:44 PM
The deer are dropping lots of seeds this year. Is it best to plant them in the fall or spring?


I plant a few in my freezer every year.

06-21-2024, 02:49 PM
Wait a minute you live in the fricken desert!:biglaugh:

Yeah well, "shoot for the moon" is my motto. I might come up a little short, but you know... If by some quirk of fate I am able to make it work, I figure I will retire a rich man selling seaweed in the desert! :biglaugh:

06-21-2024, 02:51 PM
Deer ate my apple tree buds, veggies are in 6" containers looking OK for a late harvest. Looking to sell off some new canning stuff

06-21-2024, 05:05 PM
Just yanked these monsters out of the garden. Gonna smoke a brisket flat tomorrow so I'll make some kind of squash dish with them.

Also had a ton of apricots this year about to have a tone of donut peaches. I need to go start thinning the tree. My cherries, as usual, didn't do much. only got about 15 from two trees and birds got most of them.


06-21-2024, 05:27 PM
Just yanked these monsters out of the garden. Gonna smoke a brisket flat tomorrow so I'll make some kind of squash dish with them.

Also had a ton of apricots this year about to have a tone of donut peaches. I need to go start thinning the tree. My cherries, as usual, didn't do much. only got about 15 from two trees and birds got most of them.


Cube those squash up, drizzle with olive oil, salt, pepper and lightly pan-fry in a cast iron skillet over whatever smoky wood used on the brisket. Dash of Tony Chachere's cajun season prior to eating and WALLAH!

Pairs well with a good Tequila...:thumb:

06-21-2024, 05:32 PM
Tomatoes, squash, zucchini, all peppers, (jalapeños, banana, fresno) some mint, lemongrass, cucumbers are all ripe and ready to harvest daily. Last of the peas cleaned up.

Compost bin re-filled. Summer heat is heating up in Alabama.

Already made a couple batches of refrigerator pickles. And eating cucumbers/tomato salad a few times a week.

Good stuff!

Mad Trapper
06-21-2024, 05:59 PM
Fresh bear track in the garden this morning, no damages. Neighbor seen it , with two young cubs, thinks it's same one who had two 1 1/2 year olds last year.

06-21-2024, 09:28 PM
Cube those squash up, drizzle with olive oil, salt, pepper and lightly pan-fry in a cast iron skillet over whatever smoky wood used on the brisket. Dash of Tony Chachere's cajun season prior to eating and WALLAH!

Pairs well with a good Tequila...:thumb:

Always know Slippy is good for a Pro Tip or two. I might just do them that way.

06-21-2024, 09:28 PM
Fresh bear track in the garden this morning, no damages. Neighbor seen it , with two young cubs, thinks it's same one who had two 1 1/2 year olds last year.

And I think Squirrels are a pain.

Mad Trapper
06-21-2024, 11:55 PM
And I think Squirrels are a pain.

Back a couple years I was loosing sweet corn ears but it wasn't coons or bears. I found a pile of stripped ears at the base of a tree when I mowed the surrounding field. Little MFers were stealing 1 ear at a time then eating them at the tree, so they could skittle up it if anything that would eat/kill them came along.

06-22-2024, 04:03 AM
Because the mega hospital decided to get rid of older, experienced, expensive doctors, I had to move my knee replacement from fall to June 17 before my surgeon was retired. So now I’m laid up and my garden is coming on. And of course now we have a record heat wave. The wife is a trooper and has taken over garden duty. Watering every day and harvesting broccoli and cauliflower. She’s been blanching and freezing it. Blueberries are coming soon and peach trees desperately need thinning. I’m hoping to salvage most of the garden produce this year, but I’m thinking that garden chores and canning are going to be painful this year.

06-22-2024, 06:01 AM
Because the mega hospital decided to get rid of older, experienced, expensive doctors, I had to move my knee replacement from fall to June 17 before my surgeon was retired. So now I’m laid up and my garden is coming on. And of course now we have a record heat wave. The wife is a trooper and has taken over garden duty. Watering every day and harvesting broccoli and cauliflower. She’s been blanching and freezing it. Blueberries are coming soon and peach trees desperately need thinning. I’m hoping to salvage most of the garden produce this year, but I’m thinking that garden chores and canning are going to be painful this year.


Get un-laid up! And get un-laid up NOW DAMNIT!


