View Full Version : Jeep bought from a friend......damn

05-22-2016, 10:00 PM
So my son buys a 99 Jeep Wrangler from a family friend $5K which was $1K under KBB value.

One month later, he hears a bad Clank clank from the engine. Shop says they think he spun the bearing on the crankshaft...worse case Crankshaft has damage.

Oh Mr' OSFG that's gonna need a new engine...$8,000. Oh hell no!!!!

So looking at whether to buy a rebuilt engine $1600-$2200 and put it in ourselves or just rebuild the one in it ourselves.

any good reference sites you guys know about?...advice?...got an engine you don't need?

He's in the Navy and will be in and out of until next spring them 8 months at sea....

05-23-2016, 08:51 AM
My big Ford full size van lost an engine a number of years ago, . . . I decided to spend the $$$ for a rebuilt one.

Still think that was the good decision, . . . it was tough enough pulling the old one out the front, . . . and putting in the rebuild, . . . without also having the aggravation of rebuilding it myself.

Too many things can be missed or done wrong by someone who hasn't done several rebuilds, . . . and then ya gotta do it again.

Good luck, . . . which ever way you go.

May God bless,

05-23-2016, 01:52 PM
Gotta figure in a few factors.
My experience was, remove all plugs from dead motor, remove tranny, remove engine mount bolts and exhaust and lift out. Replacement motor was from junkyard. Dropped it in, removed each plug from wire and plugged into old wires from car. Wasn't terrible.
Mine had a three month guarantee, as long as the temp detector they glued to the motor didn't change color.
On a jeep, with the hood off, I could do it relatively easy..
But, you have no real warranty.
Weigh out the cash versus headache my friend.
Sorry I can't be of more help.
Your pal, Deebs

05-23-2016, 02:21 PM
If you have the mechanical aptitude and the jeep is in good shape,buy a rebuilt engine with a warranty.hopefully the rest of the powertrain,(trans,axles transfer case etc,)are decent.
if not,junkyard engine.