View Full Version : GForce GF2P 18.5" 12 Gauge Pump

Big Ken
10-01-2024, 10:46 AM
I just picked this up, bought it for our son, I'm surprised as to how well the fit and finish is for a Turkey gun, we'll take out to the range later and I'll follow up on this post.

I have around $150 in this including Shipping, tax and transfer.




10-01-2024, 02:15 PM
I have a Turkey Rock Island unfired, but smooth action and cycles shotshells

Illini Warrior
10-01-2024, 06:02 PM
stuff like that are good as back ups to your back ups - but God help you if you're relying on something like that as your EDC in a long term/lifetime SHTF situation - just won't be standing up to the necessary rigors involved .....

much less be a multi-generational weapon to be handing down thru your family - which needs to be a serious consideration these dayz >>> got my Dad's uncle's Win Model 12 that passed a 100 a decade ago - it'll be around another 100 if all things go right .....

10-01-2024, 06:38 PM
I just picked this up, bought it for our son, I'm surprised as to how well the fit and finish is for a Turkey gun, we'll take out to the range later and I'll follow up on this post.

I have around $150 in this including Shipping, tax and transfer.




that's a bonafide great deal!

10-01-2024, 07:50 PM
I just picked this up, bought it for our son, I'm surprised as to how well the fit and finish is for a Turkey gun, we'll take out to the range later and I'll follow up on this post.

I have around $150 in this including Shipping, tax and transfer.




My Stoeger 20 gauge coachgun is made in Turkey, I like it fine.

10-01-2024, 08:58 PM
stuff like that are good as back ups to your back ups - but God help you if you're relying on something like that as your EDC in a long term/lifetime SHTF situation - just won't be standing up to the necessary rigors involved .....

much less be a multi-generational weapon to be handing down thru your family - which needs to be a serious consideration these dayz >>> got my Dad's uncle's Win Model 12 that passed a 100 a decade ago - it'll be around another 100 if all things go right .....

Ditto on this!! There are plenty of 870's and the like that have already built a rep, While a good price, think spare parts might be tough to get, that, and not sure if I would trust my life to a Turkey gun. ymmv.

Illini Warrior
10-02-2024, 12:01 PM
Ditto on this!! There are plenty of 870's and the like that have already built a rep, While a good price, think spare parts might be tough to get, that, and not sure if I would trust my life to a Turkey gun. ymmv.

if nothing else - check the market for shotguns with store chain names on them - like Sears - they are all US made copies of the older OEMs that were popular when marketed - usually none of the actual parts were different - they'd do a different stock and forearm look >>> plenty were sold because of the Sears charge card and layaway policy .....

10-02-2024, 01:54 PM
Ditto on this!! There are plenty of 870's and the like that have already built a rep, While a good price, think spare parts might be tough to get, that, and not sure if I would trust my life to a Turkey gun. ymmv.

I got rid of my 870's, they all sucked. I like the Mossy 500's, which was my first pump Back In High School. I got a Wingmaster in '76 that I wore out and pawned off.I'd buy another 870 Wingmaster in a minute though

10-02-2024, 08:04 PM
I got rid of my 870's, they all sucked. I like the Mossy 500's, which was my first pump Back In High School. I got a Wingmaster in '76 that I wore out and pawned off.I'd buy another 870 Wingmaster in a minute though

I'm confused, you say 870's suck but would buy another in a minute?

10-05-2024, 03:02 PM
I have an old Rem 870 Youth Model I bought for my kid as Home Defense and still hunts great. But i also have a couple Mossberg Silver reserves that are great for grouse and pheasant. An Old Stevens SS, and some Mossberg Bolt goose guns. But a couple years ago I bought a Stoeger M3500 for Turkey is a great little gun smooth Inertia Drive Action like their parent company Benelli. it may be made in Turkey, but it is still very well made about the only thing I can't shoot through it are some of the low velocity short brass shells. Just not enough oomph for that 3.5" chamber and the Inertia drive, but is great for them 3.5" can be nice for them big toms and high-flying Canadians.