06-22-2024, 06:22 AM
Slip! I’m pushing it hard! But at 73 I don’t heal so fast. My first knee replacement didn’t turn out so well. Trying to do better this time around. I’m doing everything the PT folks tell me to.

06-22-2024, 09:47 AM
Slip! I’m pushing it hard! But at 73 I don’t heal so fast. My first knee replacement didn’t turn out so well. Trying to do better this time around. I’m doing everything the PT folks tell me to.


Keep it up!

06-24-2024, 08:50 AM
I aim to expand my vegetable patch. Last year's harvest was decent, but I'm eager to experiment with some new varieties this time around. I've been eyeing a few heirloom tomato varieties that look promising, and I'm also considering trying my hand at growing some exotic herbs like mint and lemongrass.

Aside from planting, I want to add to my garden new furniture. We have some plastic chairs and an old wood table, and that's it. I want something that blends with the surroundings but also offers comfort for those lazy afternoons spent lounging in the garden. Rattan furniture seems like a good choice, but I'm not sure. Something like this: https://www.gardencentreshopping.co.uk/sapcote-sofa-lounge-natural-rattan. I'm still weighing other possibilities, as well. Like wood. Any tips from you guys?

Wait..... you edit your post from the other day at 4am this morning and you add a link for garden furniture with a euro price tag? Guess your not really from New York are you!

Mad Trapper
06-24-2024, 09:04 AM
Wait..... you edit your post from the other day at 4am this morning and you add a link for garden furniture with a euro price tag? Guess your not really from New York are you!

Might be time to nuke it?



06-24-2024, 02:32 PM
Might be time to nuke it?



Yeah I better get an explanation soon or poof!

Mad Trapper
06-24-2024, 02:57 PM
Yeah I better get an explanation soon or poof!

Hawg, you are a good man/human and give everyone the benefit of the doubt. You Inor and ALL other Administrators are the best.


07-07-2024, 05:39 PM
Artichokes! :) First of the season! Corn was knee high by the 4th of July! Hopeful for a much better crop than last year!



Mad Trapper
07-08-2024, 09:33 AM
Had a bear that didn't want leave blueberries, by time I got air rifle to piss it off gone.

Next time I'm just grabbing the BP rifle with 370gr lead bullet. It and the Gamo live right behind the front door.

Bear meat tastes good.


That's five at fifty with opens.


Mad Trapper
07-19-2024, 07:31 AM
Jail door is shut?


We have a new inmate!!!


Last meal of remaining apple scraps in jail cell. Sentence was carried out and Mr Fox or Mr Coyote ate well last night....

This one was tormenting me a few weeks. Didn't know where holed up, snuck in the barn once. Disappeared as fast as he showed up. Had started digging a hole IN THE GARDEN.

Question now is did the CRIMINAL ALIEN bring whole family? To be continued....

07-19-2024, 10:09 PM
Harvested all the garlic. Only 135 bulbs...I was depressed last summer/fall and wasn't going to plant at all, but...I managed to plant some.


Harvest - every other day I get this much. I could get 3-4 times as much if I put in more time and had arms to hold it :)

Greensleeve apples only thing in the orchard producing at this point :(

Still harvesting lots of other stuff...squash and zucchini are coming in nicely as are the carrots...
Corn is doing great! :)

Just sprayed all the veggies with fish oil...stinks!

White Shadow
07-20-2024, 08:22 AM

07-20-2024, 06:02 PM
So little time, SO many artichokes! These plants have been overwintered for 3 years now! I did lose 1 this year though :(


07-20-2024, 06:05 PM
So little time, SO many artichokes! These plants have been overwintered for 3 years now! I did lose 1 this year though :(


Those are good in a crab boil.

07-21-2024, 05:48 PM
My 2024 "garden" consists of 5 large terra cotta tubs with 3 tomato plants, some lettuce & some beans. I did plant some petunias in a window flower box....I love their smell in the morning when I make my morning coffee.

07-22-2024, 07:33 PM
Napa cabbage and Romaine! :) Many more growing...

More artichokes to harvest tomorrow - cooking up 4 right now :)

07-22-2024, 08:18 PM
Pulled my 10 rows of garlic. Hanging for 3 weeks to cure.



07-23-2024, 05:47 AM
Napa cabbage and Romaine! :) Many more growing...

More artichokes to harvest tomorrow - cooking up 4 right now :)

Very nice!

