View Full Version : Potassium Citrate, Magnesium Glycinate & B1 To Reduce Swelling
10-12-2024, 07:50 AM
A number of years ago I had Total Knee Replacement in my left leg. I also had Spine Surgery (Disk-ectomy) to repair a blown disc in my lower back.
A year and a half ago I broke my foot and ankle and was in a cast (off and on) for 3 months or so. My bones, joints and nerves are damaged in my left leg. (Nerve conduction tests are very strange, I do and don't recommend them!)
Since I broke my foot/ankle it started swelling damn near daily. Prescribed Meds didn't help. Note that I have severe Osteoarthritis throughout my body. It was a pain in the ass.
I stumbled on a natural remedy of taking high doses of Potassium Citrate, Magnesium Glycinate and B1 vitamin and I'll be damned!
Within a few days the swelling is gone and doesn't come back even after some days of being on my feet working or whatever.
I'll post a video or 2 that discuss the science behind it. Wanted to share!
T-Man 1066
10-12-2024, 08:06 AM
Remember boys and girls, big pharma NEEDS you to be chronically sick, in pain, or unhealthy in general. Healthy people, or those who find more natural remedies like this, don't make big pharma any money.
10-12-2024, 08:18 AM
Reducing carbs and eating more protein also helps. Carbs/Sugars are evil...
Note that some Potassium that you find is not Potassium Citrate and some vitamin companies sell Magnesium Oxide not Magnesium Glycinate.
Potassium Citrate and Magnesium Glycinate work best. B1 is B1 so that is easy to find.
Below is one video that explains the science.
10-12-2024, 08:36 AM
Remember boys and girls, big pharma NEEDS you to be chronically sick, in pain, or unhealthy in general. Healthy people, or those who find more natural remedies like this, don't make big pharma any money.
:potd: Post of the Year, actually.
A number of years ago I had Total Knee Replacement in my left leg. I also had Spine Surgery (Disk-ectomy) to repair a blown disc in my lower back.
A year and a half ago I broke my foot and ankle and was in a cast (off and on) for 3 months or so. My bones, joints and nerves are damaged in my left leg. (Nerve conduction tests are very strange, I do and don't recommend them!)
Since I broke my foot/ankle it started swelling damn near daily. Prescribed Meds didn't help. Note that I have severe Osteoarthritis throughout my body. It was a pain in the ass.
I stumbled on a natural remedy of taking high doses of Potassium Citrate, Magnesium Glycinate and B1 vitamin and I'll be damned!
Within a few days the swelling is gone and doesn't come back even after some days of being on my feet working or whatever.
I'll post a video or 2 that discuss the science behind it. Wanted to share!
Do those help with pain too?
Since I broke my ankle a couple years ago, it hurts every day. The swelling is off and on, but not bad. But it hurts like a muthafucka EVERY DAMN DAY! I just put it down to getting old and dope myself up on Advil when it gets bad. But if I could find a way to get some relief, I would be a happy man. (Who am I kidding? I'm already a happy man and if I could find a solution to that problem, I would be singing Zippidy-do-da out my asshole!)
10-12-2024, 11:48 AM
Do those help with pain too?
Since I broke my ankle a couple years ago, it hurts every day. The swelling is off and on, but not bad. But it hurts like a muthafucka EVERY DAMN DAY! I just put it down to getting old and dope myself up on Advil when it gets bad. But if I could find a way to get some relief, I would be a happy man. (Who am I kidding? I'm already a happy man and if I could find a solution to that problem, I would be singing Zippidy-do-da out my asshole!)
After recovering from a hearty laugh regarding the "Zippidy-Do-Da out of Inor's Asshole"...
For me, joint swelling equals a moderate amount of pain. But the pain of day to day Osteoarthritis is greater than the swelling pain. If that makes sense?
So YES, once the swelling is reduced or eliminated a certain amount of pain goes away. The pain from the bone/joint damage internally does not go away.
I'd suggest its worth a shot and the vitamins are not that expensive.
Make sure the Magnesium is the Glycinate version and not the other versions. High dosages of Magnesium "Other" can cause some mild diarrhea which obviously does not pare well with singing "Zippidy-Do-Da" out of one's poop-chute! :shitstorm:
10-12-2024, 12:17 PM
You got my attention, Slippy . . . the guy explained my feet perfectly.
Will not do it . . . but have been tempted to go kick a concrete wall just to give my feet something to hurt for.
I'm up at least once every nite when the pain wakes me up . . . often end up falling asleep in my alternate bed (black, leather, high back, office chair.)
Thanks, Bub . . . will be at Wally world today or tomorrow to check out their offerings.
May God bless,
10-12-2024, 01:18 PM
10-12-2024, 04:12 PM
Along with Slippy's good advice, IF inflammation in your joints is also contributing to your damage distress, please consider trying this:
Eliminate ALL tomatoes and tomato-based products, sauces, dressings, ketchup, etc., for just one week.
Tomato, especially condensed tomatoes, contains a compound that causes inflammation - everywhere in your body, not just joints. Give your system time to purge any buildup. If, after a week, you notice a little improvement, go one more week to see how much further it can improve.
After your body has purged, adding a slice of fresh tomato to a burger occasionally will do no harm. Just don't let the toxin build back up. Your shoulders and back will thank you too. :)
10-12-2024, 05:31 PM
100% agree!!
With me, once osteoarthritis began to really set in (with medical diagnosis) tomatoes have a disastrous effect on inflammation.
