View Full Version : Opinions?

05-29-2024, 06:25 AM

Saw this article and it started me thinking. Is the USA at this point? Lots of things going to hell but people thinking/hoping that things will return to normal eventually. Folks hoping that Trump can turn things around? I’ve seen articles that state that the division between left and right is too wide for compromise. One side has to eliminate the other. Well the left seems hell bent on eliminating the right. Are we suddenly going to wake up one day to full blown conflict? Regardless of who wins this presidential election, I see big trouble coming. If Biden wins and there is even a whiff of fraud, I see the wheels coming off the cart. Throw in Ukraine, The Middle East, and Taiwan, and things get even more dangerous.

05-29-2024, 07:09 AM
IDK, but I remember reading Selco's articles.

05-29-2024, 07:44 AM

Saw this article and it started me thinking. Is the USA at this point? Lots of things going to hell but people thinking/hoping that things will return to normal eventually. Folks hoping that Trump can turn things around? I’ve seen articles that state that the division between left and right is too wide for compromise. One side has to eliminate the other. Well the left seems hell bent on eliminating the right. Are we suddenly going to wake up one day to full blown conflict? Regardless of who wins this presidential election, I see big trouble coming. If Biden wins and there is even a whiff of fraud, I see the wheels coming off the cart. Throw in Ukraine, The Middle East, and Taiwan, and things get even more dangerous.

And with all the thousands of Chinese military age men that Biden allowed to infiltrate the US, China will see us "Ripe for the Picking"if it comes to another Civil war. And there won't be anything civil about it.

T-Man 1066
05-29-2024, 07:49 AM

Saw this article and it started me thinking. Is the USA at this point? Lots of things going to hell but people thinking/hoping that things will return to normal eventually. Folks hoping that Trump can turn things around? I’ve seen articles that state that the division between left and right is too wide for compromise. One side has to eliminate the other. Well the left seems hell bent on eliminating the right. Are we suddenly going to wake up one day to full blown conflict? Regardless of who wins this presidential election, I see big trouble coming. If Biden wins and there is even a whiff of fraud, I see the wheels coming off the cart. Throw in Ukraine, The Middle East, and Taiwan, and things get even more dangerous.

I think that is referred to as normalcy bias... this situation ain't normal, but we trust and or hope things will go back to normal.

I believe those that have served in combat, or have lived in areas of the world where this has happened before, will understand this quicker than, well, even me, who hasn't served in war and has been here all my life. It is going to be a transient thing, and I suspect most people will eventually figure it out, but not all at once.

05-29-2024, 09:24 AM
Should CWII kick off, we the patriots on the Right will instantly be in a two front war with the commies on the left AND the foreign invaders.


05-29-2024, 09:48 AM
I think the biggest take-away from the article is about his friend not being well stocked and eventually got killed because of it. None if us can stock enough supplies for a long term event. But we damned sure should be stocked enough to stay home for at least the initial stages of the chaos. There is still time to stock up, but the danger of violence will increase the closer we get to the election. If the lefties see that there is no chance of the cabbage being re-elected, I predict that they will instigate as much trouble as possible. Martial law is a perfect excuse to suspend elections and guarantee perpetual power. Zelenski has already done just that.

Prepared One
05-29-2024, 09:54 AM
If CWII does break out you can bet there will be a lot of bad actors in the mix. They will line up around the world to mix the pot and see this country fall. You won't know who to shoot at. It won't be a Blue/Gray affair. Dementia Joe or Trump, doesn't matter, neither will fix it. This can't be fixed at the ballot box anyway.

Mad Trapper
05-29-2024, 10:20 AM
I've seen it coming a long time now.

I need to put up 2-3 years more of firewood near the house. If I have that I can be warm and cook. Hope to can a shitload of stuff this summer, as can't depend on electric for frozen. Dry stuff too.

Trying to get all equipment tuned and running well with spares. Need more fuel storage.

PP I'm OK. I'll turn in the lead first......

05-29-2024, 10:38 AM

Saw this article and it started me thinking. Is the USA at this point? Lots of things going to hell but people thinking/hoping that things will return to normal eventually. Folks hoping that Trump can turn things around? I’ve seen articles that state that the division between left and right is too wide for compromise. One side has to eliminate the other. Well the left seems hell bent on eliminating the right. Are we suddenly going to wake up one day to full blown conflict? Regardless of who wins this presidential election, I see big trouble coming. If Biden wins and there is even a whiff of fraud, I see the wheels coming off the cart. Throw in Ukraine, The Middle East, and Taiwan, and things get even more dangerous.

The problem is that you've only touched on the current major issues that the MSM is keeping in our view finders.

