View Full Version : FDA approves genetically engineered potatoes, apples as ‘safe’

03-23-2015, 07:42 AM
Potatoes that won’t bruise and apples that won’t brown are a step closer to grocery store aisles.

The Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved the genetically engineered foods, saying they are “as safe and nutritious as their conventional counterparts.”

The approval covers six varieties of potatoes by Boise, Idaho-based J. R. Simplot Co. and two varieties of apples from the Canadian company Okanagan Specialty Fruits Inc.

Okanagan, based in British Columbia,


03-23-2015, 08:13 AM
Bull shit that they are safe

You don't **** with mother nature

03-23-2015, 08:17 AM
Bull shit that they are safe

You don't **** with mother nature

I am inclined to believe it. I have several biologist friends that are on board as well. It's not natural to mix salmon DNA with a blueberry, but at this point there is zero scientific evidence that it is in any way harmful. My opinion will take backseat to science until the evidence proves otherwise.

03-23-2015, 03:48 PM
Nobody wants to fish for blueberries or pick salmon from a bush. What causes concern is that no one has any idea what happens if these genetically engineered crops cross-polinate with other GE'd crops. The ones they release are considered safe but what happens when an accidental mutation makes them a more agressive form?

You can't say it is impossible - it's not only possible but probable that mutations will occur. Nature finds a way.

Besides no one wants to eat a blueberrie with ich.