View Full Version : Find North At Night By The Star – Polaris

06-01-2016, 10:01 AM

To find your direction at night, you only need to find the ‘North Star’ (Polaris) to know the direction of “true north”.

Note, the North Star is NOT the brightest star at night (many people assume that it is). The North Star is actually of average brightness.

If you can find the Big Dipper in the night sky (which is arguably the easiest constellation to identify), then here’s how to use it to find the North Star and the direction of North…

1. Locate the Big Dipper.

2. Locate the two stars at the front edge of the cup.

3. An imaginary line between these two stars, extended out about 5 times from the Big Dipper’s cup will point towards the North Star (Polaris). It also happens to be the last star located at the end of the Little Dipper’s handle (though the ‘Little Dipper’ itself is dim and often difficult to see).

As you face the North Star,

06-01-2016, 11:29 AM
I just use the app on my phone. But I suppose I should keep my knowledge sharp.

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06-02-2016, 02:35 PM
Just walk around to the other side of the tree, . . . moss grows on the North side.

May God bless,

PS: OK, . . . I know, I know, . . . he's doing this at night, . . . well, I'm just going to lay down and sleep, . . . ain't wandering thru the woods at night, . . . can get you hurt. I'll get up in the morning and after a good primitive breakfast I'll go moss hunting, . . . never fails, . . . mostly.

06-02-2016, 03:06 PM
Just walk around to the other side of the tree, . . . moss grows on the North side.

May God bless,

PS: OK, . . . I know, I know, . . . he's doing this at night, . . . well, I'm just going to lay down and sleep, . . . ain't wandering thru the woods at night, . . . can get you hurt. I'll get up in the morning and after a good primitive breakfast I'll go moss hunting, . . . never fails, . . . mostly.
Well sometimes moss only grows on the north side.... unless your in Mi. Moss grows all the way around most trees here especially in the heavy woods and swamps.

06-02-2016, 10:25 PM
Knowing my direction has always came second nature but I'm always in the same area. I've never actually took time to learn the stars and this would come in handy if I find myself lost away from home. I saved the picture to my phone lol

06-03-2016, 05:44 AM
Big dippa to da little dippa.


Now.... if I was at PF I would be scolded for posting this picture...Pffft! pansies!