View Full Version : There Will Be No Second American Revolution: The Futility of an Armed Revolt

07-19-2016, 11:40 AM
America is a ticking time bomb.

All that remains to be seen is who—or what—will set fire to the fuse.

We are poised at what seems to be the pinnacle of a manufactured breakdown, with police shooting unarmed citizens, snipers shooting police, global and domestic violence rising, and a political showdown between two presidential candidates equally matched in unpopularity.

The preparations for the Republican and Democratic national conventions taking place in Cleveland and Philadelphia—augmented by a $50 million federal security grant for each city—provide a foretaste of how the government plans to deal with any individual or group that steps out of line: they will be censored, silenced, spied on, caged, intimidated, interrogated, investigated, recorded, tracked, labeled, held at gunpoint, detained, restrained, arrested, tried and found guilty.

For instance, anticipating civil unrest and mass demonstrations in connection with the Republican Party convention, Cleveland officials set up makeshift prisons, extra courtrooms to handle protesters, and shut down a local university in order to house 1,700 riot police and their weapons. The city’s courts are preparing to process up to 1,000 people a day. Additionally, the FBI has also been conducting “interviews” with activists in advance of the conventions to discourage them from engaging in protests.

Make no mistake, the government is ready for a civil uprising.

It does not matter how long you think you can hold out by relying on survivalist skills, guerilla tactics and sheer grit. The government has the resources to outwait, out-starve, outman, outgun and generally overpower you.

07-19-2016, 01:28 PM
Ya got wonder though, how many government servants would dissent if it came down to it?

Sent from Tapatalk (aka Uranus, not to be confused with the Anus' at Survivalist Board)

07-19-2016, 02:59 PM
I know of one..... just saying.

07-19-2016, 04:48 PM
Make that two.

07-19-2016, 05:08 PM
The key thing to remember is unlike the revolutionary war...where the enemies power was an ocean away....a new revolution would be with the enemy holding all the terrain and their power here.

So you can't fight it that way. You fight it like all revolutions...as a guerilla war....and there will be no traditional victory....you fight to effect political change...which means if you openly attempt to accomplish it...you will get the opposite in response.

It truly is a chess game where any obvious moves are easily defeated...it requires a well thought out strategy with tactics supporting them...and typically only finding success as a result of nearly losing everything.