View Full Version : The Illuminati Were Amateurs — The Facts Show These Five Families Rule The World

05-24-2016, 05:36 AM
By Claire Bernish

As you begin to understand world governments don’t have your best interests in mind — that enemies of the State could more aptly be called enemies of the globe’s corporate and banking elite — power comes sharply into focus. Those who actually hold the power control the world’s economies, and it’s clear the fates of over 7.4 billion souls now inhabiting the planet are, at best, the least of their concern.

Of those at the top of food chain, so to speak, a small collection of families dictates both domestic and foreign policy — mainly through fueling war and conflict for the good of the military and pharmaceutical industries, and to a greater extent, corporate and central banks.

Five families, in particular, have made a killing off killing — from the enormously lucrative business of debt it creates to the industries feeding off the plundering of world resources — and therefore control the world.

5. Rothschild

Perhaps the most well-known among those five are the Rothschilds, whose dominance of central banks, nefarious insider trading, and nearly invisible hand in world governance — without consideration for the greater good — frequently earns the blanket description, evil.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s dealing in rare coins and antiques in Frankfurt, Germany, in the 1760s earned a rich patronage, allowing him to broaden his focus to include banking by the 1790s. In its 2005 list of 20 of “The Most Influential Businessmen” of all time, Forbes describes Rothschild as “a founding father of international finance,” who “helped invent modern banking by introducing concepts such as diversification,

Prepared One
05-24-2016, 05:50 AM
Good read. There are some who can make a good argument that we are now and have been for some time an Oligarchy.

05-25-2016, 03:56 PM
Interesting stuff. I knew about most of them but had no idea the Bush's were as entrenched as they were. Who knew the old man had dealings with the Nazi's!

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