View Full Version : Git yer geek on!

02-18-2016, 09:54 PM
So this is a little project I have been planning for a few weeks. I finally got the last of the parts in the mail today. It is a homemade wireless infrared video camera.


It is driven by a Raspberry Pi computer. For those you that are not familiar with it, the Raspberry Pi is a complete computer on a card about the size of an Altoids can. It has a hardwired network connection, an HDMI port for video, 4 USB ports and is powered through a micro USB. With the camera and the 2 infrared lights it draws 5 volts at just under 2 amps. Without the camera it draws just over 1 1/4 amps and I can power it with the solar recharger that came with our weather radio.

The best part about the Pi is the price. The model in the photo is their high end model with 1GB memory and quad-core CPU. It was a total of $35. I also spent the big bucks and got the plastic case for $5 and the wireless network dongle for $8. I bought it originally as a hacking platform. I figure if/when I stepped on my dick and needed to get rid of the computer I would only be out $35.

My wireless infrared video project really does not require the power of this Pi, I think I will order several of their ultra cheap models that are $5 each. So when all is said and done, I will have about $26 in each camera and I can secure the Inor homestead.

Here is the image it captured in my completely dark office displayed on my Mac:


I am pretty freakin' happy with how this is turning out and for the price...

02-18-2016, 11:19 PM
That is genius!

02-19-2016, 07:00 AM
Nice. What was the damage for the IR camera? The post didn't say. Any special software?

02-19-2016, 07:35 AM
Nice. What was the damage for the IR camera? The post didn't say. Any special software?

Oh sorry. The camera was $17. Each of the 2 infrared spotlights was $4. There was no special software. It was all just free-ware stuff that I downloaded from the web. I do have to make some modifications to the software to get it working the way I want, but that is not a big deal at all and it is something anybody can do.

PM me if you want details on where I got the stuff or if you want specifics on how I set it up.

Edit: The $26 figure for doing up several of these comes from buying the cameras and lights in bulk.

02-19-2016, 09:13 AM
That looks like a picture of Stalin in the upper right hand corner :bounce:

02-19-2016, 09:14 AM
That looks like a picture of Stalin in the upper right hand corner :bounce:

General Lee on Traveler.

02-19-2016, 09:38 AM
Kind of like the old "Heath Kits"? Very impressive!

02-19-2016, 09:48 AM
Kind of like the old "Heath Kits"? Very impressive!

Can you imagine Heath Kits trying to survive in today's market? And to think .... I lived through that time.

Actually I am old enough to remember the very first TVs to hit the mass market -- they were like 12" Emersons. Before that, we would listen to Gangbusters and Dragnet on the radio.

02-19-2016, 09:58 AM
Can you imagine Heath Kits trying to survive in today's market? And to think .... I lived through that time.

Actually I am old enough to remember the very first TVs to hit the mass market -- they were like 12" Emersons. Before that, we would listen to Gangbusters and Dragnet on the radio.

You calling me old?? ;)
Too bad they did not survive the transition. Radio Shack used to be a cool place IMO.
What's a "TV"...?

02-19-2016, 10:47 AM
Can you imagine Heath Kits trying to survive in today's market? And to think .... I lived through that time.

Actually I am old enough to remember the very first TVs to hit the mass market -- they were like 12" Emersons. Before that, we would listen to Gangbusters and Dragnet on the radio.

I still prefer the radio to TV. But i do remember the Heath Kits. I had a buddy growing up whose dad made a Heath Kit TV. It actually worked but the picture had the strangest orange hue to it. :biglaugh:

02-19-2016, 10:52 AM
Can you imagine Heath Kits trying to survive in today's market? And to think .... I lived through that time.

Actually I am old enough to remember the very first TVs to hit the mass market -- they were like 12" Emersons. Before that, we would listen to Gangbusters and Dragnet on the radio.

There are still a few kit outfits out there. Mostly catering to amateur radio tinkerers. I like the Raspberry PI concept. An all in one computer on a small platform.

I, too miss the old Rat Shack. Haven't been in one in a long time.