View Full Version : Food for Thought (literally)

06-09-2016, 12:28 AM
I moved recently and while out and about scouting my new area for grocery stores and local eatery's I noticed something. Just down the street from me was the main warehouse/equipment yard for a school district. This was very good news to me since I worked at a school district many years ago and know what they keep there. The main warehouse is where they keep all the food for the school lunches. In a SHTF emergency this could be a really good thing. I am in no way advocating stealing food from a school district but in a case of societal breakdown where normal laws don't apply we're all going to do what we have to do.

In the warehouse is usually a very large freezer for frozen food. Obviously if the power goes that food won't be good for long. But fortunately they will have a large amount of dry (oats, sugar, salt, etc.) and canned goods (fruit, vegetables). Not to mention toilet paper, paper towels and bleach. Most of the time these places are the same place that they store their buses and vehicles so that means gas, auto supplies and tools.

Depending on when the SHTF emergency occurs will determine if people will be there or not but most likely most, if not all, of them will leave in an emergency of a large scale. Some may even take stuff but they can't carry it all and there is a lot. If things get desperate this may be one viable source of procuring goods you may need and I believe this is a place most people will overlook (You know grocery stores will be emptied first). Plus your tax dollars already paid for the stuff.

06-09-2016, 12:33 AM
Excellent idea. Thanks.

06-09-2016, 01:07 AM
Sounds like a smart thing to keep in mind only don't be expecting too much salt and sugar in Michelle Obama's school pantries. Probably a large cache of tofu is more likely

Prepared One
06-09-2016, 05:31 AM
Without advocating looting its only prudent to know where potential supplies are in your immediate area. Food storage, Chemical storage, Water Booster Stations, Hospitals, Etc.

06-10-2016, 04:31 PM
Hmmm. A schoolbus loaded with food. Sounds like a plan.

06-11-2016, 12:37 AM
Hmmm. A schoolbus loaded with food. Sounds like a plan.
Now you're thinking like a survivor!

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06-15-2016, 01:50 AM
Just be careful of fema and other government groups. They may have places like that bookmarked as well

06-15-2016, 03:03 AM
Just be careful of fema and other government groups. They may have places like that bookmarked as well

Good point. I'm thinking along the lines of a major SHTF and if that is the case I have the feeling FEMA will look like the keystone cops (kinda like during Katrina).