07-23-2024, 05:48 AM
Pulled my 10 rows of garlic. Hanging for 3 weeks to cure.



Now that is SOME GARLIC!

07-25-2024, 02:53 AM
Stay tuned for more gardening tips....


07-28-2024, 10:46 PM
I know it's not a lot, however, it's my little corn patch and it's doing very well! :) Last year was a bust, because of a lot of issue...mainly, me...


07-29-2024, 12:58 AM
I actually spent the better half of today taking my garden back. Because of being on Vacation and having other things to do around the house grass had taken over my entire garden. That and some Chinese weed. Those all got evicted today.

I know it's not a lot, however, it's my little corn patch and it's doing very well! :) Last year was a bust, because of a lot of issue...mainly, me...


Better than mine. I planted 5 and got two to grow.

T-Man 1066
07-29-2024, 07:15 AM
I actually spent the better half of today taking my garden back. Because of being on Vacation and having other things to do around the house grass had taken over my entire garden. That and some Chinese weed. Those all got evicted today.

Better than mine. I planted 5 and got two to grow.

Cant just plant a few and get much out of them. Even planting 3 or 4 short rows would help alot.

Corn is not asexual, and needs to cross pollinate with other corn. The tassle is the male part, the silk is the female part. Kinda like people, having sex with yourself is not productive to procreation. Plus corn is a grass, so unless you got Roundup Ready corn, keep the glysophate far away...

08-03-2024, 03:34 PM
The garden is really producing now! Lots of stuff slowly coming in! My corn has Never been SO high! :)

First squash and cauliflower:

Mad Trapper
08-03-2024, 04:43 PM
Cant just plant a few and get much out of them. Even planting 3 or 4 short rows would help alot.

Corn is not asexual, and needs to cross pollinate with other corn. The tassle is the male part, the silk is the female part. Kinda like people, having sex with yourself is not productive to procreation. Plus corn is a grass, so unless you got Roundup Ready corn, keep the glysophate far away...

Yep wind pollinated. Never used roundup/GMO corn seeds.

An alternative is to do hills, with a dozen or so corn, will get good cross pollination. I do that Indian style, with pole beans and squashes in same hill. Indians are the people who developed corn for food. The beans are legumes and feed the corn and squashes nitrogen.

I add poles for the beans so they don't take down the corn. The squash will climb too, I've had butternut and acorns I picked 3 feet off the ground. I usually have to put a loop of welded wire around the hills to keep the deer/coons out. Dam squirrels still try to get at the corn but it makes it easier to shoot them and they can't run away with whole ears of corn. If you get the wire fence with the small openings it helps with the squirrels.

The beans/squash will also use the fence to climb/for support.

08-04-2024, 09:41 PM
Do your morning ritual in a bucket and use it to fertilize your garden, Save money and you're doing your part by recycling! When I was a teenager, I would take home all the carp I caught and bury them in my own private garden. I had the sweetest sweet corn ever. Natural fertilizer are better than store bought.

Mad Trapper
08-04-2024, 10:18 PM
Do your morning ritual in a bucket and use it to fertilize your garden, Save money and you're doing your part by recycling! When I was a teenager, I would take home all the carp I caught and bury them in my own private garden. I had the sweetest sweet corn ever. Natural fertilizer are better than store bought.

The morning ritual will also repel some garden varmints.

08-08-2024, 10:49 PM

She's a beauty! I've already eaten 1 of the Napa cabbages, gave away 2, and just harvested this one. There are several left :)
Made my salads for this week all from the garden, expect for the onion: Kale, arugula, cabbage, snap peas, purslane, carrots, Romaine

08-11-2024, 09:49 PM
About 3-4 years ago when our oldest grandson was visiting, he and I went out tromping through the desert and chopped off a pad from a nice looking prickly pear cactus a ways from M.T. Acres. I put it in a 5 gal. bucket with some dirt to root, then planted it in the yard. Today, Mrs Inor picked the first batch of pears from it!


I'm not sure if there are enough of them to make prickly pear jelly or if she is planning on just making candy. Either way, it is GREAT stuff! By next year, I expect we will be getting more pears from it than we know what to do with!

We have another that we started from a pad that we stole from the rental house the first year we were in AZ. It has a TON of pears on it as well, but those are not quite ready for harvest yet.

