View Full Version : 9 Kickass Booby Traps to Rig Your Homestead

03-16-2016, 08:12 AM
DISCLAIMER: The booby traps shown below are DANGEROUS, and ILLEGAL in most countries. This article is for informational purposes only. Survival Life is not responsible for what you do with this information. For our full disclaimer, click here.

A booby trap is a device or rig intended to threaten, harm, or kill a person with the element of surprise, usually unknowingly triggered by the victim.
Booby traps are used [more or less] for 4 main purposes:

1. Delay the enemy.
2. Channelize the enemy.
3. Harass and demoralize the enemy.
4. Supplement firepower.

Here are some of our favorite creative booby traps guaranteed to kick the enemy’s ass when SHTF: http://pioneersettler.com/homesteading-skills-every-homesteader-should-know/