View Full Version : Checking My Prepper Ability

04-14-2015, 03:56 PM
Checked out some of my "prepper" skills today, . . . fixin & eatin one of my favoritest meals: big pot of pinto beans & ham, . . . chopped onions, . . . chopped tomatoes, . . . chopped hot peppers, . . . homemade, fresh sourdough bread.

Put it all in a bowl, . . . stir, . . . eat, . . . enjoy.

I did, . . . yep, . . . I sure did.

The sourdough was the real test part, . . . all the rest is old hat so to speak, . . . been messing with sourdough on and off for a couple of years, . . . finally hit something that was pretty good, . . . but I've got to go in there and tweak it a bit more.

The dough seemed really dry when I set it in the oven to raise, . . . but it seemed to grow moisture setting in there.

May God bless,

04-14-2015, 09:37 PM
My sourdough bread seems the same way- dry when it first is mixed up but then rises nicely and doesn't seem dry when it's done.

Good deal on the rest of it!!!!

Montana Rancher
04-15-2015, 12:19 AM
I kinda did the same today at lunch.

I took a partial roll of my elk summer sausage that I made up last fall and also took some cheddar cheese and pepper jack cheese I waxed in September as a snack.

Both were really good, its kinda cool eating cheese that was purchased in September and kept at basement temperatures for 6+ months. The sausage is fully cured but I keep it frozen for free using my solar system.

As I'm trying (note the work trying) to keep my weight under control I usually swear off baking break, it is too good and makes me THE santa clause.

Nice Post