Mad Trapper
08-13-2024, 10:58 AM
My garden is going to hell.

I dislocated my shoulder and have in terrible pain since. Doctor won't prescribe pain meds

Mad Trapper
08-13-2024, 10:58 AM
My garden is going to hell.

I dislocated my shoulder and have in terrible pain since. Doctor won't prescribe pain meds

08-13-2024, 05:27 PM
My garden is going to hell.

I dislocated my shoulder and have in terrible pain since. Doctor won't prescribe pain meds

Yep. I tore my forearm AND calf muscle, both left limbs gimped up pretty good. I'm hobbling around like Quasimodo... all I need now is a lazy eye and a hump. No pain meds either.

Mad Trapper
08-13-2024, 10:08 PM
Yep. I tore my forearm AND calf muscle, both left limbs gimped up pretty good. I'm hobbling around like Quasimodo... all I need now is a lazy eye and a hump. No pain meds either.

Sorry to hear that Strat.

What stopped doctors prescribing pain meds was the flood of opiates coming across the open borders and resulting ODs.

I was prescribed oxycontin for more than a month twice, over 10 years ago. When the pain stopped so did the drugs.

I resorted to drinking this time just so I could get to sleep, I can't keep that up for too long and am just in pain now.

I have a vial of prescribed oxy at my other place left over from long ago that I didn't need. I need the pain to get to a level I can drive my truck there, 4-SPD so tough to drive with one arm.

08-19-2024, 07:50 PM

08-24-2024, 08:22 PM
We basically gave up on our garden becasue of our drought conditions. We still have enough tomatoes and peppers we just didn't can any this year. The drought seems to be forcing everything early this year. We picked 67 lbs of concord grapes today. After washing and removing stems and the bad grapes we ended up with 57lbs. Lots of jam to start making soon. Apples look fairly good even with out drought conditions. The color isn't right yet so I'm thinking at least a week maybe 2. We will freeze slices of apples and make plenty of applesauce. Old pear tree is loaded. I think it will make it. Pick those in October and let them ripen a few days before canning

08-24-2024, 08:53 PM
We basically gave up on our garden becasue of our drought conditions. We still have enough tomatoes and peppers we just didn't can any this year. The drought seems to be forcing everything early this year. We picked 67 lbs of concord grapes today. After washing and removing stems and the bad grapes we ended up with 57lbs. Lots of jam to start making soon. Apples look fairly good even with out drought conditions. The color isn't right yet so I'm thinking at least a week maybe 2. We will freeze slices of apples and make plenty of applesauce. Old pear tree is loaded. I think it will make it. Pick those in October and let them ripen a few days before canning

You, Sir, are a freakin' magician with the gardens/orchards!

Thanks to your encouragement, I did not cut down my apple and pear trees the last couple years out of frustration and this year we are finally getting both apples and pears! WOO HOO!!! They are still small, but at least they are producing something! Last year, I think we maybe got a total of 7 apples. This year they are loaded with smallish apples. This is the first year we have gotten ANY pears. They are not ripe yet so it is still too soon to tell if they are any good. But at least it is something for all the investment of water, fertilizer, etc.

Now if we could get the cherries, apricots and pomegranates to produce,

The almonds also are looking good.

The olives we planted last year are growing like weeds. I doubt I will live long enough to actually see them start making olives. But they are still fun to watch grow.

08-24-2024, 09:17 PM
You, Sir, are a freakin' magician with the gardens/orchards!

Thanks to your encouragement, I did not cut down my apple and pear trees the last couple years out of frustration and this year we are finally getting both apples and pears! WOO HOO!!! They are still small, but at least they are producing something! Last year, I think we maybe got a total of 7 apples. This year they are loaded with smallish apples. This is the first year we have gotten ANY pears. They are not ripe yet so it is still too soon to tell if they are any good. But at least it is something for all the investment of water, fertilizer, etc.

Now if we could get the cherries, apricots and pomegranates to produce,

The almonds also are looking good.

The olives we planted last year are growing like weeds. I doubt I will live long enough to actually see them start making olives. But they are still fun to watch grow.

I'm really discourage this year. The drought and heat have worn me down. I tried to water but it was just too much for us. The grape harvest was about 50% of a good normal year. I always make too much grape jam. We're adding 500-600 gallons of water a day to the pond just to try to save the fish. We used 13,500 gallons of water last month. They came back out an reread my meter. I'm adding "SAFE" to take the chlorine out. So hopefully it will be okay. Lucky the fruit trees in the field are established enough that they seem to be okay. Honestly I'm ready for fall!

