View Full Version : Prevent and Treat Urinary Tract Infection with Herbs

08-28-2015, 11:29 AM

Prevent and treat urinary tract infection with herbs blended into a simple drinkable tea. A combination of 4 herbs in equal parts can pack a powerful healing punch to a painful UTI.
They are the absolute worst. Urinary tract infections, or UTIs as they’re affectionately called, can turn your whole world upside down. When you get one, every trip to the bathroom becomes a painful battle, with flinching and exclamations of pain. Unfortunately, most people believe that there isn’t much you can do to prevent a UTI. And, they also believe that once you have one, the only way to cure it is to run to a doctor and start taking the prescribed drugs provided.
But, the good news is, not only can you take certain steps to prevent UTIs from happening, you can also treat the UTIs you do get efficiently, and naturally, by using herbs. This guide gives very specific ways to treat and prevent UTIs by using natural methods and a special herbal blend the author researched and created.
To get rid of a UTI, the author suggests:

08-28-2015, 05:26 PM
Do not drink this all the time to keep away a UTI. It will not work when you need it.

09-04-2015, 01:02 AM
If you drink cranberry juice it keeps the PH level down and prevents many kinds of UTIs. Don't self diagnose - there are some dangerous bugs that require medical attention.