There's a whole lot of other issues that are all stirring around such as taxes, inflation, our southern border, 20,000 plus able bodied Chinese males of military age, politicized courts and law enforcement agencies, and us vs them mentality with the federal government, the making of laws without the legislature, the murder of over a million Americans due to Covid and 100,000 per year due to fentynal and no consequences for those involved.

The pot is definitely boiling and it's going to take more than an new four year Trump Administration to begin to fix some of this crap. I believe that were looking forat least a 12 year repair period and then maybe we'll be headed in the right direction

05-29-2024, 10:42 AM
I've seen it coming a long time now.

I need to put up 2-3 years more of firewood near the house. If I have that I can be warm and cook. Hope to can a shitload of stuff this summer, as can't depend on electric for frozen. Dry stuff too.

Trying to get all equipment tuned and running well with spares. Need more fuel storage.

PP I'm OK. I'll turn in the lead first......

If things don't go totally to crap in a hand basket right away, you can go a long way on your existing preps especially if you can on occasion resupply some of your depleted stocks. That's what we've done during the last five years and while a lot of others have really suffered, we've been able to maintain a reasonably comfortable life, move to a remote location and help a bunch of those less fortunate. Are some of my preps low? Yep. But as time and resources permit,

So don't give up and pray for a slow down in the insanity

05-29-2024, 11:32 AM
Prepping schmepping....I'm set until the Marauding starts!


05-29-2024, 01:02 PM
I believe those that have served in combat, or have lived in areas of the world where this has happened before, will understand this quicker than, well, even me, who hasn't served in war and has been here all my life. It is going to be a transient thing, and I suspect most people will eventually figure it out, but not all at once.

The bad part is that at least at the first . . . folks will not automatically know whom to trust.

Lots of innocents will be raped . . . robbed . . . pillaged . . . and plundered . . . until the lines begin to ID themselves.

Personally . . . I'll be (or someone will be) . . . on watch . . . 24/7 . . . and those coming around the barrier in the driveway . . . will definitely be fired upon . . . with malice aforethought.

One person walking in . . . without a visible weapon . . . hands open and visible at all times . . . and who stops at the warning to stop here and state your intentions . . . will be "considered". All others may find out what being buried is all about.

FYI . . . it's called self defense . . . and it will definitely be an offensive styled self defense.

May God bless,

05-29-2024, 02:37 PM

Saw this article and it started me thinking. Is the USA at this point? Lots of things going to hell but people thinking/hoping that things will return to normal eventually. Folks hoping that Trump can turn things around? I’ve seen articles that state that the division between left and right is too wide for compromise. One side has to eliminate the other. Well the left seems hell bent on eliminating the right. Are we suddenly going to wake up one day to full blown conflict? Regardless of who wins this presidential election, I see big trouble coming. If Biden wins and there is even a whiff of fraud, I see the wheels coming off the cart. Throw in Ukraine, The Middle East, and Taiwan, and things get even more dangerous.

Ok.. my 5 cents (inflation). Good article and I on occasion read his blog. It’s educational for sure. When or if the SHTF there is a denial effect that takes place. Humans always think it will go back to normal. That it’s temporary. There is a “technical” name for that but I can’t recall it right now. Regardless, that thinking will get many many killed.

As for the US, Biden, Trump and the elections… Trump is just a speed bump. If he wins there is not a chance he’ll be able to right the ship. Pump out some water and prevent the immediate sinking.. sure.. but there are too many holes. The water will still pour in and the ship will sink. Even if he wins, brings on a VP that wins another 8 years, it’s still just a speed bump or keeping with the ship analogy, just more pumping of water.

The deep state, the communists, that fascist, etc are too ingrained in every aspect of our society from cradle to grave.

And yes, the left wants to destroy conservatives. Conservatives want to be left alone but if they are attacked, I’m sure they will destroy the left.

The end of the US as we know it has already happened. We just don’t realize it yet. How far it will fall is yet to be determined. I suspect we’d be like the UK.. still impactful but basically useless.

05-29-2024, 02:40 PM
normalcy bias.

That’s the term I was looking for.

05-29-2024, 03:12 PM
Ok.. my 5 cents (inflation). Good article and I on occasion read his blog. It’s educational for sure. When or if the SHTF there is a denial effect that takes place. Humans always think it will go back to normal. That it’s temporary. There is a “technical” name for that but I can’t recall it right now. Regardless, that thinking will get many many killed.

