View Full Version : For my friend Slewfoot

01-22-2016, 08:14 PM
I was wasting time watching crazy shit on the intertubes this evening when I happened across a conspiracy video claiming the U.S. Dollar is going to collapse 100% on February 19, 2016. At the same time I was watching this goofy video, Mrs Inor was reading a book. She heard the video mention February 19th and asked what was going to happen. Apparently whatever book she was reading also mentioned it.

The video doesn't say why February 19th as opposed to August 22nd or any other date. But, both her book and the video were pretty clear February 19th is the day. SInce I am not really up on all of these prophesy things, I thought I would throw it out there for any of you to explain to me.


And to help our buddy Slew feel more at home: We have exactly 4 weeks left until we all die! The Joooooooooos are coming to take all of our money! Be safe folks.

01-23-2016, 08:54 AM
Unfortunately, . . . that is a really easy one to answer.

The reason it will be on February 19th, . . .

Cause it's the day after the 18th................

Simple deduction, my friend.

May God bless,

PS: They probably found that in one of the prophesies out of the book of Hezekiah.

01-23-2016, 09:09 AM
Sounds like another Maine jarhead doom and gloom prediction.

01-25-2016, 02:34 PM
, Inor the wacky marine has got to you. I am going with Dwight55.
I will contact you on the 20th to see how you faired. BTW my wife's birthday is February 19th.

01-25-2016, 02:50 PM
He wakes to this every morning and goes nite nite to it at bed time.

01-25-2016, 03:02 PM
For you nay - sayers let me clear a few things up. It's Feb 19th because that will be the first full lunar eclipse of the new year and Mars will be in retrograde. At the precise moment the sun sets all galaxies will be aligned. This will be the signal to the Gray's hidden around the planet that glactic take over is nigh. Millions of women will tear off their clothes and ascend all the pyramids of the world and proceed to throw tiny pickles at people. Are you really still reading this? Sucker!

01-25-2016, 03:36 PM
Puff the magic Dragon the song


The real puff the magic dragon
