View Full Version : Trendies Ready for Ultimate Wearable: “Chip Implanted in Their Skin Used for Payments

06-02-2015, 05:48 AM
The Mark of the Beast is more almost here than ever before.

As SHTF has previously noted, the likelihood of a forced RFID implant under the guise of a martial law pandemic emergency might be a little too obvious, as far as future tyranny goes.

Before it comes to that, it seems plenty of people will be voluntarily subjecting themselves to cattle-like status, by jumping at the chance to ditch the inconvenience of a wallet and get a “smarter” payment system that can be embedded under their skin.

Via the Business Insider: http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/trendies-ready-for-ultimate-wearable-chip-implanted-in-their-skin-used-for-payments_06012015

06-02-2015, 08:15 AM
Mark of the beast indeed... I wont be doing this, I can keep track of my wallet just fine.

06-02-2015, 08:32 AM
I still believe The Mark Of The Beast is what you think with your head,and the work you do with your hands.

This chip is merely trying to fool you.
It is still is no good either way.