View Full Version : Hillary Clinton Promises 500 Million Solar Panels If America Pretends to Vote for Her

07-28-2015, 05:25 AM

What a sad, sad gimmick.

As you know, the man-made global warming hoax, er, climate change, is one of Hillary Clinton’s top priorities (as is selling America out to big business like Monsanto, Walmart and Wall Street).

Now, like it’s a cheap contest or something (*wink wink*), Hillary has pledged to install 500 million solar panels if she is voted president. So there. Eat your heart out, Jeb!

“We are on the cusp of a new era,” she reportedly said in that voice that she uses when she thinks she’s being all presidential and stuff.

That era, of course, is the smart grid electronic big brother concentration camp being erected all around us… complete with green, energy efficient solar panels and talking wi-fi connected thermostats that can be accessed remotely by pretty much anyone who wants to!

07-28-2015, 05:47 AM
I wonder who is going to do the cleanup after they have a hailstorm after installing these 500,000,000 solar panels... As I understand it, there is quite a bit of lead and mercury involved with making them. Oh well, burning them on a campfire might make some pretty cool colored flames.