I hate it because we grow a lot of tomatoes and have perfected our home-made pizza and marinara sauces.
I miss pasta and pizza terribly but the inflammation and pain is not worth the momentary pleasure.
Along with Slippy's good advice, IF inflammation in your joints is also contributing to your damage distress, please consider trying this:
Eliminate ALL tomatoes and tomato-based products, sauces, dressings, ketchup, etc., for just one week.
Tomato, especially condensed tomatoes, contains a compound that causes inflammation - everywhere in your body, not just joints. Give your system time to purge any buildup. If, after a week, you notice a little improvement, go one more week to see how much further it can improve.
After your body has purged, adding a slice of fresh tomato to a burger occasionally will do no harm. Just don't let the toxin build back up. Your shoulders and back will thank you too. :)
10-12-2024, 05:35 PM
Reducing carbs and eating more protein also helps. Carbs/Sugars are evil...
Note that some Potassium that you find is not Potassium Citrate and some vitamin companies sell Magnesium Oxide not Magnesium Glycinate.
Potassium Citrate and Magnesium Glycinate work best. B1 is B1 so that is easy to find.
Below is one video that explains the science.
Carbs YES.
Around the age of 58 or so, my knees had gotten so bad I couldn't sit on the floor... there was no way they would function well enough. Hurt all the time.
6 years ago, a genetic condition (Hyper Triglycerides) poisoned my pancreas, and put me in the hospital for a week. I came out a diabetic from the damage.
Not wanting to use meds or insulin, I went to a near carnivore diet. Steaks, eggs, chicken. I would on occasion have grilled onions and mushrooms on top, but that's it. Quit bread, pasta, rice, all of it.
Not only have I been able to control my blood sugar without meds, but within a couple months my knees were obviously MUCH better. Today, they are normal and have no pain at all.
Processed carbs = inflammation.
The AMA has slowly been coming around too (they are always a good 10 years behind the curve). Many studies now show that inflammation of the arteries is also caused by processed carbs... not cholesterol. They found cholesterol in the plaque buildup and assumed it the culprit, but it turns out to be an innocent bystander. The inflammation causes it to stick.
Steak and eggs are good for you. The stuff you often eat with it not so much.
Prepared One
10-12-2024, 07:16 PM
Do those help with pain too?
Since I broke my ankle a couple years ago, it hurts every day. The swelling is off and on, but not bad. But it hurts like a muthafucka EVERY DAMN DAY! I just put it down to getting old and dope myself up on Advil when it gets bad. But if I could find a way to get some relief, I would be a happy man. (Who am I kidding? I'm already a happy man and if I could find a solution to that problem, I would be singing Zippidy-do-da out my asshole!)
America has talent! :bigthumbup:
10-12-2024, 07:38 PM
Along with Slippy's good advice, IF inflammation in your joints is also contributing to your damage distress, please consider trying this:
Eliminate ALL tomatoes and tomato-based products, sauces, dressings, ketchup, etc., for just one week.
Tomato, especially condensed tomatoes, contains a compound that causes inflammation - everywhere in your body, not just joints. Give your system time to purge any buildup. If, after a week, you notice a little improvement, go one more week to see how much further it can improve.
After your body has purged, adding a slice of fresh tomato to a burger occasionally will do no harm. Just don't let the toxin build back up. Your shoulders and back will thank you too. :)
Only tomatoes? Or all night shades?
10-13-2024, 07:57 AM
Only tomatoes? Or all night shades?
Very good question.
Given Strat's experience, I'd say all of them for those less tolerant.
Which sucks, as white potatoes are on the nightshade list; as are peppers - bell, sweet and hot.
Sweet potatoes & yams are okay.
10-13-2024, 08:43 AM
No tomatoes, white potatoes, or sweet peppers! Jesus! You just described my entire diet! Those and white flour baked products.
10-13-2024, 09:00 AM
I eliminated carbs and sugars in April and have lost 40 lbs to date.
Even vegetables have carbs mostly root vegetables. I stay at 30 carbs or less per day. Maybe I'll try the "no tomatoes" because even with the no carbs I still have joint pain.
10-13-2024, 09:07 AM
No tomatoes, white potatoes, or sweet peppers! Jesus! You just described my entire diet! Those and white flour baked products.
PO's also. And I didn't realize that about white potatoes. Had I known...
Time for a conversation, and figuring this out; it breaks my heart watching him hurt.
10-13-2024, 09:24 AM
Potatoes are absolutely the worst for high in carbs.
Potatoes unfortunately are gone along with rice from my feed bag.
T-Man 1066
10-13-2024, 09:32 AM
Damn, you guys trying to starve me or what?!?!?! I could live on steak and potatoes! And beer.
Or maybe just beer?
10-13-2024, 09:35 AM
Potatoes are absolutely the worst for high in carbs.
Potatoes unfortunately are gone along with rice from my feed bag.
What about corn?
I'm going to make a list, of what the folks at TenOaks are going to eat, to keep pain at a minimum. This bullshit needs to stop. I'll share the results when I'm done.
Any suggestions y'all want to make would be most appreciated.
Damn, you guys trying to starve me or what?!?!?! I could live on steak and potatoes! And beer.
Or maybe just beer?
We're keeping the beer. It can be the source of carbs. Does beer have carbs? LOLOL
Do you like sweet potatoes?
10-13-2024, 09:49 AM
What about corn?
I'm going to make a list, of what the folks at TenOaks are going to eat, to keep pain at a minimum. This bullshit needs to stop. I'll share the results when I'm done.
