View Full Version : Home made coal forge
04-14-2015, 09:41 PM
Some of you may remember the coffee can propane forge I built last year, it worked pretty well but was just way too small and quite expensive to run. I was using Mapp gas because it gets so much hotter than propane, but even propane is more expensive than coal. So anyway I decided to break down and build my own coal forge. I started with an old propane BBQ grill and did some modifications. Bought a few pieces of 1 1/2" black iron for the blower (an old hair dryer with the heating element disabled). Cut the cooking grid to fit down into the bottom of the grill and removed all of the extraneous stuff from the grill. About an hour later I had a pretty good facsimile of a forge and needed to do a test burn. Got some wood and charcoal lit in it and turned on the blower and it worked great. Went out today looking for coal, stopped at the local pellet stove dealer and was happily surprised to find they actually carried smithing coal. So today I fired it up with coal for the first time and I am absolutely thrilled with how well this thing works. I know it won't last forever and I'll probably end up either building a better one or beefing this one up a bit but this will do for now. ( ( (
The test burn ( (
Here's how it works with coal.
To be continued.....
04-14-2015, 09:49 PM
Ok not sure if those pictures came through or not I can only see 1 so I'll finish up the post and then go back and try to straighten it out.
So after firing it up I had to start making me some tools. My first tool is just to keep the coal over the air flange. (
Next I needed a hot cut chisel for the Hardy hole in the anvil (provided by a friend of mine for free). ( (
After putting the edge on it this thing cuts steel like hot butter. Could not be any happier with the way that turned out. Did a couple of smaller projects too that I didn't take pictures of. Made a hold down for the anvil. Basically it drops in the hardy hole and uses spring tension to hold the material your working on to the top of the anvil. Also made a dog for the chain to hold down the anvil. Have a Lag screw on one side and then ran the dog through the chain and hammered it into the log. That works pretty well and is easily removable should I need a new log.
Next project will be a proper set of tongs, the channel lock pliers just aren't cutting it. Then I'm thinking I might try making a hatchet head since my hot cut chisel looks an awful lot like a small axe head.
THAT IS REALLY COOL! I want to get into metalworking so bad I can taste it. I simply do not have the room without getting rid some other hobby that is enjoyable. Please keep posting pictures. If we ever move out of God forsaken Minnesota, one of the first things I am going to do after I get our house built is setup a proper metal shop.
04-15-2015, 06:21 AM
Good anvils are getting hard to find. Very Cool!
04-15-2015, 05:07 PM
I remember as a kid watching my Grandfather working metal that way. He was a tuff old goat. I once saw him smack his thumb with the hammer and just grabbed an old work rag and wrapped it up. Never missed a beat until quitting time.
04-15-2015, 09:53 PM
I'll post up some of the projects as they progress. I now find myself looking at odd pieces of steel wondering what they want to be. I think I've decided that I'll be lining the bottom of the forge with some fire brick as I have the feeling it won't belong before that hot coal eats through the bottom of it. I need a lot of practice with the whole thing to figure out exactly how the steel reacts to beating on it. I will say it's quite the workout, woke up this morning pretty sore from swinging that hammer all afternoon yesterday. About the last thing I needed was another hobby, but this one is pretty relaxing. Having a bad day, grab a hammer and go pound on some metal for a while. First time I went back to work after a couple days off in a good mood, I always hate going back.
For those that didn't see the propane forge: (
Hawg's right about anvils getting hard to find, cheapest I've seen them used is about $5 per pound and most of them are beat
1moretoy: They don't make them like that anymore. Most guys nowadays would be looking for a workman's comp hearing after that trying to get a settlement.
04-15-2015, 10:55 PM
Pictures aren't showing up on my end- I would really like to see this.
04-18-2015, 10:45 PM
They're showing up here Coppertop, not sure what the issue is. Maybe a mod has an answer to this one. Could be a hosting issue I suppose, using photobucket have any trouble with them in the past?
Pictures aren't showing up on my end- I would really like to see this.
I am seeing the pictures here. What are you using to view the site (phone, PC, Mac, tablet, tin can with a string)?
I think Hawg uses Photobucket all the time for his pictures. I have never noticed a problem.
04-19-2015, 08:39 AM
Very cool my friend. I think you're right about it not holding up. I've burned out several cheap smokers just using them normally. I think the brick idea will definitely help extend the life of your forge. Keep us posted on your projects. Thanks.
04-19-2015, 09:47 AM
I am seeing the pictures here. What are you using to view the site (phone, PC, Mac, tablet, tin can with a string)?
I think Hawg uses Photobucket all the time for his pictures. I have never noticed a problem.
