View Full Version : Tornado Myths

04-24-2015, 06:16 AM

There are many myths about tornadoes. Do any of these sound familiar?

MYTH: If a tornado is approaching, opening windows will equalize pressure and prevent your house from exploding.

REALITY: This tornado myth is based on the assumption that a tornado’s low pressure is the most destructive feature which causes a house or building to ‘explode’. Instead, most damage is actually caused by the tornado’s strong winds and flying debris. Opening windows won’t save your home, and it will reduce the amount of time you have to take cover. When it comes to severe weather, every second counts, so forget the windows and take shelter immediately.

MYTH: The safest place to be during a tornado is the southwest corner of a basement.

REALITY: There was a theory that if a tornado moves in a northeast direction (the ‘typical’ direction of many tornadoes), so will its wind and debris, leaving the southwest corner of a building practically untouched. While it’s true that many (not all) tornadoes move from west to east, or southwest to northeast, a tornado’s rotating winds can propel objects in any direction. Always seek shelter in an interior room on the lowest level of your home, placing as many walls as possible between you and the storm.http://modernsurvivalblog.com/weather-preparedness/tornado-myths/