As for the US, Biden, Trump and the elections… Trump is just a speed bump. If he wins there is not a chance he’ll be able to right the ship. Pump out some water and prevent the immediate sinking.. sure.. but there are too many holes. The water will still pour in and the ship will sink. Even if he wins, brings on a VP that wins another 8 years, it’s still just a speed bump or keeping with the ship analogy, just more pumping of water.

The deep state, the communists, that fascist, etc are too ingrained in every aspect of our society from cradle to grave.

And yes, the left wants to destroy conservatives. Conservatives want to be left alone but if they are attacked, I’m sure they will destroy the left.

The end of the US as we know it has already happened. We just don’t realize it yet. How far it will fall is yet to be determined. I suspect we’d be like the UK.. still impactful but basically useless.

It is either an unintended consequence of their actions (meaning trump is merely a bandaid to cover the festering wound), or an intended consequence of their actions (meaning trump is the festering wound and needs to be cut out)... either way, the stench of rotting flesh is about to be all around us!

05-29-2024, 04:01 PM
The bad part is that at least at the first . . . folks will not automatically know whom to trust.

Lots of innocents will be raped . . . robbed . . . pillaged . . . and plundered . . . until the lines begin to ID themselves.

Personally . . . I'll be (or someone will be) . . . on watch . . . 24/7 . . . and those coming around the barrier in the driveway . . . will definitely be fired upon . . . with malice aforethought.

One person walking in . . . without a visible weapon . . . hands open and visible at all times . . . and who stops at the warning to stop here and state your intentions . . . will be "considered". All others may find out what being buried is all about.

FYI . . . it's called self defense . . . and it will definitely be an offensive styled self defense.

May God bless,

Buzzards 'gotta eat too. same as the worms. Let 'em lay where they fall, as a warning to others like minded.

Mad Trapper
05-29-2024, 04:23 PM
They might be planning it for this summer/fall.

Could be today if the sham Trump trial comes to a guilty, or the next one, or the next one.......

False flag /riots starts and MSM blames the good ones not the ones who instigated it,......... and whoops, we can't have a (s)election........martial law lockdowns.........

Covid might have been a ruse to see how much people will tolerate........

05-30-2024, 01:32 AM
I can go two years easy on food preps, but just realized the coffee, bourbon, and tobacco will run out in 6 months. I may have to re-evaluate my priorities....

Mad Trapper
05-30-2024, 01:56 AM
I can go two years easy on food preps, but just realized the coffee, bourbon, and tobacco will run out in 6 months. I may have to re-evaluate my priorities....

You are way ahead of me if you have two years worth of food. I'm hoping to put a lot up from the garden this year.

05-30-2024, 03:12 AM
You are way ahead of me if you have two years worth of food. I'm hoping to put a lot up from the garden this year.

There are problems associated with having that much food. Some of it, like Spam for instance, you aren't eating often enough to keep rotating it out. I also have tons of rice and pasta, which I rarely eat because I prefer more of a carnivore diet. But those staples will stretch your canned stuff for miles if things go south. Chili and green beans get rotated out frequently. It's a mixed bag. I have an entire bedroom dedicated as a pantry. Every two years or so I take the older 20% or so portion of stuff and donate it to a food kitchen. Spend $1500 or so and replace it fresh. It's an insurance policy.

05-30-2024, 07:39 AM
We have done the best we could over the past 25 years or so preparing for various SHTF things.

We try out best to balance work, fun and preparations.

I realize I could have done better in all 3 of those categories but there is no going back! :second:

Remember always what Brian sang...

Life During Wartime;

This ain't no party, this ain't no disco
This ain't no fooling around...

Prepared One
05-30-2024, 09:09 AM
MG and I can go 2 to 3 years on our food stores if we are judicious and remain unmolested. We probably will not outlive our ammo storage but I keep adding to the pile. We keep enough fuel, both Propane and gas, on hand to run for a while although not indefinitely. I am pretty comfortable with where are at with our preps should the shit start flying right now. Depending on circumstances we should all be prepared to adjust our plans and preps accordingly. It's hard to know which ball will hit the ground first.

Mad Trapper
05-30-2024, 09:45 AM
We have done the best we could over the past 25 years or so preparing for various SHTF things.

We try out best to balance work, fun and preparations.

I realize I could have done better in all 3 of those categories but there is no going back! :second:

Remember always what Brian sang...

Life During Wartime;

This ain't no party, this ain't no disco
This ain't no fooling around...

David Byrne/Talking Heads were a favorite of mine. Saw them up close once about the time that song came out....few bands had such an ensemble, energy, or performance.


