View Full Version : Baofeng UV 5RV2+ Review: Why Baofeng Radios are a Bad Choice for Preppers

08-08-2016, 05:39 AM
When it comes to emergency communications there’s a lot of advice out there on what types of emergency radios you should carry in your bugout bags. But sadly, the recommendations are usually coming from people who have little to no experience in emergency communications – and most of them have no experience with ham radio.

I’ve been a Licensed Ham Radio operator for over 20 years now, I’ve had numerous radios and talked to people from around the globe; I’ve done so on equipment that ranged from high-tech top of the line gear to cobbled together radio parts and antennas that looked like some sort of mad science fair project. I’m not telling you this to brag, I just want you to know that when I recommend a product, or in this case tell you to stay away from a product, I do so from experience.

Baofeng Radios are infamous in the prepping community. Go to almost any prepping website and you will see read an article from someone telling you how you need these little radios in your bag, claiming they are the perfect prepping radio: BULLSHIT!

Video here - http://offgridsurvival.com/baofenguv5rv2review/

A Watchman
08-08-2016, 06:04 AM
The Prepper's radio of choice is typically an affordable radio bought for an emergency or a SHTF scenario. Two things to remember:

There are more an better pieces of equipment out there, but do you want them in a BOB?
The author is a full time ham operator. Most preppers are not.

08-08-2016, 06:20 AM
Ham radio is one of those topics that I know I need to learn. But I just cannot get motivated to actually spend the time and energy learning it. I have downloaded a few books on the subject and I am usually pretty good following along with them until the second paragraph. I just need to bear down and find a Ham nerd that can explain this stuff to me in English.

08-08-2016, 06:25 AM
I have a baofeng uv5ra. It works. But guess what. I have little to experience in emergency communications. I will say that on the walkie talkie frequencies it works very well. Much better than my motorolas.

08-08-2016, 12:29 PM
Ham radio is one of those topics that I know I need to learn. But I just cannot get motivated to actually spend the time and energy learning it. I have downloaded a few books on the subject and I am usually pretty good following along with them until the second paragraph. I just need to bear down and find a Ham nerd that can explain this stuff to me in English.

To me, the problem with HAM is that you really need big time antennas to accomplish much. HAM will not help the lone survivalist who is trying to "get to" or "get home". The guy with the big HAM rig had also better have one hell of a good generator set up in his home.

I spent hours trying to receive anything on a really good hand-held unit and learn the business. Had no luck at all. I finally gave up and sold all my stuff on eBay.

In some ways it is like the difference between having a point and shoot camera (walkie-talkies or VHF) vs. professional camera equipment (HAM and all that is involved). You either have the knack and are willing to invest the time, or you don't.

08-08-2016, 01:44 PM
In some ways it is like the difference between having a point and shoot camera (walkie-talkies or VHF) vs. professional camera equipment (HAM and all that is involved). You either have the knack and are willing to invest the time, or you don't.

You're probably right. I should just find a Ham that I can bribe or threaten if I feel the need to communicate to somebody.

08-08-2016, 06:41 PM
You're probably right. I should just find a Ham that I can bribe or threaten if I feel the need to communicate to somebody.

I look at it this way. If and when the SHTF, the last thing any authorities -- assuming there are any left -- will be worrying about is who has their Amateur Radio License. So, I will abscond with some HAM equipment and/or I will simply include in my cabal of defenders one or more HAM operators. They can keep us in touch with the outside world. ITMT, until the grid goes down, I will continue to watch the NFL and Americas Cup, and a smattering of NASCAR (whenever they get back to some excitement), and Fox News.