Any suggestions y'all want to make would be most appreciated.
We're keeping the beer. It can be the source of carbs. Does beer have carbs? LOLOL
Do you like sweet potatoes?
Corn is loaded with carbs and sugars. Beer has carbs but bourbon does not.
Sweet potatoes yuck and bad too.
One 5-inch sweet potato has about 26 grams of carbohydrates.
10-13-2024, 10:10 AM
Corn is loaded with carbs and sugars. Beer has carbs but bourbon does not.
Sweet potatoes yuck and bad too.
One 5-inch sweet potato has about 26 grams of carbohydrates.
What do you eat? Yes, meat, but what else?
Askin for help here...
10-13-2024, 10:19 AM
These are all prepper foods, too. I grow and can lots of tomatoes. Grow lots of spuds cause they store well. Rice if course cause it also stores well. Flour for bread and such. Christ! We better adapt to eating grass!
10-13-2024, 10:22 AM
These are all prepper foods, too. I grow and can lots of tomatoes. Grow lots of spuds cause they store well. Rice if course cause it also stores well. Flour for bread and such. Christ! We better adapt to eating grass!
I've no answers, but I'm looking for one.
Just make sure you're also well stocked with ibuprofen, etc.
10-13-2024, 10:22 AM
That crazy biker guy over on prepper forums used to claim he ate mostly fish and asparagus.
But with todays grocery prices who can afford to eat fish and asparagus every day?
10-13-2024, 10:22 AM
What do you eat? Yes, meat, but what else?
Askin for help here...
Eggs, Meats some cheese and salad. Snacks are pork rinds and mixed nuts.
Occasionally a beer or two. Vodka and diet squirt and borbon/whiskey on the rocks.
My 40 lbs weight loss fell off with just occasional walks no gym rat stuff at all.
Load the leaf salad up with broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, green peppers and celery with a little carrot and slightly watered down ranch or greek dressing or my homemade Italian dressing made with no sugars.
10-13-2024, 10:27 AM
Not eating bacon sounds communist to me.:bacon:
10-13-2024, 10:29 AM
These are all prepper foods, too. I grow and can lots of tomatoes. Grow lots of spuds cause they store well. Rice if course cause it also stores well. Flour for bread and such. Christ! We better adapt to eating grass!
Flour and white bread potatoes and rice are bad bad bad for an old guy who ate that processed crap all his life.
All of a sudden diabetes 2 will change your wicked ways or line up for those toxic diabetes drugs like ozempic, jardiance and the other big pharma shots the doctors are pushing.
I told my doctor to fuck off Im not taking that shit period! He said id never lose the weight but honestly the weight loss was easy peasy! Fuck the medical community drug pushing killers!
10-13-2024, 10:30 AM
Not eating bacon sounds communist to me.:bacon: I eat bacon or sausage everyday the body needs the fat.
10-13-2024, 10:31 AM
That crazy biker guy over on prepper forums used to claim he ate mostly fish and asparagus.
But with todays grocery prices who can afford to eat fish and asparagus every day?
Tourist yeah he was a nut case.
Prepared One
10-13-2024, 10:48 AM
Seems to me everyone is giving up the things they love in order to live longer with less pain. I have mixed emotions on this. On the one hand, what's the point of living longer if your going to wrap yourself in bubble wrap and eat grass the rest of your life? And then on the other hand, all things in moderation I suppose, but I have worked long and hard so I can enjoy some of the guilty pleasures in life.
10-13-2024, 10:53 AM
Seems to me everyone is giving up the things they love in order to live longer with less pain. I have mixed emotions on this. On the one hand, what's the point of living longer if your going to wrap yourself in bubble wrap and eat grass the rest of your life? And then on the other hand, all things in moderation I suppose, but I have worked long and hard so I can enjoy some of the guilty pleasures in life.
In my case once the diabetes 2 is reversed which Im pretty sure it has by now.
I will be able to re introduce splurge days and have some pasta or a potato ect. A couple times a month or so.
10-13-2024, 10:57 AM
Lets put this in perspective....
Most important to me are
Meat (all kinds)
Beer and booze.
Honestly I don't feel deprived at all and the weight loss is helping my spine problems. I am getting around better now 40 lbs lighter.
Prepared One
10-13-2024, 10:59 AM
In my case once the diabetes 2 is reversed which Im pretty sure it has by now.
I will be able to re introduce splurge days and have some pasta or a potato ect. A couple times a month or so.
When I was a gym rat and running 4 times a week I watched carefully what I ate through the week, Friday, Saturday and Sunday were my splurge days. Since I have retired I don't do it anymore. I don't run or lift weights, those days are over. Bad knees and shoulders.
10-13-2024, 11:19 AM
Well, seems I have my answer as far as TenOaks is concerned; no conversation needed, lol.
Diabetes 2 runs heavy in my genetics.
I'll be making changes, for me. :)
That crazy biker guy over on prepper forums used to claim he ate mostly fish and asparagus.
But with todays grocery prices who can afford to eat fish and asparagus every day?
And why would you WANT to?!?! :vomito:
10-13-2024, 02:57 PM
And why would you WANT to?!?! :vomito:
Hey the good thing for you is peas have a shit ton of carbs so you're good to go hahahaha!
10-13-2024, 03:17 PM
Well, seems I have my answer as far as TenOaks is concerned; no conversation needed, lol.
Diabetes 2 runs heavy in my genetics.
