View Full Version : How do you see the Apocalypse happening?
08-02-2015, 10:37 PM
And how soon?
Of course this is all conjecture, but I would think that everyone has an opinion on this.
There are many different scenarios that could bring on The End Of Days -- anywhere from man-made disasters (Yellowstone blowing or a Comet strike), nuclear war brought on by any of a number of dangerous confrontations, class warfare, race warfare, total world-wide economic collapse ......... just to name a few.
In most of these scenarios, I see the big cities emptying out. As the grid goes down, it will all fall like a house of cards tumbling. And we will become a desperate society so quick it will make your head swim.
If you've paid any attention at all to the news in the last few years, it is like a boiler getting ready to explode, in all directions. Therefore, whatever is coming ... I think it will be within the next few years -- five at the most. While race and class tensions are at an all time high, I think it will actually be a nuclear confrontation that sets it all off. North Korea, Iran, ISIS taking over Pakistan (with all their nukes), Russia feeling their oats, China doing ....... whatever the hell those slant-eyed bastards are up to (and the west will never figure them out). Our biggest problem is that we have no standing anymore in the world. All these renegade nations know that we can't even talk a good story anymore, let alone control things. So, the world is a VERY dangerous place now, more so than ever before. Too many pirate countries have gotten access to the bomb. On the other hand, we don't have the foresight or guts to take down a renegade nation BEFORE it all gets out of hand.
Maybe it is just the musings of an old fart late on a Sunday night --- but I see it coming and relatively soon.
I see the speed in which our poor and minority populace (mainly Black) become violent once the fountain of free stuff gets diminished or turned off or they are incited by a perceived injustice...joined by others who are usually apologist or self deprecatory white folks or sympathetic others. Once both occur, the inability to sustain the "unwillingly to work" folks, and it is slanted to be a racial reason.....cities will burn, looting will begin. Whites and other hated groups in various areas will bear the brunt of the anger and much bloodshed will occur.
If it gets to be a situation in which the federal government declares martial law with force approved to sustain it...then the pockets of resistance will arise, as well as the pockets of terrorists who will fight the same government for entirely different reasons. So there will exist a situation that pits all races and religions against each other with little trust.
Will it happen? I don't know...but the Government, the media, and the minorities have fostered just such a scenario.
Hmmm... Do I think this is the Apocalypse, as in the real Apocalypse with Trumpets and Seals ending in Jesus returning? Not just yet. Although I do believe there will be a day when that happens. I just do not think it is now.
Will the coming years seem like an apocalypse to most Americans? Absolutely.
I think we are presently at the same point culturally that we were in 1858 and 1968. Whether we go down the path we went in 1861 with all out civil war and brother fighting brother or we go down the path we went down in 1971 with the crazies setting off some bombs and generally raising hell remains to be seen. Either way, our culture is at a MAJOR inflection point. The uncertainty scares me sometimes. But it is also a chance to set our culture right again, and that really excites me. This is the golden opportunity to step back out of the political muck and get folks back to our principles of liberty.
I know which way I am going. Do you?
08-03-2015, 01:26 AM
This perceived "situation" that we are in is a facade. The ones in control are purposely playing gender against gender, race against race, religion against religion and political party against political party to keep us distracted so we don't fight the real threat. The real threat is the government behind all the shenanigans. "The man (men) behind the curtain" is just using these minor irritations to keep us fighting each other as they grab power that the neither need nor deserve.
Are we headed for the end? If we don't wake up we are. Every time there is an "emergency" or a "catastrophe" the government steps in to take more control. Then they reinforce that control and then they get ready to take advantage of the next "emergency" or "catastrophe". There isn't going to be any one gig event it will all end with just the last little event where we give up the last of our rights. You disagree?
