View Full Version : This is a REAL Commercial from AARP: “Riots Nationwide Have Prompted The Government

04-28-2015, 05:30 AM
This is a REAL Commercial from AARP: “Riots Nationwide Have Prompted The Government To Declare Martial Law”

The bizarre world of militarization and propaganda just got a little bit more crazy – and spooky.

A new AARP commercial seems to offer a public service announcement, but if you play close attention to the commercial you’ll hear something very odd playing in the background. As the woman in the video watches the news she is called over to another room by her daughter. In the background (you may have to turn your audio up a little bit) you can clearly hear a news report about “riots nationwide” and a declaration of martial law by government emergency services.


So the obvious question is, why is this subliminal message about martial law being declared by the President after an outbreak appearing in a public service announcement for care giving put out by an insurance company.

It has no place whatsoever within the context of the ad.

Think about this – this had to be specifically created by the company to appear in this PSA. They couldn’t use an actual segment from a tv news broadcast… because they would be concerned about copyright… and because no such broadcast exists about the President declaring martial law in America after an outbreak…

So they deliberately put this in.

And it’s not going to be heard consciously, but it may be picked up subliminally by the viewer.

I mean… what the hell is going on here… this is bizarre.


04-28-2015, 06:17 AM
The AARP is a leftist effing organization. I found a few years ago that they donate money on a regular basis to the various gun grabbing establishments. Between that and their insurance schemes, they are worthless.
I called their headquarters back when I turned 55 and told them I didn't want to see any of the propaganda in my mailbox.
I guess the way I told them worked because I haven't received any since.

04-28-2015, 08:52 AM
Txwheels, . . . you are a declared gentleman in your description of AARP.

As a pastor, . . . I cannot use the words I have heard that more aptly describe that bunch.

After having deceived all the old folks out of their money for so many years, . . . I've come to the conclusion that there is very likely a special corner of Hell itself, . . . dedicated to those who would prey upon the weak such as these people did and do.

Oh, . . . and you and I have another shared item: they took me off their list also when I, . . . uhhh, . . . ummm, . . . yeah, . . . suggested it.

May God bless,

04-28-2015, 11:43 AM
Txwheels, . . . you are a declared gentleman in your description of AARP.

As a pastor, . . . I cannot use the words I have heard that more aptly describe that bunch.

After having deceived all the old folks out of their money for so many years, . . . I've come to the conclusion that there is very likely a special corner of Hell itself, . . . dedicated to those who would prey upon the weak such as these people did and do.

Oh, . . . and you and I have another shared item: they took me off their list also when I, . . . uhhh, . . . ummm, . . . yeah, . . . suggested it.

May God bless,

I'm thinking your 'suggestion' to them sounded like mine did..