View Full Version : Not if but when
06-28-2016, 02:38 PM
Earthquakes are always in the front of my mind since I live in earthquake country. Thought I'd throw this out as a reminder to any west coasters and even the fly over states because you get them too.
One of the few disasters where you get no warning. Stay safe and vigilant friends!
Sent from Tapatalk (aka Uranus)
06-28-2016, 05:01 PM
NY have 2 major faults one in western NY 'the clarendon-linden' that runs near buffalo NY, and the other one 'Ramapo fault' runs in NYC PA NJ. the best part of Ramapo fault is that the Indian Point Energy Center (Nuclear power plant) Is happen to be build on it.
maybe that's the reason why NJ is f**king filled with nut jobs, it must be from the nuclear waste.
those fault lines have gone off and few years before I left buffalo NY we had a small earthquake.
As my signature says...
It happened before, it can happen again.
It happened there, it can happen here.
It happened to that person, it can happen to you.
No one is immune to the trials and tribulations of life.
06-28-2016, 05:06 PM
NY have 2 major faults one in western NY 'the clarendon-linden' that runs near buffalo NY, and the other one 'Ramapo fault' runs in NYC PA NJ. the best part of Ramapo fault is that the Indian Point Energy Center (Nuclear power plant) Is happen to be build on it.
maybe that's the reason why NJ is f**king filled with nut jobs, it must be from the nuclear waste.
those fault lines have gone off and few years before I left buffalo NY we had a small earthquake.
As my signature says...
It happened before, it can happen again.
It happened there, it can happen here.
It happened to that person, it can happen to you.
No one is immune to the trials and tribulations of life.
Isn't there a shelf or something off the coast of NY that, at some point, is supposed to fall apart and will cause a tsunami that will wipe out NY and most of the upper east coast? I remember hearing something like that.
Sent from Tapatalk (aka Uranus)
06-28-2016, 06:00 PM
yes the Canary Islands lies a major shelf and if it dose happen to fall the areas that will be effected will get a BI*CH slap that will feel like it came from a king Kong and Godzilla off spring "king zilla" the smack down will hit the countries of Europe, North Africa , the Caribbean ,Brazil and not least the United States.
the Atlantic coastlines of Britain will have waves reaching 40-50 feet high and 200 MPH 1-2 miles inland , London will have massive damage and with them having a huge underground system from subways sewer will make it worse for the city and not to forget coastal small cities and towns.
However the destruction in the United Kingdom will be as nothing compared to the eastern seaboard of the United States that will get the worse of it.
it will surge across the Atlantic at 500 miles MPH in less than seven hours and smack us with a 200 foot high wave and not adding the smaller ones to come after that large one smacks the USA, it will reach 19-23 miles inland, the large city of Boston will be the first to get hit then new York city and it will keep going down the coast and then Miami and keep going down until brazil. the wave post to lighten up somewhere in mexico coast line.
the death toll will be in the millions and damages cant even be calculated!
again this is only what I recall form few years back and I don't know if the theories have changed or not.
for a second I almost sounded like I knew a few things, we are DOOMED!
06-28-2016, 06:20 PM
yes the Canary Islands lies a major shelf and if it dose happen to fall the areas that will be effected will get a BI*CH slap that will feel like it came from a king Kong and Godzilla off spring "king zilla" the smack down will hit the countries of Europe, North Africa , the Caribbean ,Brazil and not least the United States.
the Atlantic coastlines of Britain will have waves reaching 40-50 feet high and 200 MPH 1-2 miles inland , London will have massive damage and with them having a huge underground system from subways sewer will make it worse for the city and not to forget coastal small cities and towns.
However the destruction in the United Kingdom will be as nothing compared to the eastern seaboard of the United States that will get the worse of it.
it will surge across the Atlantic at 500 miles MPH in less than seven hours and smack us with a 200 foot high wave and not adding the smaller ones to come after that large one smacks the USA, it will reach 19-23 miles inland, the large city of Boston will be the first to get hit then new York city and it will keep going down the coast and then Miami and keep going down until brazil. the wave post to lighten up somewhere in mexico coast line.
the death toll will be in the millions and damages cant even be calculated!
again this is only what I recall form few years back and I don't know if the theories have changed or not.
for a second I almost sounded like I knew a few things, we are DOOMED!
Yep. That was it. Here's a link I found to an article on it if anyone is interested. But smarty pants Gambit pretty much nailed it on the head. Well done sir!
Sent from Tapatalk (aka Uranus)
06-28-2016, 07:15 PM
Thank you and same time damn you
I had to go and look everything up to make sure if what I recalled was even close and they used big words and now my head hurts and same time I forgot how to tie my shoes.
but I did see I was wrong about whom was getting hit the hardest I thought it was post to slow down around mexico I copy and paste this part the next sentence.
But the built up coastal areas of Florida, Brazil and the Caribbean were expected to suffer the greatest destruction, according to a new forecast by Dr Simon Day, of the Benfield Greig Hazard Research Centre at University College London.
sorry I failed in that part but thank you again my friend I feel better now about myself but now I need to go and buy shoes that have Velcro and not laces
We have the new Madrid fault line in western ky and I think it's capable of a pretty big one. Years ago it went off and changed the course of the Mississippi river and now a little part of Kentucky is an island. Dangerous stuff.
Sorry I'm not as well versed on the history as smarty pants gambit lol!
Montana Rancher
07-03-2016, 01:07 AM
Blah blah blah
The Yellow Stone caldera is the one closest to me, OMG it is going to possibly erupt.
A lot of fear mongering, keep prepared but not because Mother Nature is "due" to erupt.
Far more likely that the government or the banking system will erupt.
07-05-2016, 02:10 AM
Blah blah blah
The Yellow Stone caldera is the one closest to me, OMG it is going to possibly erupt.
A lot of fear mongering, keep prepared but not because Mother Nature is "due" to erupt.
Far more likely that the government or the banking system will erupt.
No fear mongering here. CA has a high likelihood of a massive quake in the near future. I prep for everything but a quake is always on my mind.
Might I suggest a cold beer or maybe a big bong rip. JMO.
Sent from Tapatalk (aka Uranus, not to be confused with the Anus' at Survivalist Board)
07-05-2016, 09:43 AM
With all that's been said so far in this thread...........
Makes it even more important to be "ready" for "the event".
It IS COMING, . . . just nobody knows when.
Need to be PRAYED UP, . . . packed up, . . . and no loose ends dangling.
Long time ago, I decided I'd make it easy on my acquaintances, . . . I'd just forgive them, . . . just in case something happened.
So far, . . . at least, . . . it has worked for me.
May God bless,
Blah blah blah
The Yellow Stone caldera is the one closest to me, OMG it is going to possibly erupt.
A lot of fear mongering, keep prepared but not because Mother Nature is "due" to erupt.
Far more likely that the government or the banking system will erupt.
Yeah earthquakes and hurricanes and snow storms are very rare but economic meltdowns happen all the time. Anyone who thinks natural disasters are dangerous are definitely just fear mongering
Montana Rancher
08-21-2016, 11:31 PM
Yeah earthquakes and hurricanes and snow storms are very rare but economic meltdowns happen all the time. Anyone who thinks natural disasters are dangerous are definitely just fear mongering
Point taken, but having a few days worth of food is preparing for a snow storm (etc) having a few months worth of food is prepping, there is a LOT of difference.
P.S. I love your pic of Trump.. hehe
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