I'll be making changes, for me. :)
I was border line twice in the blood work 2 out of 3 years and ignored it. Then last winter sucked and I ate tons of bad shit out of boredom. Control or eliminate the carbs and sugars and you will avoid the doctors scare tatics and big pharmas cures.
10-13-2024, 03:19 PM
Not eating bacon sounds communist to me.:bacon:
Lol right!
In my searching, I found this. Explains much. About the carbs, sugars, etc.
Ken Berry is gonna be my go-to.
10-13-2024, 03:23 PM
Yeah preppers beware...
The prepper foods most commonly stored will kill you.
Rice, white flour, beans and mre type crap will kill you.
Carbs turn to sugars and as you age your body will quit processing the carbs and sugars so there you have it.
Listen to StratBastard.... and now the hawg is preaching it! Beans and rice are bad! Bullets and bourbon is good!
10-13-2024, 03:30 PM
Lol right!
In my searching, I found this. Explains much.
When I first got diagnosed I started watching that guy too. Yes some good info.... but be careful with u tube info on diabetes 2 is all over the place so becareful with what you may think is gospel. Like he said carbs and sugar is non essential which is true.
10-13-2024, 03:33 PM
Yeah preppers beware...
The prepper foods most commonly stored will kill you.
Rice, white flour, beans and mre type crap will kill you.
Carbs turn to sugars and as you age your body will quit processing the carbs and sugars so there you have it.
Listen to StratBastard.... and now the hawg is preaching it! Beans and rice are bad! Bullets and bourbon is good!
Recall last year when I dehydrated 60doz eggs?
I'll have something to eat while PO enjoys his beans. :)
Might be time to put up some naked meat, lol.
10-13-2024, 03:39 PM
When I first got diagnosed I started watching that guy too. Yes some good info.... but be careful with u tube info on diabetes 2 is all over the place so becareful with what you may think is gospel. Like he said carbs and sugar is non essential which is true.
Yep. One thing he said in that vid ^^ is even the ADA (American Diabetes Assn) recommend diet is way off. Shoulda heard his comment about FDAs new diet recommendations that replace the pyramid. LOL
10-13-2024, 03:39 PM
Recall last year when I dehydrated 60doz eggs?
I'll have something to eat while PO enjoys his beans. :)
2 eggs and bacon or bob evans sausage or just an egg and cheese omlet every day for breakfast for me. The weight is falling off and I do not exercise. I lost the fisrt 30 lbs in 3 months the last ten lbs slowed down and took 2 months. Im started at 248 lbs im now 208 and expect to be below 200 soon.
10-13-2024, 03:42 PM
Yep. One thing he said in that vid ^^ is even the ADA (American Diabetes Assn) recommend diet is way off. Shoulda heard his comment about FDAs new diet recommendations that replace the pyramid. LOL Yeah exactly.. I think the ADA recommends 50 carbs a day. I'm doing 30 until my blood work runs good numbers.
10-13-2024, 03:45 PM
Hawg! Great job my man!!!
I'm telling you, I've been eating mostly meat/beef/fish/chicken and very little of anything else and I feel great. My weight loss has slowed down but even the jeans that I've bought in the last year are now getting loose on me. My weight is being redistributed, not quite like when I was a young more athletic man, but it's no longer in the midsection, hips, glutes. One area that everyone notices is in my face. It's no longer full faced and much more lean. I've got a more defined cheek and jawline.
Keep it up Hawg! Proud of you, big guy! Er...I mean keep it up, proud of you, smaller guy! :beerchug:
I eliminated carbs and sugars in April and have lost 40 lbs to date.
Even vegetables have carbs mostly root vegetables. I stay at 30 carbs or less per day. Maybe I'll try the "no tomatoes" because even with the no carbs I still have joint pain.
10-13-2024, 03:48 PM
2 eggs and bacon or bob evans sausage or just an egg and cheese omlet every day for breakfast for me. The weight is falling off and I do not exercise. I lost the fisrt 30 lbs in 3 months the last ten lbs slowed down and took 2 months. Im started at 248 lbs im now 208 and expect to be below 200 soon.
Fabulous, sir.
Don't think I can do pure keto...
Likely it'll be meat, bacon, eggs, butter, nuts, broccoli, cheese.
I'm done with carbs, period. Other than what's in broccoli.
Do you take a supplement for electrolytes or minerals?
10-13-2024, 03:50 PM
Hawg! Great job my man!!!
I'm telling you, I've been eating mostly meat/beef/fish/chicken and very little of anything else and I feel great. My weight loss has slowed down but even the jeans that I've bought in the last year are now getting loose on me. My weight is being redistributed, not quite like when I was a young more athletic man, but it's no longer in the midsection, hips, glutes. One area that everyone notices is in my face. It's no longer full faced and much more lean. I've got a more defined cheek and jawline.
Keep it up Hawg! Proud of you, big guy! Er...I mean keep it up, proud of you, smaller guy! :beerchug:
Thanks bud. You have been a inspiration along with StratBastard. You can beat this slow painful death by changing what you eat. This shit they sell at the supermarket is killing us all slowly by design. Processed foods for lazy folk is evil. Kill and eat more of you own cattle and eat more venison and live with less pain and be happier.
10-13-2024, 03:53 PM
What do you eat? Yes, meat, but what else?
Askin for help here...
A typical day when I am not traveling is;
Coffee in the am. 2 or 3 20oz glasses of water with lemon.
