View Full Version : How to Use Thistles for Food, Water, and Fire in a Survival Situation

06-09-2016, 06:52 AM

Here are some of the survival uses for the misunderstood thistle, including food, water, and fire starting.

There are many different species of thistle (Cirsium ssp. and Carduus ssp.) scattered across the Northern Hemisphere, and plenty to choose from in North America. There are no toxic species in the US, just a few bitter-tasting ones. Use a shovel to pop the tap roots to the surface, and to cut off their heavily spine-covered tops. The remaining roots can be washed, chopped and eaten raw. The roots can also be simmered, stewed or fried like most other root vegetables.

Before the flower heads of a thistle start to swell and take form,

Article here- http://www.outdoorlife.com/blogs/survivalist/how-use-thistles-food-water-and-fire-survival-situation