08-25-2024, 06:51 AM
Not a good year down here, either.
We don't garden, but the place near us that has a produce stand, and 10 acres of large variety of veggies, potatoes corn beets carrots peppers greens tomatoes beans onions everything, lost it all. Heat and rains. Sad for us, very sad for them. Any produce to purchase is now over 40 miles away.

08-25-2024, 06:52 AM
My garden is basically done. The tomatoes have late blight so they will be dead in a week or 2. I still have some sweet peppers but they didn’t produce much this year. There are a few red beets left and some carrots. Everything else is done and plants removed. I got a lot of peaches this year. Some plums and good blueberry harvest. The apple trees are loaded. All and all a pretty good year. I used a ton of water due to the dry summer. Looking forward to next year but some adjustments will be made due to increasing age and arthritis.

08-25-2024, 07:04 AM
I started the seeds on tax day like the last 2 years. The tomatoes are small and green, peppers are small. 45 degree nights seem to halt the growing process

08-25-2024, 10:41 AM
My "Garden" consists of 4 large & one medium terracotta pots. Tomatoes in 4, one green beans. Tomatoes are small and green (one turning orange) and as of now....no beans, just vines. Too old to have a big garden like I used to. All that bending while I trimmed my hedges yesterday is killing me today. Back & legs ache. Hopefully we'll keep getting some warm weather next month so the plants will amount to something.

08-25-2024, 05:20 PM
Weather cleared up today and I had to toss dozens of cherry tomatoes due to bloating and cracking from all the rains :(
Jalapeños are still looking great! I have 6-8 plants like this one.


Started to harvest hazelnuts, before the birds & squirrels get em all!
This is just a tiny amount, and I'll do it little at a time, from what I can grab anyway!

No one will get to the hazelnuts with my Guardian! ;)

08-25-2024, 06:31 PM
Good stuff y'all!

Our garden is pretty much done for the year, other than sweet potatoes & herbs. Hot and Dry is what we expect for the next month or so.

We are adding to our compost bins and will add some more fertilizer to the beds. Autumn cannot come quick enough for me!

08-29-2024, 05:46 PM
Looking like fall! Plenty of thse sugar pie pumkins!


My First Roma of the season! This fall weather has been killing all my tomatoes! I do have thousands of cherry tomatoes, and maybe a close 2nd with Roma's. Come on...

So many squash, from only 2 plants! I can't give them away!

08-29-2024, 09:53 PM
Nice haul!

09-03-2024, 04:24 PM
Because we have a ton of deer around here, my gardens are fenced 6 ft high. Last nite one of the bastards jumped the fence and ate the tops off my red beets. The beets are ok so I can still harvest and can them, but this is the first time that they ever jumped inside. Now that at least one of them knows he can do it, I guess this will be an ongoing problem going forward. A rich asshole eye doctor bought all the undeveloped land around me and posted it. Nobody can hunt now and we are being over run with deer.

Mad Trapper
09-03-2024, 08:38 PM
Because we have a ton of deer around here, my gardens are fenced 6 ft high. Last nite one of the bastards jumped the fence and ate the tops off my red beets. The beets are ok so I can still harvest and can them, but this is the first time that they ever jumped inside. Now that at least one of them knows he can do it, I guess this will be an ongoing problem going forward. A rich asshole eye doctor bought all the undeveloped land around me and posted it. Nobody can hunt now and we are being over run with deer.

Can you string a wire of barb above the fence?

I've found if I fence off small(er) areas of what they really like to eat/devastate they don't like jumping into the smaller areas.

Did that with 2nd planting of broccoli/cabbages last fall. It was ~ 10 X 20' rectangle, of welded wire ~4' tall, the stuff with small squares at bottom and larger at top that keeps out rabbits and chucks too.

The deer stayed out

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09-04-2024, 04:38 AM
I have 6 ft tall posts now. But I’m going to extend them up another foot or two and string another wire around the top. I also thought about putting a couple of saw horses inside the garden area so they don’t have a clear space to land in. My main garden is only fenced 6 feet high also, but it’s filled with many closely spaced raised beds so there isn’t a flat open space for the deer to land in. That’s the plan anyway.

