View Full Version : Persecution of Christians in Real Life

08-17-2024, 04:45 PM
So, Bradley ( Brad), the guy who gave me the Cerwin Vegas, Carver Amp, and Solar Panels just had a heart pump installed.

His Mom was involved in Cedar Creek Church until the Pastor started doing Brad's wifey

Well I've been trained on doing a sterile bandage change, on Mrs BB ex's brother Brad, who had a heart pump installed, and I got to play with the wires and tubes .

Yesterday on our way for the 2nd training we are told he's getting out today, no need to come by. By him and staff.

That ain't being true, so I call up the Nurse and explained why I was a no-show.

The Mom posted on Facebook he was getting out, and we confirmed via phone with Brad that he was....

He 's still there

No problem, we be staying at the house next to the hospital, in the hospitality house Sunday night.

His Mom, her ex's family, is a Bible Thumper, and doesn't drink, but listens to me.

So we're staying a day or so in the halfway house near since the family may lose 3

Anyway, her husband and Brads father is in the hospital for blood in stool, Brads brother, Mrs BB's ex is getting knee surgery, and the Mom's sister is in ICU elsewhere.

That's an overload for a Mom, who just had her 60th wedding anniversary a few weeks ago.

The brother with knee surgery stands to get it all if they all die.

After all the baptism's at the river, nobody but the ex shows up to help family

The parents Alfred and Sharon are real Christians, and are being treated as such....in this time

eta- I'm guess I'm close to making decisions

08-17-2024, 04:51 PM
Other than my Mother, I'm totally out of the helping other people business...

08-17-2024, 06:04 PM
Other than my Mother, I'm totally out of the helping other people business...

Daphne (my wife) was in the hospital for 12 days before passing. My mother couldn’t help at all due to age and all that is with that. No family member came to help me.
I do not forget.

T-Man 1066
08-17-2024, 06:11 PM
Daphne (my wife) was in the hospital for 12 days before passing. My mother couldn’t help at all due to age and all that is with that. No family member came to help me.
I do not forget.

T-Woman 1066 thinks it is a bad deal to be a grudge holder. I strongly disagree!

08-17-2024, 06:17 PM
Daphne (my wife) was in the hospital for 12 days before passing. My mother couldn’t help at all due to age and all that is with that. No family member came to help me.
I do not forget.

Yep, the amount of time and stress that Mrs Slippy (Val) has spent helping others is astronomical. You think anyone lifts a finger to help her? Nope.

I saw the writing on the wall with family members a few years ago and pretty much stopped doing anything for others. For years I was the dumbass that always got the call to help; houses, cars, building something, using my equipment to get shit done...blah blah blah. Mostly her ungrateful selfish side of the family. No EFFING more.

It's past due time for some of these bastards to give me a damn hand on Slippy Lodge...but it'll be a cold day in hell when that happens! They would probably screw it up anyway, so there's that!

Hang in there Denton, I have said a prayer or two for you in the past couple of weeks...but don't think I'm that sanctimonious...I'm pretty selfish and I pray for God to give me patience & self control more than anything! :woodchipper:

08-17-2024, 08:29 PM
The flip side of this is sometimes you don't want family to feel they should help LOL.

I never tell my daughter anything about my health. My week in the ICU? She would drop everything and come running. She has an important and demanding job as VP of marketing. I am going to keep getting older and more infirm, that's just the way it is, and I don't want it interfering with the good life she's built for herself. She's a good girl, good daughter, and she would take strong issue with my position on this. I'm the kind of dog who is going to crawl under the porch to die alone unnoticed. When it really starts to stink, they'll figure it out LOL.

She has strongly suggested many times I move to Texas to be close. But then I couldn't keep these things opaque. Sounds good in every way except maybe (likely) becoming a burden to her sooner or later. Not gonna happen on my watch. Two of the air B&B's she owns are in Eugene, so she's in town often enough that I get to see her.

08-18-2024, 06:54 AM
The flip side of this is sometimes you don't want family to feel they should help LOL.

I never tell my daughter anything about my health. My week in the ICU? She would drop everything and come running. She has an important and demanding job as VP of marketing. I am going to keep getting older and more infirm, that's just the way it is, and I don't want it interfering with the good life she's built for herself. She's a good girl, good daughter, and she would take strong issue with my position on this. I'm the kind of dog who is going to crawl under the porch to die alone unnoticed. When it really starts to stink, they'll figure it out LOL.

She has strongly suggested many times I move to Texas to be close. But then I couldn't keep these things opaque. Sounds good in every way except maybe (likely) becoming a burden to her sooner or later. Not gonna happen on my watch. Two of the air B&B's she owns are in Eugene, so she's in town often enough that I get to see her.


08-18-2024, 08:55 AM
Daphne (my wife) was in the hospital for 12 days before passing. My mother couldn’t help at all due to age and all that is with that. No family member came to help me.
I do not forget.

nobody from the family would come up here to get put on the quit claim deed. let alone help for free, they have never visited here in 55 years, yet pass by on their way elsewhere . They do things for profit, so what I live in " Mom's Trailer" better than Mom's basement