11 am or so- 16oz steak or 2 8oz burgers, patty only. More water with lemon
A handful or 2 of almonds, peanuts or pistachios around 2 pm or so. More water with lemon
5-6 pm--IF and only IF I'm hungry and most days I'm not, I may another smaller steak, can of tuna, piece of chicken etc... and maybe another handful of peanuts for desert. About the half the time, 1 meal a day with some peanuts or almonds.
If I get cravings, I'll take a shot of olive oil, lemon and a spoonful of honey. But I leave the honey out most of the time.
If I'm traveling I'll usually have lunch with a customer around 1130. Small salad, piece of chicken or beef. Evening meal is mostly chain steakhouses--steak and a salad. Tequila because I like it and its Keto friendly!
10-13-2024, 03:56 PM
Thanks bud. You have been a inspiration along with StratBastard. You can beat this slow painful death by changing what you eat. This shit they sell at the supermarket is killing us all slowly by design. Processed foods for lazy folk is evil. Kill and eat more of you own cattle and eat more venison and live with less pain and be happier.
Amen brother, Amen!!
10-13-2024, 04:01 PM
A typical day when I am not traveling is;
Coffee in the am. 2 or 3 20oz glasses of water with lemon.
11 am or so- 16oz steak or 2 8oz burgers, patty only. More water with lemon
A handful or 2 of almonds, peanuts or pistachios around 2 pm or so. More water with lemon
5-6 pm--IF and only IF I'm hungry and most days I'm not, I may another smaller steak, can of tuna, piece of chicken etc... and maybe another handful of peanuts for desert. About the half the time, 1 meal a day with some peanuts or almonds.
If I get cravings, I'll take a shot of olive oil, lemon and a spoonful of honey. But I leave the honey out most of the time.
If I'm traveling I'll usually have lunch with a customer around 1130. Small salad, piece of chicken or beef. Evening meal is mostly chain steakhouses--steak and a salad. Tequila because I like it and its Keto friendly!
Dang! Lemon for the electrolytes!!!
Fresh or the bottled stuff??
I need to go to the store....
Thanks Slippy, you're my inspiration as well:blow:
10-13-2024, 04:09 PM
This is about 35 days of eating 1 or 2 meals a day. I didn't bother to take out Eggs or Bacon but I'll have a couple of days of eating just eggs.
10-13-2024, 04:11 PM
Dang! Lemon for the electrolytes!!!
Fresh or the bottled stuff??
I need to go to the store....
Thanks Slippy, you're my inspiration as well:blow:
Forgot to add Eggs and some Bacon but the bacon is an exception.
10-13-2024, 04:20 PM
Fabulous, sir.
Don't think I can do pure keto...
Likely it'll be meat, bacon, eggs, butter, nuts, broccoli, cheese
Do you take a supplement for electrolytes or minerals?
Nope no supplements... my aunt trashed her liver from vitamin supplements.
Fyi I still use butter and some dairy like cottage cheese and other cheese is generally low in carbs.
10-13-2024, 04:20 PM
This is about 35 days of eating 1 or 2 meals a day. I didn't bother to take out Eggs or Bacon but I'll have a couple of days of eating just eggs.
That ^^ is very helpful. Thank you.
I really need to go shopping.
I can do this.
10-13-2024, 04:24 PM
Nope no supplements... my aunt trashed her live from vitamin supplements.
Fyi I still use butter and some dairy like cottage cheese and other cheese is generally low in carbs.
I eat a lot of cheese, mostly swiss & smoked cheddars. I'll check the carb totals, keep it down as much as possible.
10-13-2024, 04:31 PM
Vitamin supplements are a no go for the most part. For a while I had to do some Vitamin D because I was low.... not enough sun and I don't drink milk anymore and you dont get enough D from eating oranges.
But seriously those supplements are bad news and they killed my dads sister she ate so much of the health food supplement crap it fried her liver which killed her dead in her mid to late 50's.
10-13-2024, 04:33 PM
I eat a lot of cheese, mostly swiss & smoked cheddars. I'll check the carb totals, keep it down as much as possible.
Um yeah I love and still eat cheese especially smoked cheese!
10-13-2024, 04:48 PM
Um yeah I love and still eat cheese especially smoked cheese!
I think we're okay with cheese!
Here's my favorites: theTennessee Whiskey Bellavitano, Colby jack, and Emmentaler all have zero carbs - and the Tuscan has 1gr/serving...probably from the herbs it's wrapped in. Yay!!
10-13-2024, 04:54 PM
That ^^ is very helpful. Thank you.
I really need to go shopping.
I can do this.
Some grocery stores will sell you a Strip or Ribeye Loin (think a 15-20 lb slab of either Strip steaks or Ribeye steaks) and discount the price if you cut it up yourself. I have to drive approx 40 miles to the one store (Fresh Market) that will sell in Loin-Slabs.
Winn-Dixie, the Beef People, near me and Publix will NOT.
I'll then cut it up and freeze until 2-3 days before I'm ready then transfer to the fridge to thaw.
10-13-2024, 05:00 PM
I think we're okay with cheese!
Here's my favorites: theTennessee Whiskey Bellavitano, Colby jack, and Emmentaler all have zero carbs - and the Tuscan has 1gr/serving...probably from the herbs it's wrapped in. Yay!!
I should add more cheese to my food options!, those look very tasty!!
10-13-2024, 05:10 PM
Vitamin supplements are a no go for the most part. For a while I had to do some Vitamin D because I was low.... not enough sun and I don't drink milk anymore and you dont get enough D from eating oranges.
But seriously those supplements are bad news and they killed my dads sister she ate so much of the health food supplement crap it fried her liver which killed her dead in her mid to late 50's.
