View Full Version : How Important Is Soil Temperature?

03-27-2015, 06:27 AM
This time of year gardeners are anxious to plant their seeds. I know because even in the dead of winter I would run into gardeners who told me they could hardly wait. But, wait you must, until the soil is warm enough. Otherwise, it is like sending your children into the cold without their jackets. They might not die (the seeds or the children) but the cold shock will set their health back. Actually, in the case of peas, beans, or corn, if the soil is too wet and cold the seeds could die, which is why you might see those seeds coated with fungicide in garden supply stores. You do not want or need fungicide treated seeds. When you plant under the right conditions,

03-27-2015, 02:31 PM
The soil temperature should be at least 40 degrees F befor planting. Soak the seeds the night before to soften the shell and then plant them in moist soil.
They also need nutrients so when preparing the soil cultivate in some well seasoned steer manure or use "worm juice". Your plants will love it!