View Full Version : Running TV antenna. Got more channels.
James m
05-15-2015, 08:04 PM
I have two TV's in here, the one in the front room was the only one on the antenna getting two channels. I now get 8 with no static its surprising clear. It has to do with the 35 feet of extra cable wire running through the house. The cable acts as an antenna. I have a flat HD antenna taped to the front window and between the electric booster and antenna I put a splitter to the second TV.
Hey it works, maybe you're in a country area and can't get cable.
rice paddy daddy
06-01-2015, 03:19 PM
Cable does not come this far out. For damn near 20 years we had satellite (remember Primestar?), finally got tired of paying almost 70 bucks a month for the bare minimum plus "local" channels.
Got rid of the dish two years ago.
Had one of those flat antennas and could sometimes get one channel from the city. But now that NASCAR has half the season on over-the-air broadcast, and missing the last two baseball World Series, I broke down and bought a super-duper RCA outside antenna, supposedly good for over a hundred miles.
I've got it twenty feet up (more than that need guy wires - I tried 30 feet) with an RCA signal booster and can get all the city channels.
I only watch the local news at 6:00, and a race if available.
My stress level went waaaay down getting rid of Fox News. I don't miss it one little bit.
James m
06-01-2015, 04:05 PM
My stress went down too after the constant drumbeat of news got shut off. I miss the internet most, I should get around to canceling Netflix now....
06-01-2015, 04:08 PM
Free Tv going on 6 years over 20 channels includes the sub channels.
Saved $55 per month had 155 channels and there is nothing on.
Never looking back..... less TV = more guitar time.
06-01-2015, 04:10 PM
Score at garage sales for dvd and blueray movies usually around a buck.
James m
06-01-2015, 06:47 PM
I just reconnected my cable. Silly me gonna cost me.
06-02-2015, 12:57 PM
For God's sakes Don't tell my Husband you can do this!!
James m
06-02-2015, 06:52 PM
Why the heck not?? LoL.
06-03-2015, 01:08 AM
I finally got around to taking the silly dish off the side of my house today. I had called the corporate headquarters to have it removed and they told me that I could do it myself but to be on the safe side I should talk to the local installer. So, I called the local installer and they wanted to charge me to remove it - I politely told them that I would remove it myself but they could come and get it. They told me that there would be a charge for that service. I politely told them that I would either cut it up, use the components for something else or take it to the recycle center before I would pay them to come and get their own property. I found out that it is not their property and thanked them.
So, I now have a satellite dish that I am wondering what to do with it. Can I make a WiFi receiver for my shop computer out of it so I get better reception in the shop? Can I use it to receive messages from aliens in space? Can I exchange the pickup coils with a microphone to listen for faint noises from the neighborhood? Can I use it with my computer to make my own radar station?
So many ideas.....
Or you could just clean it up real good and use it for a wok.
James m
06-03-2015, 10:27 AM
Use it to find the stealth drones that have been collecting Intel on you for 4 years.
06-03-2015, 05:32 PM
I had never considered cooking gear. It would make a fairly decent wok! I can get a wok pretty cheap though and the radar seems like a natural use. I would need radar guidance for my hobby rockets to make it effective or I could combine the radar with a laser targeter and use laser guidance on the rockets. It would be just slightly more complex than the IR guidance system that I have made and tested.
I must say that I am leaning more toward the WiFi antenna for my shop but in the back of my mind (a very dark place) the radar is most interesting.
rice paddy daddy
06-06-2015, 11:07 PM
Actually, on another site several years ago one guy posted angles and degrees to aim an unused dish to pick up live satellite feed from around the world. I've still got the dish, the company wanted their box back and sent me a prepaid shipping carton.
If I get really bored one day I might try it.
But, honestly, I didn't watch that much TV then, and don't miss even that little bit now.
It would not surprise me if dementia/alzhiemers is not connected somehow to brain numbing TV watching.
I'd rather read a book, anyway.
02-22-2017, 11:19 PM
I finally got around to taking the silly dish off the side of my house today. I had called the corporate headquarters to have it removed and they told me that I could do it myself but to be on the safe side I should talk to the local installer. So, I called the local installer and they wanted to charge me to remove it - I politely told them that I would remove it myself but they could come and get it. They told me that there would be a charge for that service. I politely told them that I would either cut it up, use the components for something else or take it to the recycle center before I would pay them to come and get their own property. I found out that it is not their property and thanked them.
So, I now have a satellite dish that I am wondering what to do with it. Can I make a WiFi receiver for my shop computer out of it so I get better reception in the shop? Can I use it to receive messages from aliens in space? Can I exchange the pickup coils with a microphone to listen for faint noises from the neighborhood? Can I use it with my computer to make my own radar station?
So many ideas.....
I know this is an old post. If you still have the old sattelite dish, you could export aluminum foil to the dish. The dish could be used to focus extra sunlight into a solar oven or directed towards a solar panel.
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