View Full Version : Sourdough Cheese bread

06-28-2015, 12:33 AM
3-4 cups of sourdough starter
1 Tbsp salt
1/2 pound sharp cheddar cheese (or 1/4 pound each of sharp and medium cheddar) shredded
3 to 4 cups flour
2 greased loaf pans

The night before add 3 cups flour and three cups warm water to your starter (in a BIG bowl) and mix well
The next morning:
remove a cup of the starter for next time and put it away
place the remaining starter into the mixing bowl on your mixer with a bread hook
Add 1 cup flour and the Tbsp of salt and the cheese and mix on slow speed
add flour until the dough ball pulls the dough from the sides of the bowl. It should be moist and tacky but not sticky.
Roll the dough ball out of the mixing bowl and oil the inside of the mixing bowl
Place the dough ball back in the bowl, cover loosely with plastic wrap and place in a warm place in your kitchen (I put it on the stove top)
Preheat oven to 350 to 375F
Once the dough has doubled in size roll it onto a floured counter
Dust the ball with flour and knead until it is the size you started with (it should remain tacky and moist)
pinch the ball into two halves and form into small loaves
Place the small loaves into the greased loaf pans, brush the tops with warm water and cover loosely with plastic wrap
Put the pans in a warm spot in the kitchen (stove top as long as it won't heat the pans over 110F)
when the rising loaf gets close to the plastic wrap remove the plastic and brush the tops with warm water again
When it rises above the edge of the loaf pans or stops rising place the loaves in the oven and bake for 40 minutes (10 to 20 minutes longer if you want a hard crust)
when the timer goes off pull the loaves out of the oven, butter the tops and let them cool in the pans until they are just cool enough to handle (about 15 to 20 minutes) the loaves actually finish cooking during this step
Roll the bread out of the pan onto a cooling rack for another ten minutes or until you can't stand smelling it without eating some.
Cut the heal off one end, butter it and enjoy!

The next morning, for a real treat use this bread to make some French toast with cinnamon. Drizzle maple syrup over it and you will understand why you made two loaves!

If the crust is too hard you can place the hot loaves into 1 gallon freezer bags and as it cools the moisture released will soften the crust.

06-30-2015, 06:30 AM
I'm going to give this one a try, thanks!

06-30-2015, 01:00 PM
I looked online about the starter and it seems you just mix up flour and filtered water in a jar and wait for it to rise. How long does it take?

06-30-2015, 01:01 PM
Nevermind I just found your thread about it. Thanks!