05-30-2024, 10:22 AM
MG and I can go 2 to 3 years on our food stores if we are judicious and remain unmolested. We probably will not outlive our ammo storage but I keep adding to the pile. We keep enough fuel, both Propane and gas, on hand to run for a while although not indefinably. I am pretty comfortable with where are at with our preps should the shit start flying right now. Depending on circumstances we should all be prepared to adjust our plans and preps accordingly. It's hard to know which ball will hit the ground first.

One thing anti electric people never reference....in total economic meltdown, you can't make yer own gasoline. Alcohol, sure, but solar panels just work.


05-30-2024, 10:47 AM
I’m good in most areas, except food. Like Strat, a lot of my stuff expires before it gets used. But I plan to ramp up here a little more over the next few months. I was looking at another Honda gas generator this morning. Also thinking about getting a 30 or 55 gallon steel drum to fill with gasoline to keep on hand.

05-30-2024, 03:29 PM
expires before it gets used.
I have a fair amount of dry goods that were stocked....before I decided marauding was good.
I occasionally cook something....
I made a generic Helper type dish with venison sausage.....
I opened the packages; the noodles, and sauce packet were good. No bugs. It seemed perfect.
The expiration was....2012.
It was great.


05-30-2024, 04:57 PM
With the stores. the cows, the chickens, and the garden, we can go a long time. Just enough firepower to keep what is ours, and a REALLY good neighborhood full of like-minded people.

05-30-2024, 07:14 PM
With the stores. the cows, the chickens, and the garden, we can go a long time. Just enough firepower to keep what is ours, and a REALLY good neighborhood full of like-minded people.

^^^ Yep - I couldn't have said it better myself...

Prepared One
05-31-2024, 09:09 AM
With the stores. the cows, the chickens, and the garden, we can go a long time. Just enough firepower to keep what is ours, and a REALLY good neighborhood full of like-minded people.

MG and I are not doing the livestock think but like you, we are surrounded by like minded good ol' boys. We have plenty of ranchers and farmers around we can barter with and the hoards of city sheep will be unpleasantly surprised with the reception they will get should they wonder this way.

Illini Warrior
09-15-2024, 03:58 PM

Saw this article and it started me thinking. Is the USA at this point? Lots of things going to hell but people thinking/hoping that things will return to normal eventually. Folks hoping that Trump can turn things around? I’ve seen articles that state that the division between left and right is too wide for compromise. One side has to eliminate the other. Well the left seems hell bent on eliminating the right. Are we suddenly going to wake up one day to full blown conflict? Regardless of who wins this presidential election, I see big trouble coming. If Biden wins and there is even a whiff of fraud, I see the wheels coming off the cart. Throw in Ukraine, The Middle East, and Taiwan, and things get even more dangerous.

in regard to a Civil War type conflict between a Biden Administration / Leftiest side and a MAGA / Right / conservative / Christian side >>>> I think one could fire up - but - I think that the differences that caused the split in the population itself would be shortlived ....

there would be an immediate split in the FED/State military & any law enforcement - loyal to the GOV and those unwilling to serve & carrying out questionable orders >>>> I believe there'd be an almost overnite invasion of the US by international forces - NATO? UN? - invited by a crumbling Biden type administration or just ordered in by the Globalist nations running the World .....

the US Civil War 2 would become a conflict by united Americans against the occupying forces - the various areas of the US occupied by a different country or ORG of countries .....

09-15-2024, 05:28 PM
in regard to a Civil War type conflict between a Biden Administration / Leftiest side and a MAGA / Right / conservative / Christian side >>>> I think one could fire up - but - I think that the differences that caused the split in the population itself would be shortlived ....

there would be an immediate split in the FED/State military & any law enforcement - loyal to the GOV and those unwilling to serve & carrying out questionable orders >>>> I believe there'd be an almost overnite invasion of the US by international forces - NATO? UN? - invited by a crumbling Biden type administration or just ordered in by the Globalist nations running the World .....

the US Civil War 2 would become a conflict by united Americans against the occupying forces - the various areas of the US occupied by a different country or ORG of countries .....

Multiple fronts...
Got us surrounded...
Right where we want them...
Don't have to search for the enemy...
A target rich environment...


09-16-2024, 05:46 AM
Sometimes (rarely) I sit back, keep my mouth shut, and listen. Recently heard a couple of old timers discuss ranging various objects around your property to determine accurate distances should you ever need that info. Also predetermine which trees need to come down to block roads into your area. Smart advice.

09-16-2024, 07:53 AM
MG and I are not doing the livestock think but like you, we are surrounded by like minded good ol' boys. We have plenty of ranchers and farmers around we can barter with and the hoards of city sheep will be unpleasantly surprised with the reception they will get should they wonder this way.

Guess who the cook and armorer is ?