I have never been big with supplements even when I was in great shape in the army, the only one i do is Vitamin C which my VA doc tells me to take. I may have to look at more of a meal plan like your talking, I eat mostly meats now a days, but i still use bread and tortillas for my pulled pork and chicken, I love my eggs and cheese and should probably eat more looking at this post I may have to buckle down some more. I am about 270 at the moment again. I always hit a wall about 235-240 and can't seem to get under. After the back injury in the Army getting that midsection off has been hard.... that is where I carry my spare. Since I stopped working, I don't walk as much as I used to but once the white falls there is less of it to do outside. stuff falls again. I am waiting right now on an MRI to get surgery on my knee so I can get out hiking more and back on the trails has been rough since I tore my meniscus about 2 years ago. But they wanted to wait to do the knee until after shoulder surgery which was a 2008 injury. SO hopefully by spring I will be better off.
Some grocery stores will sell you a Strip or Ribeye Loin (think a 15-20 lb slab of either Strip steaks or Ribeye steaks) and discount the price if you cut it up yourself. I have to drive approx 40 miles to the one store (Fresh Market) that will sell in Loin-Slabs.
Winn-Dixie, the Beef People, near me and Publix will NOT.
I'll then cut it up and freeze until 2-3 days before I'm ready then transfer to the fridge to thaw.
Try to stay away from the grocery store meats if practical. Try to buy from local butchers that get their meat directly from local ranchers. Even local butchers are required to buy USDA meat (which still have some chemicals in it). So if you can source directly from the ranch where you can buy the steers/cows that have never had all the vaxes required by the USDA, that is the best.
Big grocery store meats are all meat raised by Cargill and the 3 other "meat packers". They fill them FULL of "whore-moans" and other crap that who knows what it does to you. Their beef is bad but their chicken is the absolute worst! If you eat grocery store chicken, you may as well just be drinking chemicals directly from the test tube!
We have noticed a huge improvement in both Mrs Inor and myself since we started eating just beef and chicken that we raised (with absolutely NO added chemicals). And, God willing, we will be raising our own pork by next year as well. That will mean that almost 100% of our meats will be coming from only animals we raise. (With the obvious exception of some occasional lamb, salmon and wild game)...
10-13-2024, 06:01 PM
A bit off-topic, but something I learned long ago, tried it, and it's true. Still doing it.
In college, I suffered mightily with indigestion, bloating, upper gas etc... didn't want to do the doctor thing, didn't want OTC meds dependency... and a friend, in Chem class, told me this:
"The chems in the stomach are of two types. One digests proteins, the other digests starches. All good, right? Only problem is, the two tend to cancel each other out..leaving you with an undigested sludge in your gut that moves very slowly. Put at least an hour between the meat and potatoes, and you'll be fine."
I tried it. Solved all issues immediately. Next time I saw him I asked if there was anything else he could share like this? He said yeah. "Fruit goes through your system really fast. Eat it alone or leave it alone. Worst thing is to have fruit for dessert; it'll ferment waiting in line behind your supper."
Smart kid. Pre-med. Asian. :)
10-14-2024, 12:55 AM
What do you eat? Yes, meat, but what else?
Askin for help here...
I like to grill up a huge mess of onions and mushrooms, literally enough to last a week. A few tablespoons of whatever steak sauce you like can be mixed into a big bowl of that with very little consequence but adds flavor... it's negligible spread out over a week if concerned with any sugar that might be in it. I can put it on meat, or eat as a side.
I make a veggie mix with asparagus, fresh snapped green beans, onions, and mushrooms too. I add one regular can of cream of mushroom soup... again, that adds flavor but is only one can of soup a week so negligible. Make a giant bowl and have a yummy side to eat on all week but is low glycemic carbs. I like a good amount of pepper in mine, and I cook it in.
Gave up potatoes and corn. Miss them a little, but they're the worst.
And I only drink the bourbon. Haven't had a beer in years.
10-14-2024, 08:11 AM
I like to grill up a huge mess of onions and mushrooms, literally enough to last a week. A few tablespoons of whatever steak sauce you like can be mixed into a big bowl of that with very little consequence but adds flavor... it's negligible spread out over a week if concerned with any sugar that might be in it. I can put it on meat, or eat as a side.
I make a veggie mix with asparagus, fresh snapped green beans, onions, and mushrooms too. I add one regular can of cream of mushroom soup... again, that adds flavor but is only one can of soup a week so negligible. Make a giant bowl and have a yummy side to eat on all week but is low glycemic carbs. I like a good amount of pepper in mine, and I cook it in.
Gave up potatoes and corn. Miss them a little, but they're the worst.
And I only drink the bourbon. Haven't had a beer in years.
Thanks :) I was hoping you'd reply cause I wanted to ask you - What do you keep bulk for long term in your preps? Rice & beans seems they'd give you the same difficulties as potatoes & corn.
Prepared One
10-14-2024, 10:35 AM
I should add more cheese to my food options!, those look very tasty!!
I highly recommend the Tennessee Whiskey Bellavitano. Very tasty.
10-14-2024, 10:59 AM
Mushrooms - another night shade! :) I love 'em though!
10-14-2024, 11:47 AM
Okay. Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm calling it my Viking Warrior Woman diet. If it didn't exist back then and there - it's not going in my mouth. :biglaugh: I know there's a lot more to choose from, but this is it. No prepared foods whatsoever, and no grains. Might add broccoli. And I need to learn how to make mead.
