View Full Version : Nooooooo it cant be true. Hey Al Gore BITE ME!

05-21-2015, 06:53 AM

Ever since 1979, NASA satellites have been collecting data on the extent of the Earth’s polar ice caps. Traditionally, this information has been used to prove the threat global warming poses to the human race. If the ice caps are melting, it could displace millions of people living along coastlines across the planet. However, new data posted on NASA’s website suggests that the ice caps may not be melting after all. - See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/new-nasa-report-reveals-ice-caps-are-not-melting_052015#sthash.t78XwHVn.dpuf

05-21-2015, 08:39 AM
All we have to do to stop ANY melting is, just keep Al 'hot air' Gore away from any kind of ice. Problem solved..