View Full Version : Steak, Chicken, Pork Ribs and Bacon

07-18-2024, 07:10 AM
Well since I'm back to work and yesterday the neighbor and the Mrs brought 20 # of Boneless Chicken Breast ( $2.29 lb ), 20 lbs of Country Style Pork Ribs ( $1.79 lb), and 20 lbs of Bacon pieces ( $1.59 lb) home :gossip:
We had about 10 lbs of fat from the bacon pieces , so $3.20 lb for trimmed bacon.
She uses the bacon fat in recipes, or I for dog food flavoring
Friday we brought home 20 lbs of Chicken leg quarters ( $1.29 lb)

Friday morning we bought $167 of T Bones @ $5 / lb, the 2 packs were TBones, the 3 packs had a porterhouse included with 2 TBones

So we processed it all, and the freezers are full.

That's over 100 lbs of meat added to a lot of other meat, so I don't need a deer, yet.

07-18-2024, 03:27 PM
During Covid CA kept throwing debt cards at us "for the kids". So we took them and bought meat. About $600. worth. Our freezer was full for a long time. Now we just replenish as we eat.

07-18-2024, 04:34 PM
I always need more venison.