Skyr - if I can find it
Salt - Arctic sea
Tea - Wild mint
Wildflower Honey - raw, unfiltered
Those last 3 I already have on hand, PO is taking me to the meat shop in Jasper this Wed to stock up. Cooked stew meat with a little water & salt overnight in the crockpot on low... dang good breakfast!! & enough for the next couple mornings.
I'll let you know how it goes. :chef:
If it kills me, PO can let you know. :beerchug:
10-14-2024, 04:52 PM
Okay. Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm calling it my Viking Warrior Woman diet. If it didn't exist back then and there - it's not going in my mouth. :biglaugh: I know there's a lot more to choose from, but this is it. No prepared foods whatsoever, and no grains. Might add broccoli. And I need to learn how to make mead.
Skyr - if I can find it
Salt - Arctic sea
Tea - Wild mint
Wildflower Honey - raw, unfiltered
Those last 3 I already have on hand, PO is taking me to the meat shop in Jasper this Wed to stock up. Cooked stew meat with a little water & salt overnight in the crockpot on low... dang good breakfast!! & enough for the next couple mornings.
I'll let you know how it goes. :chef:
If it kills me, PO can let you know. :beerchug:
So whats your goal? Just lose weight or reverse diabetes 2
If just losing weight you wont have to be as strict as what im doing to reverse diabetes 2.
Example: my wife has lost 25lbs in the same amount of time as I lost 40 becuse she still eats a little more of the normal food stuff we used to eat than I do as she is not trying to reverse diabetes 2 like I am.
10-14-2024, 06:26 PM
So whats your goal? Just lose weight or reverse diabetes 2
If just losing weight you wont have to be as strict as what im doing to reverse diabetes 2.
Example: my wife has lost 25lbs in the same amount of time as I lost 40 becuse she still eats a little more of the normal food stuff we used to eat than I do as she is not trying to reverse diabetes 2 like I am.
Losing weight and avoiding Type 2 will be the extra benefits.
My goal is to live in tune with my nature, as much as possible.
I am a woman of the North; half Jew half Nordic with a little Lakota mixed in.
I want to live in a primitive manner; eating meat cooked over an open fire.
Candles and fur; bundled against the cold, under the cedars and pines.
I can't live as my ancestors did, but I can eat what they ate.
It's close enough, for me, and it brings me peace. :)
10-15-2024, 12:42 AM
Thanks :) I was hoping you'd reply cause I wanted to ask you - What do you keep bulk for long term in your preps? Rice & beans seems they'd give you the same difficulties as potatoes & corn.
Yeah, eating for me during an extended SHTF won't be much fun LOL. I DO store beans, rice, and pasta... it's there for the peeps under my wing. For myself, I store a lot of canned tuna, ground beef, corned beef, Spam, roast beef, diced ham-n-eggs, canned butter, and chicken. Also a lot of canned veggies like spinach, green beans, diced tomatoes, collard greens, mushrooms and such. Freeze dried onions and bell peppers. Big variety of spices too. I'm told I'm a pretty fair hobo cook, and able to make up pretty decent meals out of cans. So, I have plenty of foods I can eat, and better stuff for my loved ones.
10-15-2024, 07:53 AM
Yeah, eating for me during an extended SHTF won't be much fun LOL. I DO store beans, rice, and pasta... it's there for the peeps under my wing. For myself, I store a lot of canned tuna, ground beef, corned beef, Spam, roast beef, diced ham-n-eggs, canned butter, and chicken. Also a lot of canned veggies like spinach, green beans, diced tomatoes, collard greens, mushrooms and such. Freeze dried onions and bell peppers. Big variety of spices too. I'm told I'm a pretty fair hobo cook, and able to make up pretty decent meals out of cans. So, I have plenty of foods I can eat, and better stuff for my loved ones.
Thanks much, that helps :)
Wait. Ground beef? How do you have that - dried? Canned? Never seen it canned. I dehydrated some once, not satisfied. Then again, protein gravel would do in a pinch I guess lolol.
10-15-2024, 03:29 PM
Thanks much, that helps :)
Wait. Ground beef? How do you have that - dried? Canned? Never seen it canned. I dehydrated some once, not satisfied. Then again, protein gravel would do in a pinch I guess lolol.
Yes, it's not like fresh ground beef, but OK for cooking into spaghetti sauce, tacos, whatever.
33011 JLEXQlaQN_fu_sUXyqDcyxpypGlm3UXZd98oN30gAkymo8bVBC wQKEvPRLDaBEnVAFgwBuaRy9sNef3pzYJx8a4IWT-4oUyY7DpzbAcbLEhYFNBwvzowChdq9yfkSJRn8LMSQgYDyy4oi y3Wk_zIMieasmrzOISBq6K7SbLGmbCNrZEIIL-KQoQazWcZvFjyZk6myLHH_d0Vljfj6-_1LNxWYtaeAe18rN7DNhgQ0ERNdIQkfuoZ7k3OgrPJft7wpSN9 QdSfKE.22kODbfNbXXdUiAfdHBvOw-6bsklFQfE1uD2RVE-kks&dib_tag=se&keywords=ground+beef+canned&qid=1729020213&sprefix=ground+beef+canned%2Caps%2C194&sr=8-19
33012 JLEXQlaQN_fu_sUXyqDcyxpypGlm3UXZd98oN30gAkymo8bVBC wQKEvPRLDaBEnVAFgwBuaRy9sNef3pzYJx8a4IWT-4oUyY7DpzbAcbLEhYFNBwvzowChdq9yfkSJRn8LMSQgYDyy4oi y3Wk_zIMieasmrzOISBq6K7SbLGmbCNrZEIIL-KQoQazWcZvFjyZk6myLHH_d0Vljfj6-_1LNxWYtaeAe18rN7DNhgQ0ERNdIQkfuoZ7k3OgrPJft7wpSN9 QdSfKE.22kODbfNbXXdUiAfdHBvOw-6bsklFQfE1uD2RVE-kks&dib_tag=se&keywords=ground+beef+canned&qid=1729020213&sprefix=ground+beef+canned%2Caps%2C194&sr=8-16
10-15-2024, 05:15 PM
Losing weight and avoiding Type 2 will be the extra benefits.
