View Full Version : Some of my stock
07-16-2016, 09:06 PM
I figured we all talk a lot about our preps and food stuffs. It's raining today, some pretty strong off and on storms in GA. I figured I would do som inventorying today. Haven't done an inventory in a while, I've rotated through lots of cans.
I do keep a lot of 5 gallon buckets around with whole wheat, sugar, salt, popcorn, potato flakes, powder milk and several other things sealed in Mylar.
Also I like to can things I've grown too much of in the garden. Also sometimes I'll make a batch of something that's too much and decide to can't that as well and have several big jars ill keep as "preps". Figured I would throw a few pics up so you can see how much of a right wing nut job I really am.
I have enough food in my house for two people to live very well for a year if you do the math on calories. After that I would have to start doing something else. Also I have plenty of protection too so I should be able to keep my supply safe, either that or I'd get got and I wouldn't need it anyway.
07-16-2016, 09:13 PM
I'm not that organized for sure. Although I did have to build a heavy duty set of shelves along one wall of the bedroom. We rotate a lot. Buy a lot during sales and using coupons. Last year got several cases of corn for about a $1 a case during a sale and using coupons. Your organized enough to open a small store. Looks like your set.
A Watchman
07-16-2016, 09:23 PM
We think alike. My set up is real similar and I have almost a year for 4.
07-16-2016, 09:24 PM
Spam spam spam... nice collection of my favorite canned meat.
Hmm smoked spam.....
A Watchman
07-16-2016, 09:26 PM
Spam spam spam... nice collection of my favorite canned meat.
Hmm smoked spam ?
One glaring difference in my stores. I have no SPAM. I have canned turkey, chicken, tuna, salmon, corned beef, hamburger meat, and sardines!
07-16-2016, 09:37 PM
Spam spam spam... nice collection of my favorite canned meat.
Hmm smoked spam.....
Bacon flavored spam, with bacon!
07-16-2016, 10:23 PM
Bacon flavored spam, with bacon!Oh hell yes!
07-16-2016, 10:46 PM
You've got me beat. Although I'm only prepping for one so I don't have quite as much.
One question though, how do you keep it all from falling off the shelf when you store it sideways? :biglaugh:
07-17-2016, 01:22 AM
You've got it goin on!!
Where in Georgia are you exactly...? :eyebrows:
07-17-2016, 08:43 AM
I figured we all talk a lot about our preps and food stuffs. It's raining today, some pretty strong off and on storms in GA. I figured I would do som inventorying today. Haven't done an inventory in a while, I've rotated through lots of cans.
I do keep a lot of 5 gallon buckets around with whole wheat, sugar, salt, popcorn, potato flakes, powder milk and several other things sealed in Mylar.
Also I like to can things I've grown too much of in the garden. Also sometimes I'll make a batch of something that's too much and decide to can't that as well and have several big jars ill keep as "preps". Figured I would throw a few pics up so you can see how much of a right wing nut job I really am.
I have enough food in my house for two people to live very well for a year if you do the math on calories. After that I would have to start doing something else. Also I have plenty of protection too so I should be able to keep my supply safe, either that or I'd get got and I wouldn't need it anyway.
One suggestion, we use the same type of shelving but moved them sideways so we could rotate our canned goods. When we buy we load the shelf from one side and consume from the other. First in first out.
Prepared One
07-17-2016, 09:29 AM
Nice set up RW.
07-17-2016, 10:02 AM
Spam spam spam... nice collection of my favorite canned meat.
Hmm smoked spam.....
was going to say something about the all that spam but you beat me to it.
where is the turkey spam?
yes i happen to like turkey spam sandwiches
07-17-2016, 12:22 PM
One glaring difference in my stores. I have no SPAM. I have canned turkey, chicken, tuna, salmon, corned beef, hamburger meat, and sardines!
07-17-2016, 01:06 PM
One suggestion, we use the same type of shelving but moved them sideways so we could rotate our canned goods. When we buy we load the shelf from one side and consume from the other. First in first out.
I actually thought bout doing that, I think if I rearrange them I will do the shelves in the middle of the room that way I can go from any angle.
One question though, how do you keep it all from falling off the shelf when you store it sideways? :biglaugh:
A Watchman
07-17-2016, 01:08 PM
Montana Rancher
09-03-2016, 12:32 AM
Nice post RWalls
I personally love Spam but my slowing metabolism combats against it. In SHTF it will be as good as whiskey but in the interm I can't consume as much as I need to buy and it would probably go bad.
I also had not heard of "Honeyville" foods before you posted your picture, I'll look into that as well.
My stock includes 48 can rotations of stuff we use in abundance like "Cream of Mushroom soup" and all the beans, corn and other vegitables that you can imagine.
I thought I would also include a picture of my 2 x 20 and 24 cubic foot freezers stuffed to the gills, mostly protein but worth considering.
My main point is some serious preps which I don't ever intend to use until SHTF
But why should I, it lasts for years
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