11-25-2024, 04:12 PM
I'm confused, you say 870's suck but would buy another in a minute?

Wingmaster is old school good quality, it took 50K rounds or so to wear it out. The newer 870's suck since before the sellout

11-25-2024, 07:47 PM
I proudly keep my 5 year old unfired 200 dollar riot model Maverick 88 cased up and easy to reach by the front entry door area. Number 4 bird shot comes out first followed by naught buck. Pistol on person of course.

11-25-2024, 08:07 PM
I proudly keep my 5 year old unfired 200 dollar riot model Maverick 88 cased up and easy to reach by the front entry door area. Number 4 bird shot comes out first followed by naught buck. Pistol on person of course. I think you should do something about that shotty being unfired!

Box of frogs
11-25-2024, 08:11 PM
I proudly keep my 5 year old unfired 200 dollar riot model Maverick 88 cased up and easy to reach by the front entry door area. Number 4 bird shot comes out first followed by naught buck. Pistol on person of course.

I pack the exact same load out in my Maverick 88.
The #4 buck shell is a 3 inch high brass. 41 pellets.

Big Ken
11-25-2024, 10:22 PM
I just picked this up, bought it for our son, I'm surprised as to how well the fit and finish is for a Turkey gun, we'll take out to the range later and I'll follow up on this post.

Glad this popped up, I forgot to follow up, took this out and put two boxes of Winchester 7 1/2 short brass ( I had this on hand so.. ) through it without a hiccup, it's not as nice as my Wingmasters or Brownings but it was fun to shoot, next I'll dig out my slugs and pick up some 00 buck to try, for the money I'm happy with it.

11-25-2024, 11:12 PM
Wingmaster is old school good quality, it took 50K rounds or so to wear it out. The newer 870's suck since before the sellout

I have posted this somewhere once before, my brother used a Wingmaster for 30 years hunting birds, only cleaned the barrel. Traded for a bottom eject Browning cause he shoots left-handed, he wished he never got rid of the 870. No idea the round count, doubt he shot 1K rounds a season.

btw, learned something new the other day, some 870 20 ga made before 1987 used 12 ga receivers. Meaning a 12 mag extension will fit, if the mag accepts a 12 shotshell you're good to go.

11-25-2024, 11:58 PM
I love me some shotguns LOL. But I already have 5, and make myself look away when a new one comes up.

11-26-2024, 12:10 AM
Just a side note, in general, #1, its a bad idea to leave a gun cased for any length of time, promotes rust, unless you use something like a zcorr bag. #2, you're going to fiddle with unzipping the case when you need it most? KISS rule, and keep it handy, ready to go.

11-26-2024, 07:33 AM
I proudly keep my 5 year old unfired 200 dollar riot model Maverick 88 cased up and easy to reach by the front entry door area. Number 4 bird shot comes out first followed by naught buck. Pistol on person of course.

Them's some cute short-pants there, Mr. Brimley! ;)

Jokes aside, you need to shoot the damn thing. How do you know you didn't get a defective one? Do you remember the scene in Larry McMurtry's Streets of Laredo, where Judge Roy Bean gets killed by Joey Garza because he kept his pistol on cock so long that the hammer rusted in place?

11-26-2024, 08:36 AM
I proudly keep my 5 year old unfired 200 dollar riot model Maverick 88 cased up and easy to reach by the front entry door area. Number 4 bird shot comes out first followed by naught buck. Pistol on person of course.

Easy to reach....and then fumble opening a gun case? Why the gun case? :confused:

11-26-2024, 11:29 PM
Its a rust prevention measure. Looked brand new last time I pulled it out of the case last week. It should work ok by cracky. Us old children rasised by parents and grandparents who survived the great depression dont believe in wasting anything..let alone ammo.