View Full Version : I might leave the NRA

03-25-2015, 09:18 PM
I like to listen to talk radio. Sometimes when I am flying, I download podcasts of various programs, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, etc. to listen to on the flight. Last week, flying home from Utah, I was listening to an interview of Frank Gaffney by Glenn Beck. The subject of the interview was Grover Norquist and his shadowy associations with a bunch of Muslim organizations including several that have been shut down after it was learned they were funneling money to Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. It also came out that Norquist is presently on the board of directors at the NRA. I filed all of this info away for further research when I got home and had an internet connection.

Tonight I did some of that research. I had always thought of Norquist as "that lobbyist who is always fighting for lower taxes". For that reason, I had always liked him. What I found tonight is really making me reconsider. I have been looking at several right-leaning AND left-leaning web sites, as well as back issues of the mainstream press and it seems ol' Grover is quite in bed (literally) with Muslim terrorist organizations. I say "literally" because he is married to a Muslim that supports terrorism. (As though there is any Muslim that does not at least secretly support terrorism...)



The NRA has launched an investigation on him. But I am thinking if they do not act to not only remove him from board of directors, but kick him out of the organization entirely, my 2A support is going to go strictly with the Gun Owners of America.

I also learned when Grover sat on the board of directors for CPAC he was very influential in not allowing any speakers that were hostile towards Islam to have prime speaking spots at the convention.

From what I have learned in the last week, I have decided Grover Norquist is a first class dirtbag and I do not want to be associated with any organization that would have him as a member, particularly in a position of power. Please do your own research. But this goes back to what we were talking about on one of the other threads about having to clean house in the GOP before we try to clean house in the federal government.

03-25-2015, 09:30 PM
I was a member for a couple years. I got tired of them always asking for more, more, MORE! Money. Plus I started getting a bunch of junk mail after joining. So I guess they sold my info.

I've since decided that if anybody wants to come take my guns, I will give them back. One bullet at a time.

03-26-2015, 12:08 AM
Thanks for the info Inor.

03-26-2015, 05:13 AM
Ive been A member since 1972 Started as Junior member. Hope they straighten this out and fast if not ..... GOA all the way.

03-26-2015, 05:46 AM
Like Arklatex, I got tired of the more money routine. didn't matter how much you sent it was never enough.
I went with GOA a couple years back.

03-26-2015, 08:38 AM
I heard the Glenn Beck show about Norquist and like you Inor, I went to the web to do some research. There was so much out there that it got too confusing for me to follow.

One thing I have found over the years is that Beck is a bit of an alarmist. (I hear him just about everyday that I am in my car in the morning.) He really has a tendency to blow some things out of proportion. For instance, at least once a week he makes these proclamations about "tune in over the next few days, as I will be making some earth-shaking announcements that you won't want to miss". Usually turns out to be ho-hum.

So, I guess at this point color me undecided on leaving the NRA.

03-26-2015, 08:54 AM
It has gotten to the point, with over $3 TRILLION on the line annually, that no-one is to be trusted. Most if not all of them are lining their own pockets with mine and yours tax dollars. And what they don't take, they give to the useful/useless idiots.

I heard mention of Norquist's muslime connection a while back but chalked it up as a left wing attack on him. Thanks Inor for additional info on this, it merits some research for sure.

03-26-2015, 10:19 AM
I am tired of them too.the little "Gifts" like the Teddy Roosevelt silver bullet and the cheap ass belt buckle and "Official NRA tote bag" are reminiscent of the crap AARP gives away.

After all the money I have given them over the years,how about an ammo raffle,say 1000 rounds of something?.

03-26-2015, 10:23 AM
Well........ are they not still the largest protection we have against the anti goons? I do both NRA and GOA I just cant see dumping the NRA yet. They still have power.
Just my opinion and worth exactly what you paid for it.

You can deny the gifts
You can stop the junk mail.
You can stop the emails with a phone call.

03-26-2015, 10:30 AM
Well........ are they not still the largest protection we have against the anti goons? I do both NRA and GOA I just cant see dumping the NRA yet. They still have power.
Just my opinion and worth exactly what you paid for it.

You can deny the gifts
You can stop the junk mail.
You can stop the emails with a phone call.


03-26-2015, 11:27 AM
[QUOTE=hawgrider;25393]Well........ are they not still the largest protection we have against the anti goons? I do both NRA and GOA I just cant see dumping the NRA yet. They still have power.
Just my opinion and worth exactly what you paid for it.

Right you are Hawg, If not for the NRA we'd have lost most of our gun rights a long-long time ago. Can anyone tell me what Huge private entities like the NRA don't use aggressive marketing tactics. Just because they continually ask for more donations doesn't mean you have to comply. What about all the other junk mail that one receives? It doesn't induce hand-wringing worry, sleepless nights and anxiety attacks in my life. I'm proud to be a life member of the NRA. I also bought my Grandson a life membership.

03-26-2015, 11:21 PM
Actually if you look a court action SAF is the oldest and most active gun rights groups. Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) fights court battles all over the world but mostly in the US. They are a good group and they too, sometimes ask for donations but not like the NRA. As a life member I called to let the NRA that I was not interested in hearing the never-ending calls and notes about the latest attempt to steal our gun rights. I told them to stop and they did. I can go to their website to find the hyped up reports and then get the real story from other sources. My best source is a mail list on which I get reviews and up to date information on all the bills that are going through my state legislators. I write emails, make phone calls and generally make a nuisance of myself. I guess I am doing a decent job because one of my state senators has invited me to a dinner to discuss things. I hope my carrying a gun doesn't bother him - it shouldn't he is all for gun rights.

I guess I will let you know how it turns out after it happens.