View Full Version : 3 Ways to Prep Your Fridge and Freezer for a Summer Power Outage

07-25-2016, 06:49 AM
1. Set Up an Ice Cube Watchdog
Planning a summer vacation or some other exodus? That’s great. But what if your power is out for days while you’re gone, the food in your freezer spoils, then the power comes back and the freezer re-freezes it? Chances are good that eating this food would make you sick, perhaps very sick. But there’s a simple way to see if your freezer was off in your absence.


07-25-2016, 12:18 PM

I like the Ice Cube idea. Simple but smart.

07-25-2016, 01:23 PM
I lined our big chest freezer with gallon jugs of water from milk containers. Can drink it if necessary. Last week I emptied the thing in order to clean it up for the new owners. It took four days for the ice to melt at room temperature. Next big freezer we get - I will definitely do the ice cube in a cup thing.

07-25-2016, 01:25 PM
I lined our big chest freezer with gallon jugs of water from milk containers. Can drink it if necessary. Last week I emptied the thing in order to clean it up for the new owners. It took four days for the ice to melt at room temperature. Next big freezer we get - I will definitely do the ice cube in a cup thing.

That was with the top open and the freezer unplugged. I am certain that with the top closed, it would last at least a week.