In 1950 if they had wanted to search people before they allowed you to fly there would have been a revolution. Right before 9-11 it would have been unthinkable to search people before they got on a plane. One day after 9-11 they were searching people before they got on a plane - it made people feel safer. Even when the searches didn't work and people over-powered radicals on the plane we submitted to more and more invasive searches. The TSA has NEVER stopped a terrorist from getting on a plane. Yet we happily disrobe and tolerate being groped in order to FEEL safer on a plane. That has happened to our fourth amendment protections because it was a "reasonable" invasion to tolerate to FEEL safe. They are doing the same thing to our other rights, slowly making it acceptable to remove the protections that the government is supposed to provide. They have made "1st amendment zones" and "constitutional free zones". They allow illegal aliens to cross the border and look the other way when they commit crimes. This will culminate in forcing us to carry citizenship papers. (stopped on the corner by a TSA agent and he says: "Papers please!" ) - it will never happen? That could have been said about our first amendment rights - or our fourth amendment rights - we have been saying it about our second amendment rights but there are places in the USA that you can't own a gun without permission. Places where, if you carry a visible gun you are harassed, detained and even arrested.
None of this could have happened in 1950, 1060, 1970 or even in 1980. But they have used crisis and circumstances to make it acceptable and we keep voting the same kinds of folks into office because they say things that make us FEEL better. We need to look hard at our constitution and remember that good men and women have fought hard and long for that document to mean something. We need to make it mean something again. We need to turn our backs on those who have been encroaching on our god given rights and turn to those who believe as we do, in the strength of the people and the value of the constitution.
This perceived "situation" that we are in is a facade. The ones in control are purposely playing gender against gender, race against race, religion against religion and political party against political party to keep us distracted so we don't fight the real threat. The real threat is the government behind all the shenanigans. "The man (men) behind the curtain" is just using these minor irritations to keep us fighting each other as they grab power that the neither need nor deserve.
Are we headed for the end? If we don't wake up we are. Every time there is an "emergency" or a "catastrophe" the government steps in to take more control. Then they reinforce that control and then they get ready to take advantage of the next "emergency" or "catastrophe". There isn't going to be any one gig event it will all end with just the last little event where we give up the last of our rights. You disagree?
In 1950 if they had wanted to search people before they allowed you to fly there would have been a revolution. Right before 9-11 it would have been unthinkable to search people before they got on a plane. One day after 9-11 they were searching people before they got on a plane - it made people feel safer. Even when the searches didn't work and people over-powered radicals on the plane we submitted to more and more invasive searches. The TSA has NEVER stopped a terrorist from getting on a plane. Yet we happily disrobe and tolerate being groped in order to FEEL safer on a plane. That has happened to our fourth amendment protections because it was a "reasonable" invasion to tolerate to FEEL safe. They are doing the same thing to our other rights, slowly making it acceptable to remove the protections that the government is supposed to provide. They have made "1st amendment zones" and "constitutional free zones". They allow illegal aliens to cross the border and look the other way when they commit crimes. This will culminate in forcing us to carry citizenship papers. (stopped on the corner by a TSA agent and he says: "Papers please!" ) - it will never happen? That could have been said about our first amendment rights - or our fourth amendment rights - we have been saying it about our second amendment rights but there are places in the USA that you can't own a gun without permission. Places where, if you carry a visible gun you are harassed, detained and even arrested.
None of this could have happened in 1950, 1060, 1970 or even in 1980. But they have used crisis and circumstances to make it acceptable and we keep voting the same kinds of folks into office because they say things that make us FEEL better. We need to look hard at our constitution and remember that good men and women have fought hard and long for that document to mean something. We need to make it mean something again. We need to turn our backs on those who have been encroaching on our god given rights and turn to those who believe as we do, in the strength of the people and the value of the constitution.
Paul... I remember explicitly being searched prior to 911. It was a matter of fact back then too. You are flying on a private airline so subject to their rules... Just like a club owner has every right to search those who enter. Lets not confuse right in public with rights of private owners. But in all other things you are right...death by a thousand cuts. We let our Government become the savior against all woes...only to learn they are the cause of most of them...and the benefactor from them and we are the fools.
08-03-2015, 02:43 AM
Those "private" airlines are carrying mail and the "private" airline is provided its destinations and routes by the US government via the FAA.
Those "private" airlines operate with public access and just like stores they cannot legally search you without a warrant or by permission.
You can freely give your permission to be searched but if you insist upon a warrant then they either get a warrant (which would be unlikely because there is no probable cause) or they can legally allow you to pass. Unless you break the law they have no power to prevent you from traveling a "postal route" peacefully and lawfully.