09-04-2024, 09:39 AM
I didn’t plant many beets this year. I only canned 2 qts of pickled beets from my first planting. It was a poor harvest. Then I decided to use up all my partial packets of old seeds for a second planting. Today I pulled everything and I might get one qt and one pint of pickled beets. Not much but better than nothing. I need to get off my lazy duff and pull all the carrots and can those too. Looks like a good year for the carrots.

09-04-2024, 10:47 AM
I've found if I fence off small(er) areas of what they really like to eat/devastate they don't like jumping into the smaller areas.

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That lines up with something I watched recently... that deer wont jump over something unless they can see a 'good' place to land and then get out of. The guy in the vid had waist high raised beds, a few feet out from the fence; a 'small' garden area would accomplish the same thing.

Mad Trapper
09-04-2024, 11:51 PM
I didn’t plant many beets this year. I only canned 2 qts of pickled beets from my first planting. It was a poor harvest. Then I decided to use up all my partial packets of old seeds for a second planting. Today I pulled everything and I might get one qt and one pint of pickled beets. Not much but better than nothing. I need to get off my lazy duff and pull all the carrots and can those too. Looks like a good year for the carrots.

My parents house has a root cellar. A big box or tote with moist sand will keep carrots overwinter. Clip the tops off ~1" from the root. No light or they will try to grow.

Mad Trapper
09-04-2024, 11:54 PM
I have 6 ft tall posts now. But I’m going to extend them up another foot or two and string another wire around the top. I also thought about putting a couple of saw horses inside the garden area so they don’t have a clear space to land in. My main garden is only fenced 6 feet high also, but it’s filled with many closely spaced raised beds so there isn’t a flat open space for the deer to land in. That’s the plan anyway.

Even regular wire might work if you try this. Tie ~ 1-1.5' long pieces of flagging tape on it spaced every few feet, it will blow in the wing and deer won't like it.

Mad Trapper
09-05-2024, 12:12 AM
That lines up with something I watched recently... that deer wont jump over something unless they can see a 'good' place to land and then get out of. The guy in the vid had waist high raised beds, a few feet out from the fence; a 'small' garden area would accomplish the same thing.

I covered that whole plot up with lumber covers that day. This was the garden the next day, hard frost that night 26 oF, everything lived. Got into the 50s next almost next 2 weeks.

Next hard frost was the night of 11/13th, 22oF picked everything then


09-07-2024, 01:53 PM
I have to be over a thousand strong in my cherry tomato harvest. I'll make sauce & can it later today or tomorrow...

I have my own small sugar pie pumpkin patch!

Cayenne peppers!

Some of the corn is also ready - what the damn bugs/birds haven't destroyed - so probably some picking & freezing this weekend also...

22 cobs of corn processed and frozen!

Then 2 of these mothers! They look like Delicata - they are next to the Delicata and the butternut squash, so maybe a hybrid??

09-21-2024, 02:34 PM
Prepped a new bed for next year's garlic - planting next week: Had to leave that last Napa cabbage though :)

Good harvest - my peppers are getting huge! Picked more Cayenne peppers and there's a Bell pepper that 1.5 times bigger than the one I'm holding!

Delicata started getting ready - lots of Sugar Pie pumpkins ready :) Gotta pick & process more corn now:

The "new" garlic bed had potatoes in it before...so, harvested those also:

Also canned more quarts of Roma tomatoes...much more to go! :)

Mad Trapper
09-29-2024, 12:59 PM
Strawberry questions.

I bought a 6-pk of everbearing berries, put them in large ~ 1-galpots. Got some berries still am.

What is best way to overwinter them? I am in zone 4-5.

Thought of just planting the pots in the garden to overwinter?

Fucking voles eat anything with roots

09-29-2024, 01:26 PM
Strawberry questions.

I bought a 6-pk of everbearing berries, put them in large ~ 1-galpots. Got some berries still am.

What is best way to overwinter them? I am in zone 4-5.

Thought of just planting the pots in the garden to overwinter?

Fucking voles eat anything with roots

Grow in basement with artificial light?

Mad Trapper
09-29-2024, 01:48 PM
Grow in basement with artificial light?

No just over winter. No animal damage overwinter.

Fucking voles/mice took out a dozen blueberries in pots. over wintered, in a barn here .