Yes sir I use free photobucket for all the pictures I want to stay put on the forum. Sometimes when I'm just posting a pic with an article I just copy the pics location and post the link with the forums post windows little picture icon. The above pics are visible to my android phone and on my work laptop the uses the firefox browser or explorer. I never use the attached pictures system on any forum the size and amount is limited so I don't use that feature.
04-19-2015, 05:26 PM
Yes sir I use free photobucket for all the pictures I want to stay put on the forum. Sometimes when I'm just posting a pic with an article I just copy the pics location and post the link with the forums post windows little picture icon. The above pics are visible to my android phone and on my work laptop the uses the firefox browser or explorer. I never use the attached pictures system on any forum the size and amount is limited so I don't use that feature.
I'm the same way, I use photobucket for everything. It gives me fits sometimes (ever since the upgrade they did) but my pics are always there.
04-19-2015, 08:10 PM
I'm not quite as computer-literate as some of you guys, but I'm going to look into this... Photobucket thing.
04-19-2015, 09:05 PM
I'm not quite as computer-literate as some of you guys, but I'm going to look into this... Photobucket thing.
Its free Sparky and not super hard to use once you get the hang of it.
It works well with both my phone and laptop. You upload your pictures to your account then post the image link in the forums post window. It also gives you control over your pics. Say you post a pic but decide later you shouldn't have posted it. All you have to do to make it disappear from a forum is delete it or move it to a new folder in photobucket then it breaks the link and poof it gone from the forum.
04-19-2015, 10:08 PM
I am seeing the pictures here. What are you using to view the site (phone, PC, Mac, tablet, tin can with a string)?
I think Hawg uses Photobucket all the time for his pictures. I have never noticed a problem.
It sure feels like a can on a string most days- I'm not sure what the issue was but I'm seeing them today
08-01-2015, 08:16 PM
Up until now most of the stuff that I've done has been simple hooks with maybe a scroll thrown in. I just didn't have the equipment for anything more advanced. A few weeks ago I happened upon an antique shop that had an old blacksmith's leg vice for $50. It looked like it was in great shape but didn't close all the way. I figured I could probably figure that out with out too much trouble so I bought it. Turns out that either the screw box is not the right one for this vice or I'm missing a spacer of some sort on the back of the screw box. I had a nice thick piece of mild steel so I got out the angle grinder and made a temporary spacer until I can forge something a little more permanent. Then I took a Maple log and split it by hand using wedges and a sledge hammer. Mounted the vice up and everything works perfect. (
and here's the temp spacer: (
So now that I have a vice all set up it's time to do a bit of practice. Fired up the forge today and made 2 firsts. My very first twist using the new vice, used a railroad spike for stock and it came out pretty well. Just need to figure out how to do this and keep it straight. #2 is my first railroad spike knife. Really it's just a practice piece so I don't waste good steel in the forge. This steel is mild steel so it won't harden which means it won't hols an edge, way to soft for that. However I do like the handle shape and the false swedge on the tip (not sure that actually show up in the pics). Did a rough grind on it and probably won't go any further than that since the steel is so low quality. That is of course I decide to make a wall hanger out of it. ( (
What do you guys think, am I on the right track?
Nicely done Infidel!!! That is freakin' awesome!
Now get a few pieces of old broken leaf springs and make the exact same knife. Those are good quality steel. Obviously your skills are up to it.
08-01-2015, 09:49 PM
Nicely done Infidel!!! That is freakin' awesome!
Now get a few pieces of old broken leaf springs and make the exact same knife. Those are good quality steel. Obviously your skills are up to it.
Funny you should mention that. Got a buddy at work that just replaced his entire suspension in his truck when he lifted it. He'll be giving me all the springs so I'll have some coils and leaf springs to work with. I have a couple farrier's rasps here too to work with which would make some great big blades. Stay tuned, more to come as time allows.
08-02-2015, 09:52 AM
Excellent! Thanks for the update.
08-04-2015, 11:53 AM
Nice work. Have you seen the new show, "Forged Fire" (something like that). It's really interesting. Each show is 4 guys in a competition to forge knives, swords, etc.
I watched it last night. They had 5 days to make an "Elizibethian Rapier Sword". Very cool.
08-04-2015, 09:58 PM
Yep we watch it every week. The boys really like it. The guy that won this week's show is a friend of a friend. I've never met the guy but it's kind of funny how people are connected sometimes. For me the blacksmithing is just a hobby. Next project I think is going to be a nail header for making cut nails. It doesn't really look that hard to make but I'm sure it'll be quite the project.
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