I agree - this was implemented over a period of time and began by checking carry-on luggage with X-ray machines. The TSA was first used in 2002?? to screen people through metal detectors. If it beeped then they used a wand to clear you. It progressed from that to the full body search that they do now - even though they have never prevented a terrorist from getting on a plane.
People have been convinced that it is OK to search them in the name of safety when it is no safer today to fly than it was in 1950.
08-03-2015, 08:13 AM
*"For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night."
"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father"
08-03-2015, 08:18 AM
Well osfg said it better than I could. Sometime soon we will run out of other people's money. That will be followed by full blown communism/socialism and then a revolution.
Another possibility that could happen anytime is another Carrington event. It could happen now or in a hundred years but it will happen. We need to harden the grid to protect ourselves from this but congress never approves the funding. They would rather use our money to buy ammo, fly first class and other massive wastes of tax dollars. JM2C
08-03-2015, 08:27 AM
One of the little known or at least less documented and discussed facts of the Biblical apocalypse, . . . the USA is NOT involved.
Canada, the US, Britain and Australia would come to Israel's immediate aid today (I hope anyway), . . . with the possibility of help even from Germany and France (if someone stole their white flag), . . . if the "King of the North" attempted to sweep through Israel as it is listed in the book of Daniel.
There is no mention of any of them as comrades in arms when Daniel's war occurs.
Therefore, . . . it is obvious that either they will no longer exist as a group of forces, . . . or they will be too preoccupied with their own troubles to be able to do anything.
The preoccupied idea scares me, . . . especially when you think of the scale it would take to undo and destroy the ties they all have together.
I only see one scenario, . . . some sort of internal strife that is common to all, . . . and today's category would be trouble from the internal rag heads. Islam will ultimately be either destroyed, . . . or it will be THE factor signalling to the Lord Jesus Christ that this world needs to be burned, . . . and for me, . . . so be it.
May God bless,
08-03-2015, 09:00 AM
What I want to know is what are all these "Smart Phone" addicts going to do with themselves when the EMP shuts down the grid?
Just yesterday I watched a young couple sitting at a small table having lunch, oblivious to things around them or each other for that matter.Texting on their phones. The male actually seemed annoyed that the waitress asked to take their order. The lady he was with was a very pretty girl....why wasn't he talking to her? This younger generation is really too dependent on electronic toys.
08-03-2015, 09:05 AM
The loss of the US due to its own ineptitude is not the apocalypse. Regimes fall every day. America is not immune to the textbook, systematic, self-destruction that human nature causes time and time again. The "apocalypse" will occur when our sun starts running out of fuel, goes red giant, and envelopes our planet. Probably in about, 1billion years. There is no prepping for that.
The US will fall, eventually. I don't know when. But, you can prep for that. I think OSFG hit the nail on the head. When the freebies run out, the US will burn. When the EBT cards run dry, the fragile illusion of civilized society will vaporize, and you had better be ready. But, it is not the apocalypse. It will just be another chapter in the history books.
08-03-2015, 09:21 AM
What I want to know is what are all these "Smart Phone" addicts going to do with themselves when the EMP shuts down the grid?
Just yesterday I watched a young couple sitting at a small table having lunch, oblivious to things around them or each other for that matter.Texting on their phones. The male actually seemed annoyed that the waitress asked to take their order. The lady he was with was a very pretty girl....why wasn't he talking to her? This younger generation is really too dependent on electronic toys.
It will actually tickle me when that happens. I'm going to laugh at them as they implode on themselves.
James m
08-03-2015, 01:10 PM
I think it will start with economic collapse, then fighting over the few goods that are left, leading to open fighting.
08-03-2015, 02:00 PM
It is sad, because it will be an us's against the them's (read those on the dole). Honestly think it may all come to a head the day after election day 2016. Say the conservatives take both houses and the Pres. it would take very little for the little man to step up to the mike and declare the election null and void cause he says so.
that would definitely upset the apple cart big time
08-03-2015, 04:02 PM
I see it happening very FAST, NASTY, and DEADLY!!!!!
It is sad, because it will be an us's against the them's (read those on the dole). Honestly think it may all come to a head the day after election day 2016. Say the conservatives take both houses and the Pres. it would take very little for the little man to step up to the mike and declare the election null and void cause he says so.
that would definitely upset the apple cart big time
I would not want to be on that little mans Secret Service detail if he were to attempt that.... in fact that would be the best thing he could do to get American citizens into action to take back our country.
