View Full Version : Composting

05-10-2015, 06:02 PM
Until recently we've never messed with it. My wife started a compost pile a few weeks back while tending her garden. Since then she's been tossing scraps on the pile and it's already working. Next step is build a proper bin. What really piqued my interest in it is the nightcrawlers. I went to digging in the pile and in no time flat I turned up a handful of good ones. Which we took to the fishing hole. Do any of yall do this? I am looking for experienced suggestions and comments on the subject.

This took me about 5 seconds to turn up:


05-10-2015, 06:25 PM
We compost all the chicken chit, chips and straw. Wife sweetens the pot with scraps. The chicken work the pile for me and they get the worms and bugs. We use no container or bin just a pile.