View Full Version : Now hackers can send swat through your door!

05-27-2015, 06:10 AM
The police chief of a large Midwestern town is awakened at 2:40 AM by the local 911 dispatcher. She reports that a caller from a home in town stated that she and her children were being held hostage by her ex-husband who had a gun and was threatening to kill them all. The dispatcher confirmed that the 911 caller ID system matched the address given by the caller. As the police chief suits up and heads for the scene other officers take up over watch positions around the home and close off traffic on adjoining streets. The regional SWAT team, including dogs and a robot is staged just out of sight of the target residents. On arrival the chief is told that the resident is dark and no movement is observed. Being suspicious he tells the team to hold in place while he cross checks the call in data with information about that resident. Finding non-matching information he called the residents and finds a sleeping elderly couple who have no idea what’s going on. Thus a potentially disastrous incident is just an expensive false alarm.

This police department has just been the victim of an increasingly common internet crime known as the “swaties”. Hackers hack the phone ID system and are able to make calls from any location in the world but spoof the caller ID system into providing the 911 dispatcher with a false address