Those "private" airlines are carrying mail and the "private" airline is provided its destinations and routes by the US government via the FAA.
Those "private" airlines operate with public access and just like stores they cannot legally search you without a warrant or by permission.
You can freely give your permission to be searched but if you insist upon a warrant then they either get a warrant (which would be unlikely because there is no probable cause) or they can legally allow you to pass. Unless you break the law they have no power to prevent you from traveling a "postal route" peacefully and lawfully.
I agree - this was implemented over a period of time and began by checking carry-on luggage with X-ray machines. The TSA was first used in 2002?? to screen people through metal detectors. If it beeped then they used a wand to clear you. It progressed from that to the full body search that they do now - even though they have never prevented a terrorist from getting on a plane.
People have been convinced that it is OK to search them in the name of safety when it is no safer today to fly than it was in 1950.
Paul we will just have to disagree on this. They are still privately owned businesses and even though they are regulated by the Government it still does not prevent them from ensuring that all the others on board are safe. I won't argue that they are doing it well, but as a frequent traveler I think it is correct to do this. To my club reference, they are selling alcohol on a Government issued liquor license and operating under City, State and Federal mandates and restrictions...its still a privately owned business. How many sporting events or concerts have you been too were they search you? Nearly all of them...this is not an infringement on our is the price of admission..You do not have an inalienable right to fly on their AC. We just look at it differently.
and the advent of TSA does not mark the start of security screening:
In 1972, the FAA began its canine program after several incidents where bombs downed passenger airplanes. In December of that year, the FAA required all passengers to be inspected by armed guards or screened by metal detectors. And considering the number of attempts versus successes it has had an effects:
1930's 1 bombing
1940's 0 bombings 0 Hijacking (HJ)
1950's 3 bombing/0 HJ
1960's 4 bombing/5 HJ
1970's 2 bombing/16 HJ
1980's 1 bombing/2 HJ
1990's 0 bombing/1 HJ attempt
2000's 0 bombings/3 HJ (9-1-1)
2010's 0 bombings/ 0 HJ
These are stats for US departing flights not foreign flights coming in screened elsewhere.
As you can see there were 31 events over a 50 year period up until screening began
Since then 6 events in the last 45 years even though Air traffic has increased by several orders of magnitude.
Sir, TSA may suck at places and times...but over all, considering how many people are trying to harm us....its gotten better.
08-04-2015, 11:59 AM
*"For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night."
"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father"
And there you have an Apocalypse,knowledge has been revealed
08-04-2015, 01:18 PM
And there you have an Apocalypse,knowledge has been revealedNothin new right? Its age old. I realize you may be in denial but the ending has been written a long long time.
08-04-2015, 04:26 PM
Nothin new right? Its age old. I realize you may be in denial but the ending has been written a long long time.
I was noting the definition of Apocalypse is the revealing ,for those that know not.
I am very aware young man that the book was written to show history in advance, so the gentiles would see that The Eternal is GOD
08-04-2015, 05:31 PM
I was noting the definition of Apocalypse is the revealing ,for those that know not.
I am very aware young man that the book was written to show history in advance, so the gentiles would see that The Eternal is GODWell then. I stand corrected.:wall:
Montana Rancher
08-13-2015, 03:21 AM
This is all relative based upon where you live. In my state there are less than 7 people per square mile, and in my county which is the 2nd biggest in the state we are about 14 people per square mile. That is about 40 acres per person on average in the state and although a lot of those acres are not habitable, I can easily feed my immediate family of 15 people on just a few acres that I own.
Truth is my state exports more gas, oil, wheat, beef than we need by a large factor. SHTF the major population centers (only 1 city in Montana with over 100k people) will have some die off but as a whole we are just fine. I don't expect the death rate to be much more than 50% in a major collapse.
We will rebuild and prosper when it really hits the fan, we have the advantage of very little racial diversity.
08-18-2015, 10:14 AM
Our president (he is, as much as I hate to say that) has created a situation (in my opinion) that is going to cause us to go into a civil war. He has alienated the people that want to work hard and have a good life. He has allowed every enemy we have to become quite strong right in our midst. Hate crimes are only labeled in one direction, muslims are very prevalent inside the USA, one portion of society is dependant on the minority to support them, and illegal aliens have Carte Blanche.