My goal is to live in tune with my nature, as much as possible.
I am a woman of the North; half Jew half Nordic with a little Lakota mixed in.
I want to live in a primitive manner; eating meat cooked over an open fire.
Candles and fur; bundled against the cold, under the cedars and pines.
I can't live as my ancestors did, but I can eat what they ate.
It's close enough, for me, and it brings me peace. :)
There is no cold down in TX. If you want to bundle against the cold Move up with the Yoopers you can't throw a stone without hitting a Nord or a native American.
10-15-2024, 05:30 PM
Yes, it's not like fresh ground beef, but OK for cooking into spaghetti sauce, tacos, whatever.
33011 JLEXQlaQN_fu_sUXyqDcyxpypGlm3UXZd98oN30gAkymo8bVBC wQKEvPRLDaBEnVAFgwBuaRy9sNef3pzYJx8a4IWT-4oUyY7DpzbAcbLEhYFNBwvzowChdq9yfkSJRn8LMSQgYDyy4oi y3Wk_zIMieasmrzOISBq6K7SbLGmbCNrZEIIL-KQoQazWcZvFjyZk6myLHH_d0Vljfj6-_1LNxWYtaeAe18rN7DNhgQ0ERNdIQkfuoZ7k3OgrPJft7wpSN9 QdSfKE.22kODbfNbXXdUiAfdHBvOw-6bsklFQfE1uD2RVE-kks&dib_tag=se&keywords=ground+beef+canned&qid=1729020213&sprefix=ground+beef+canned%2Caps%2C194&sr=8-19
33012 JLEXQlaQN_fu_sUXyqDcyxpypGlm3UXZd98oN30gAkymo8bVBC wQKEvPRLDaBEnVAFgwBuaRy9sNef3pzYJx8a4IWT-4oUyY7DpzbAcbLEhYFNBwvzowChdq9yfkSJRn8LMSQgYDyy4oi y3Wk_zIMieasmrzOISBq6K7SbLGmbCNrZEIIL-KQoQazWcZvFjyZk6myLHH_d0Vljfj6-_1LNxWYtaeAe18rN7DNhgQ0ERNdIQkfuoZ7k3OgrPJft7wpSN9 QdSfKE.22kODbfNbXXdUiAfdHBvOw-6bsklFQfE1uD2RVE-kks&dib_tag=se&keywords=ground+beef+canned&qid=1729020213&sprefix=ground+beef+canned%2Caps%2C194&sr=8-16
Thanks. $8-10 per pound is a little steep... but the way the price of beef is going up it might soon be a bargain. Pffft.
10-15-2024, 05:40 PM
There is no cold down in TX. If you want to bundle against the cold Move up with the Yoopers you can't throw a stone without hitting a Nord or a native American.
Thanks for the suggestion; I've had enough of people...of any flavor. I like dogs. :)
And, there is cold at TenOaks; A/C stays at 60° year round so I can wear my arctic gear - as PO calls it LOL.
In the winter time down here it's in the 30's often...and you can find me outside from Nov-Feb. :thumb:
10-15-2024, 10:08 PM
Thanks. $8-10 per pound is a little steep... but the way the price of beef is going up it might soon be a bargain. Pffft.
It is expensive. I figure I'm paying for the shelf life.
10-16-2024, 09:27 AM
Along with Slippy's good advice, IF inflammation in your joints is also contributing to your damage distress, please consider trying this:
Eliminate ALL tomatoes and tomato-based products, sauces, dressings, ketchup, etc., for just one week.
Tomato, especially condensed tomatoes, contains a compound that causes inflammation - everywhere in your body, not just joints. Give your system time to purge any buildup. If, after a week, you notice a little improvement, go one more week to see how much further it can improve.
After your body has purged, adding a slice of fresh tomato to a burger occasionally will do no harm. Just don't let the toxin build back up. Your shoulders and back will thank you too. :)
But I'm a Yooper...ketchup is a staple.
Pasties must be asphyxiated in ketchup...
10-16-2024, 09:52 AM
But I'm a Yooper...ketchup is a staple.
Pasties must be asphyxiated in ketchup...
:biglaugh: Ibuprofen chaser then, ya?
10-18-2024, 02:19 PM
Thanks for the suggestion; I've had enough of people...of any flavor. I like dogs. :)
And, there is cold at TenOaks; A/C stays at 60° year round so I can wear my arctic gear - as PO calls it LOL.
In the winter time down here it's in the 30's often...and you can find me outside from Nov-Feb. :thumb:
I was stationed in TX, I know their definition of cold. :biglaugh: Heck My sister got married back in MI in the month of Feb, I came home with a really nice tan, because we were on the lake fishing in shorts and T's while the Texans where all bundled up in Jeans and winter coats. Oh I hear ya about people, this is why at my house it is just me and the dogs. ;)
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