It seems to me that this pushing is escalating the closer we get to election time. More riots, more shootings being labeled as hate crimes and outrageous blame being placed in really weird places. More has been done in the last 6 months to de-stabilize the US than in the first 4 years of Obummer.
This is going to cause a civil unrest or even a civil "war" . At that time Obummer is going to say " the US needs an experienced Leader in this time of Crisis and I'm it." Then he is going campaign to be left in office as our country tears itself apart. He won't do anything to help fix or to stop it as he already has his armies in place. Muslims, Illegals, and the inner city destitute are already in place. He wont have to rely on the military to do his bidding this way.
The events of the last 3 to 4 years here in the US is what happened to the Romans, almost word for word/event by event, as their empire fell apart.
I don't know if this made any sense or if it is just rambles, but thanks for listening
08-19-2015, 08:28 PM
It is sad, because it will be an us's against the them's (read those on the dole). Honestly think it may all come to a head the day after election day 2016. Say the conservatives take both houses and the Pres. it would take very little for the little man to step up to the mike and declare the election null and void cause he says so.
that would definitely upset the apple cart big time
There are an awful lot of these "BLACK LIVES MATTER" pukes running around, who I think will be the lightning rod that sets off a real race war in the country. It definitely is heading in that direction. The news media spurns it on -- they love this shit, to the detriment of the rest of the country. I think in the end, the blacks will suffer the most casualties, simply because they are outnumbered by a factor of ten. White America has been arming itself ever since the commie got elected. If the real numbers ever surfaced, we'd all be amazed at how much this has been.
I am pretty sure it is coming and I also doubt if I would survive it. I live in a state where about 20% of the population is black significantly exceeding the national average, and I bet most of them are armed. But I really don't care as long as I get my licks in. It would be a sad day if I can't take some of them with me.
08-19-2015, 11:27 PM
With a 20% black population you may have some fighting on your side! I don't doubt that you could survive it. Play it smart and stay thoughtful and aware. Most bad guys are neither.
08-19-2015, 11:42 PM
I don't know how, I don't know when, I feel in my heart that something is going to happen. I worry for my nephews and sister and try as much as I can to prepare them for either a collapse of the society, a natural disaster such as Yellowstone, or a man made disaster such as an EMP. I love my sister more than life itself but she isn't a strong willed, work horse like I am. My nephews are young but very smart when it comes to making do with what they have or being creative. They just don't have the street smarts they need yet, that will come with age.
08-19-2015, 11:51 PM
It comes faster with your guidance. They listen to you, and learn more than what you try to teach. they learn from the way you live. That was something I got to share with my mom before she died. Most of what we learned was from the way she lived her life, the love she shared, unconditionally, and the joy in the small things that happen every day. We adults teach a lot more than we realize just by living and loving. Kids learn better from example than by words.
Your love shows here, in most of your posts. That is why you are so loved here.
Montana Rancher
08-22-2015, 12:17 AM
There are an awful lot of these "BLACK LIVES MATTER" pukes running around, who I think will be the lightning rod that sets off a real race war in the country. It definitely is heading in that direction. The news media spurns it on -- they love this shit, to the detriment of the rest of the country. I think in the end, the blacks will suffer the most casualties, simply because they are outnumbered by a factor of ten. White America has been arming itself ever since the commie got elected. If the real numbers ever surfaced, we'd all be amazed at how much this has been.
I am pretty sure it is coming and I also doubt if I would survive it. I live in a state where about 20% of the population is black significantly exceeding the national average, and I bet most of them are armed. But I really don't care as long as I get my licks in. It would be a sad day if I can't take some of them with me.
Sorry this just reminds me of some research I did a year back. I saw a black person on the street and thought OMG a black person! , and so I did some research.
The 2010 senses showed there where 4000 blacks in Montana, out of 1 million people that is pretty low. Further research revealed there were 4500 blacks in prison in Montana, seemed fishy me.
Now sure what to think about those figures.
James m
08-22-2015, 04:49 PM
The census bureau is not mandatory. Or I suppose the inmates didn't fill out the mailer.
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